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INTENTION: For those in authority who have
the responsibility of keeping themselves and
others safe during this pandemic, including
parents and caregivers; business,
government, and Church leaders; and most
especially the medical professionals on the INTENTION: That during this time
front line and the scientists other entities of fear and uncertainty, we keep in
who are advising the public on safety mind the needs of our neighbors both
measures. May God grant us the wisdom to near and far and especially for the
keep our charges poor, homeless, hungry, and
disenfranchised. May we rise to meet
the needs of others in Jesus’ name be
they physical, emotional, or spiritual

For those who are suffering in For those who are sick with
anxiety and fear, as well as for COVID‐19, for those who are ill with
those who are suffering because of other diseases and infirmities, and for
isolation or, on the opposite end, all of us who need to heed the
because of the close presence of guidance of public health officials.
others. That we heed God’s call to May the sick be healed, may the
not be afraid. That we know we frontline workers be given strength
are never alone. That we rest our and adequate resources to treat us,
worries at the foot of Jesus’ cross. may we all accept public health
That we all embrace faith over guidance.
fear or anxiety.
For the Body of Christ, the Catholic Church, as we bring
the Truth of Christ into the world. May we never tire or
pull back in fear from being the light of Jesus to others in
our world. May we discern the opportunities to share the
love of God during this tumultuous time.

Let us all be aware of God’s presence within and among

us/ with the accompanying presence of our Blessed
Mother/ and our Foundress/ Venerable Ignacia Del
Espiritu Santo.…

+ In the name of the Father…

O Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary I offer you my prayers works,
joys and sufferings of this day in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
throughout of the world; I offer them for all the intention of Your Sacred Heart
the salvation of souls reparation for sins the reunion of all Christian. I offer them
for the intentions of our bishops and of all the Apostles of prayer, and in
particular… (Intention of the month)
*for peace in the world, in our country, in our school, in our families & in our hearts.

* for all RVM Sisters in their respective ministries here in the Philippines and in over-seas Mission

*for our Academic Community: the students and their parents, teachers, personnel and alumni.

*for more vocations to the priestly and religious life especially to the RVM Congregation.

*for those whom we promised to pray for and all other intentions entrusted to our prayers.

Father in Heaven, Your name is glorified over all the earth in Your saints,
men and women, distinguished by a whole-hearted service and love for You.
Thru congregations them You have established religious in Your Church. In
Your goodness and mercy, You have looked with favor on Your people in the
Philippines and have chosen from among them Your lowly handmaid
IGNACIA DEL ESPIRITU SANTO to be the Foundress of a religious family
under the special protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We humbly ask You,
then, to glorify Your name in her, by performing the miracles needed for her
beatification. Through Your Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Petition)
That God’s grant healing and wholeness to
those who call on the name of the Lord through
the intercession of Mother Ignacia.

May her prayers and intercession obtain for us the favor we ask
for, particularly that of remaining ever faithful to Your love and
service. Amen

My Queen and my Mother, I gave myself

entirely to you; and to show my devotion to
you, I dedicate to you this day my eyes, my
ears, my mouth, my heart-my whole being-
without reserve. Wherefore, O good Mother,
as I am your own, keep me and guard me, as
your property and possession. Amen.
L-Most Sacred Heart of Jesus L- St. Lorenzo Ruiz and his
companion martyrs
R- Have Mercy on Us
R- Pray for Us
L- Immaculate Heart of Mary
L- St. Pedro Calungsod
R- Pray for Us
R- Pray for Us
L- St. Joseph
L- Venerable Ignacia Del
R- Pray for Us Espiritu Santo

L- St. Ignatius of Loyola R- Pray for Us

R- Pray for Us + In the name of the Father…

(Gospel of the day…short reflection)

A reading from the Holy Gospel
according to Saint Luke

Glory to you O Lord
Matthew 9:9-13
 As Jesus was walking on from there he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax
office, and he said to him, 'Follow me.' And he got up and followed him. 10 Now while
he was at table in the house it happened that a number of tax collectors and sinners
came to sit at the table with Jesus and his disciples.11 When the Pharisees saw this,
they said to his disciples, 'Why does your master eat with tax collectors and sinners?'
 When he heard this he replied, 'It is not the healthy who need the doctor, but the
sick.13 Go and learn the meaning of the words: Mercy is what pleases me, not
sacrifice. And indeed I came to call not the upright, but sinners.'
(Gospel of the day…short reflection)

The Gospel of the Lord

Praise to You Lord Jesus Christ
Seeking True Satisfaction
Feast of Saint Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist,

Just prior to this passage quoted above, Jesus saw Matthew, a tax
collector, sitting at his custom post collecting taxes. Jesus walked up to
him and said two simple words: “Follow me.” What did Matthew do?
He got up and followed Jesus and invited Him to his home for a meal.
When the Pharisees saw this, they acted with judgment and cruelty.
They said, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?”
Their reaction and Jesus’ subsequent response to them says much
about the goodness of our Lord.
When Jesus said that He “did not come to call the righteous but sinners,” He
was not speaking of the truly righteous. For example, the most righteous
person alive at that time, other than Jesus, was His dear mother. And we can
be certain that not only did Jesus call her but that she always responded with
her whole heart. However, Jesus was speaking of those who were “self-
righteous.” A self-righteous person is one who thinks highly of themself,
ignoring the truth of God but choosing, instead, to elevate their own image
in their own eyes and in the eyes of others. Simply put, to be self-righteous is
to believe a lie and, in fact, to believe the worst of lies. It’s the worst of lies
because this sin has the effect of causing a person to remain obstinate and
stuck in their sin. The self-righteous person does not see any need for
repentance or change in their life. Therefore, they are not open to the Word
Saint Matthew, whom we honor today, was different. He was a sinner
indeed. Most likely he was greedy and overly attached to his money. Tax
collectors were not highly regarded at that time because they were Jews who
worked for the Romans and were, therefore, seen as traitors to their own
people. Additionally, they were seen as thieves, because they often extorted
more than they should receive so that they could pocket some of the money.
For this reason, many Jews also feared the tax collectors because they knew
the tax collectors had Rome’s support in this illicit activity. What’s amazing
is that
Jesus approached Matthew, the sinner and tax collector, and confidently
called him to be a follower. Most likely, Jesus could see into his heart. He
knew Matthew was not happy with his life and was searching for more.
Therefore, as soon as Jesus called him to follow Him, it is clear that
something took place within Matthew’s soul. The fact that he got up and
followed our Lord shows that the spiritual draw to Jesus was far more
powerful than his desire for earthly wealth.
This same truth applies to each and every one of us. No matter what we find
ourselves drawn to and no matter how we seek satisfaction in life, the
supernatural truth is that there is only one thing that will satisfy. We could
have all the money in the world, all earthly power and prestige, and still, in
the depths of our souls, we will not find peace until we turn to Jesus and
follow Him. Some people learn this truth early in life, some later in life, and
some never discover it at all.
•Singing of the Philippine National Anthem

•Panatang Makabayan

•Vision and Mission Statement

•Singing of the School Hymn

•Girls Scout and Boys Scout Promise and law

(only Thursday)
We at St. Mary’s College of Tagum Inc.
(SMCTI) are prophetic witnesses to the love of
the Triune God. True to our Ignacian Marian
identity, we empower and nurture learners to
become ethical, service-oriented and engaged
citizens towards inner and social transformation
for the common good.
We commit ourselves to:
A. deepen our intimacy with the Triune God;
B. continuously form engaged Ignacian Marian learners who
witness to Faith, Excellence and Service in varied socio-
cultural environment;
C intensify research, instruction and community involvement to
develop world-class professionals;
D enhance resources and strengthen capabilities to improve the
quality of life; and
E. expand our educational thrust for the poor.

Every Monday
Thursday and
Friday only
Good morning Sisters, Teachers,
Marians; Praised be Jesus and Mary-
Now and forever

You may now proceed to your respective

classrooms silently.

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