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Class II

August 12 & 15, 2019

Topic Sentence

Supporting Ideas
Writing a Paragraph: Prewrite
• Verbalize
• Specify
• Ask: “Why?”
Fuel (Fun English) Club
Wednesdays 18:00-19:00
Previewing helps you to form a general idea
about the text in your mind.
To preview:
1. Read the title (if any).
2. Quickly read the first sentence of each
3. Read the last sentence/ last couple of
sentences of the last paragraph.
Essay - Definition
is (1)a short piece of writing on a (2)particular

It usually consists of several PARAGRAPHs.

Paragraph - Definition
is (1)a section of a piece of writing that deals with
(2)an even smaller topic.

It usually consists of several sentences.

The sentences in a paragraph work together to
make a point.
Paragraph Parts

(Sometimes a paragraph has

3. concluding sentence.)
Standard format of a Paragraph
A paragraph usually starts with a TOPIC
SENTENCE and followed by some

(Sometimes a paragraph has concluding

sentence as the last sentence.)
1. Topic Sentence - Definition
A TOPIC SENTENCE states what the writer wants to say in the
It expresses the main idea of the paragraph.
contains the TOPIC and the CONTROLLING IDEA of the

The TOPIC tells what is being discussed in the paragraph.

The CONTROLLING IDEA tells the main point,or what smaller
aspect of the topic will be discussed in the paragraph.
Topic and Controlling Idea of the Topic Sentence

Sentence Parts:
S – V (– O – how – where – when).
S – V (– O – manner – place – time).
` S – V (– C – place – time).

is usually the Subject of the Topic Sentence.

Controlling idea
is usually the predicate (V, O/C, manner, place, time.
Topics and Controlling Ideas of the Topic Sentence:
“An amoeba is one of the most basic of all living creatures.”

Topic is usually the Subject of the Topic Sentence.

An amoeba is one of the most basic of all living

Controlling idea is usually the predicate (V, O/C,

manner, place, time).
An amoeba is one of the most basic of all living

Topic: an amoeba
Controlling idea: one of the most basic of all living
Homework (1)
Kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini adalah Topic Sentence suatu paragraph.
Tuliskan Topic dan Controlling idea dari paragraph yang terkait.
1.The Mona Lisa is the best-known painting in the whole world.
2.The survey was approved by members of the board.
3.Cigarette advertisements target young people.
4.My brother studies for four hours every night.
5.Suffering makes a person strong.
6.Learning English is hard work.
7.Learning English is fun.
8.Paragraphs have a standard format.
9.Everything you write has a purpose.
10.Everything you write has an audience.
Read the article about the amoeba and the
white blood cells.
1.Write down the Topic Sentences.
2.For each of Topic Sentence write down the (a)
Topic and and (b) the Controlling Idea.
An amoeba is one of the most basic of all living creatures. It is just a one cell, oozing, bit
of gel. Yet, the amoeba performs all the basic functions that my body does. It breathes,
digests, excretes, and reproduces. In its own peculiar way it even moves, plumping a hump of
itself forward, and following with an effortless motion.
The white blood cells look exactly like the amoeba. The white blood cells are also made
of single cells. They are amorphous blobs of turgid liquid with darkened nuclei.
The white blood cells, however, are the armed forces of the body where they belong. The
white blood cells stay on guard all the time. When there is no attack, they roam watchfully
around the body. The white blood cells attack invaders efficiently and immediately. When
there is an attack, they hurry to the place of attack. They assume a blanket-like shape and
cover the invading bacteria. Chemicals explosives are then detonated after the bacteria are
absorbed. Within thirty seconds to a minute the invaders are destroyed.
The paradox between the amoeba and its mirror image, the white cell, is very thought-
provoking. The amoeba, a self contained organism, alone performs all the basic functions of
life, depending on other cells only when it ingests them as food. The white blood cell, though
similar in construction and composition, in a sense is far less free. A larger organism
determines its duties, and it must sometimes sacrifice its life for the sake of that organism.
Although more limited in self expression, the white cell performs a singularly vital function.
The amoeba flees danger; the white cell moves toward it. A white cell can keep a live a person
like Beethoven or Newton or Einstein … or you and me.
(From “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made” by Dr Paul Brand and Philip Yancey)
Topic Sentence Topic Controlling Idea
An amoeba is one of the most An amoeba One of the most basic of all
basic of all living creatures. living creatures
The white blood cells look exactly like The white blood cells Look exactly like the amoeba
the amoeba.

The white blood cells, however, are The white blood cells The armed forces of the body
the armed forces of the body where where they belong
they belong.

The paradox between the amoeba The paradox between the Very thought-provoking
and its mirror image, the white amoeba and its mirror
cells, is very thought-provoking. image, the white cells
Supporting Ideas
A Supporting Idea
is a statement that strengthens the topic
(It talks about the topic and controlled by the
controlling idea in the topic sentence.)

Check: ‘Example’ – 1st paragraph.

Supporting ideas
(in the first paragraph of the example)
An amoeba is one of the most basic of all living creatures. It is just a one cell,
oozing, bit of gel. Yet, the amoeba performs all the basic functions that my
body does. It breathes, digests, excretes, and reproduces. In its own peculiar
way it even moves, plumping a hump of itself forward, and following with an
effortless motion.
An amoeba is one of the most basic of all living creatures.
• It is just a one cell, oozing, bit of gel.
• Yet, the amoeba performs all the basic functions that my body does.
• It breathes,
• digests,
• excretes,
• and reproduces.
• In its own peculiar way it even moves, plumping a hump of itself forward, and
following with an effortless motion.
Homework (2)
• Tuliskan point-point yang menjadi supporting
ideas dari paragraph 3 dan 4 dari contoh.
• Jika ada, coret pikiran/ide yang tidak
seharusnya berada dalam paragraph tersebut
(karena ia keluar topic atau controlling idea).
The process in writing a paragraph
(Proses menulis paragraph)
Why am I writing? Who will read this?
1. Prewrite (pra-menulis)
What do I want to say?

2. Draft (tulis draft) How can I show my reader what I mean?

-Arrange ideas in a plan
- Write a draft

3. Revise (revisi) How can I make this clearer/more convincing?

4. Edit Are there errors?

Writing a paragraph: 1. Prewrite

1. Tujuan?
2. Pembaca?
3. Tulis apa?
Writing a paragraph: 1. Prewrite

Ingatlah, bahwa anda menulis karena suatu alasan.
Menulis dalam kuliah biasanya adalah untuk menjelaskan sesuatu atau
membuat argumen.

1. Apa tugas saya?
2. Apa topiknya?
3. Point apa yang ingin saya kemukakan?
4. Efek apa yang saya ingin terjadi pada pembaca?
Writing a paragraph: 1. Prewrite

Siapa pembacanya?
Ingatlah, bahwa ada orang yang akan membaca tulisan anda.
Dalam kuliah pembaca adalah dosen dan teman mahasiswa.

1. Apa yang pembaca saya telah ketahui tentang topik ini?
2. Apa yang pembaca saya ingin/perlu ketahui tentang topik?
3. Apakah pembaca saya memiliki suatu sudut pandang tentang topik
Pop Quiz I
Tuliskan topic dan controlling idea dari kedua
Topic Sentence di bawah ini:

1.The white blood cells and amoeba look alike.

2.An amoeba does everything that living
creatures do.

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