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• It is named after the Emmental, the valley of a river,
near Berne.
•  Emmental cheese was first made around 1292 in that region.
• It is Switzerland's oldest cheese and considered an integral
part of Swiss heritage.
• Today, Switzerland, France, Austria, and Germany produce
Emmental cheeses that have a Protected Designation of
Fast Facts
• Milk source: Cow
• Country of
origin: Switzerland
• Texture: Semihard with
large irregular holes
• Color: Pale yellow

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How Emmenthal Is Made
Two of the
features that
About 12 litres
It is made from of milk are
cow's milk.  needed to make
distinctive are
1 kg of cheese.
its holes andUsually,
Emmental sweetness.
is Emmental
produced in cheese is left to
loaves of 70– ripen for a
80 kg. period of 6–7
weeks This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under C
Cheese holes
• A mix of proprietary cultures, including propionic
bacteria, is added during the maturing process.
• The propionic bacteria feeds on the lactic acid and
releases bubbles of carbon dioxide during the aging
•  The bubbles get trapped in the rind and slowly
form holes. 
• While the cheese matures, the temperatures will be
kept warm to allow the cheese's signature holes to
Impact on the globe
• In Europe, about 6% of the total amount of
milk these countries produce is used to
make Emmental cheese. 
•  France is the biggest producer of
Emmental.-In 2005, 13.1% of national milk
production was used for Emmental cheese.
About 19% of the production was exported.
• Emmental has more calcium than any
other cheese.
• It is also high in:
•     vitamin K2 for artery and
bone health;

•     Phosphorus for our cells
and energy;
•     Vitamin B12 for our DNA;
•     Copper for our
nervous system
•     Vitamin A to protect our
immune system

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In conclusion I can say that Emmental cheese
first came from Switzerland but later it
is spread in France, Austria, and Germany.
Now,French and Swiss people eat the most of this
kind of cheese, about 3.3 kg per person per
It has many necessary nutrients and minerals,but
to ensure their absorption by the body we must
not use cheese with foods rich in iron.

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• Valley-vale,
• Protected Designation of Origin-Appellation d'origine controlée (AOC,
"controlled designation of origin") is a French phrase which shows that a
product comes from a certain area.
• Copper-cupru;

•  Protected Designation of Origin Protected Designation of Origin

• https

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