Solar Geometry Final

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Solar Radiation


• Sun is the basic source of energy for the Earth.

• Energy is radiated by the sun as electromagnetic waves.

• Solar Energy reaching the top of the earth atmosphere consist

about 8% of ultraviolet radiation (λ ≤0.39𝞵m).

• 46% Visible radiation (range of 0.39 to .78 micrometre).

• 46% infrared radiation (λ ≥0.78𝞵m)

Solar constant

• This is the amount of energy received in unit time on a unit

area perpendicular to the sun’s radiation at mean distance of
the earth from the surface.

• The value of the solar constant is 1353w/m^2.

• Usually it varies due to variation of the distance between the

sun and the earth.
Calculation of solar constant

n is number of days
and Isc is standard solar constant
Since n is number of days so 2 can be neglected and equation can be written as below

Solar Radiation at the Earth

SOLAR RADIATION • The solar radiation on the earth

surface is entirely different from
the radiation enter into the
atmosphere .So the total radiation
on the earth have two
component .

Direct Radiation
Diffuse a. Direct or Beam Radiation

b. Diffuse Radiation
Solar Radiations type and

Direct Radiation
• The radiation that is not scattered or
absorbed and reaches the ground directly
from the sun is called direct radiation .
Diffuse Radiation
• It is the Solar radiation receive from the
sun after its direction has been changed
by reflection and scattering by the
atmosphere .


Angles useful in solar radiation analysis are:

1. latitude angle
2. longitude angle
3. Declination angle
4. Hour angle
5. Inclination angle
6. Zenith angle
7. Solar azimuth angle
Latitude angle

• It is the angle made by the radial line joining the

location to the centre of the earth and the
projection of that line Equatorial plane.

• It is the angular distance on north or south of the

Equator measured from the centre of the earth.

• It can be varies between -90 degree to 90 degree.

Longitude angle

• It is the angle measured from the greenwich to

the projection of the radial line (line joining the
location of Centre of earth).

• Longitude is described as being either east or

west ,depending on which way we measured from
the prime Meridian.

• It ranges from 0 degree at meridian and 180

degree at antimeridian

Declination angle

• It is the angle between a line extending

from the centre Sun to centre of earth and
the projection of this line upon earth’s
equatorial plane.
• It is due to tilt of the earth’s axis it varies
between 23.5 Degree (june 21 ) to -23.5
degree(december 22).
• It is zero on two equator day that is march
21 and september 22 or 23.

Declination angle(cont.)

Hour angle

• The angle through which the earth must turn to bring the meridian of a
point directly in line with the sun’s rays.

• It is the measure of the time of the day with respect to solar noon, based
on the Local solar time(LST), +ve before noon and –ve during

• At noon, hour angle=0 and it varies 15 degree per hour.

Inclination angle

•▪ It
  is the angle made by the sun
ray and its projection on the
horizontal plane.
• Here, is denoting the inclination
angle .

Zenith angle

•▪ Complementary
  angle of
inclination angle that is
angle between the sun rays
and its projection on the
vertical plane.
• Here,Zenith angle is denoting
as .

Solar azimuth angle

•▪ It
  is the horizontal angle
measured from the north to
the horizontal projection of
the sun’s rays.
• It is consider positive west
• Here , Azimuth angle is
denoting as .

Team Presentation

Vishwajit kumar Anand Kumar Dilesh Sahu Sarvesh Kumar
Power Electronics Power Electronics Power Electronics Power Electronics
And Drives And Drives And Drives And Drives


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