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Olufemi Ogunbode

08023825663, 07033123863
 Life is a gift. It must be lived to the
fullest and must not be wasted.
 You are put on this earth to fulfill one
major purpose,
 if that one major purpose is not fulfilled,
your life have no meaning- yourself,
community and to humanity
  Having an inherentability or capacity
for growth, development, or coming
into being.
 Possessing the capacity for growth or
 How is this possible? Through having
a holistic life
A holistic life comprises of
1. The spirit-soul
2. Physical fitness-body
3. Mental Aptitude-mind
4. Social and economic well being
 The soundness of these compartment
for a holistic life are the functionality
for an optimal life.
 A holistic life will lead to unleashing
your potentials
 You unleash your potentials when
you live a balanced life-the hormony
of body, mind and soul
 Prayer
 Mediation
 Good deeds
 Reading good literatures
 Feeding the mind with positive and
uplifting messages
 Be in the company and association of
positive thinkers
 Drinking lots of water
 Breath in fresh air
 Exercise often and regularly
 Have good eating habits
 There are many who are confused and
are yet to discover their potentials.
 The journey of self-discovery is the
first stepping stones to greatness 
1. Self-knowledge. How many of us can simply and
sincerely answer the question: WHO AM I? Not
people know who they are. WE are not our names,
our professions.
2. know what you want to become. In answering this
question, you have to answer sincerely:
 What am I doing?
 What cause moves me to action?
 What is my purpose?
 How does where I am affect what I aspire to be?
3. You must be able to tell yourself.
 How you want to grow in wisdom/
 Reach full stature of your
 Develop your abilities and talents
to there fullest;
 You want to be honest to yourself
and sincere in dealing with people.
 The society is the environment you
live in, operate in and function in.
 Without you the society is useless
 Many life's depends on you, and if you
would not unleash those potentials
they will die in their suffering and
1. Believe
 That your mind possess extraordinary powers
that can change your situations and the
 Act what you believe- walk the thought and talk

2. Stay focused
 Staying focused will help you know what and
where you want your life to be
 Concentration is a must thing
 Develop your concentration and this is possible
via listening, writing and imaginations
3. Mediate-
 mediation is a powerful tool for
developing your mental powers
 Its creates a gateway to your
subconscious mind
 Get engrossed in positive thought
 Focus and concentrate on those positive
 Entrepreneurship is the process
whereby individuals become aware of
business ownership as an option of
viable alternatives, develop ideas for
business, learn the process of
becoming an entrepreneur and
undertake the initiation and
development of a business.
 i.e.- employing your community
 Generation of idea
 Seek for opportunities
 Test your idea vs. the opportunity community
 Develop entrepreneurial mindset
 Find your target market in terms of
▪ Income scale
▪ Experience/exposure
▪ size
▪ Location
 Seek for resources/ capital to commence business
 Important to be creative and innovative, this will make
your products/service different from others
1. Recognize an opportunity
2. Evaluate it with critical thinking (SWOT)
3. Build a team
4. Write a business plan
5. Gather resources
6. Decide ownership
7. Create wealth
 Independence
 Satisfaction
 Financial Reward
 Self-Esteem
 Leadership: ability to influence followers for the
 Communication: ability to keep a clear and
consistent message 
 Decision-making: knowing when to make a
 Being a good team player: knowing when to trust
and when to delegate 
 Ability to telescope: to focus in on the details and
then move back to the bigger picture.

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