BDIP RM Updating Plan Budget Linkage RNR

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Plan-Program-Budget Linkage

Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Bangsamoro Planning and Development Authority
Outline of Presentation
I. Legal Basis
II.National Policies that Needs to be Localized
Plan-Program-Budget Linkages Frame Work
IV.Projection of impact and outcome of our
budget against the 1st BDP
V. Fiscal Space Projection
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bangsamoro Planning and Development Authority
Legal Basis
• Executive Order (EO) No. 292 series of 1987 provides that the State shall ensure that all
socioeconomic programs and activities of the government shall be programmed within
the context of well-formulated and consistent long, medium, and short-term
development plans and policies to promote both the growth of the economy and the
equitable distribution of the benefit of such growth to the members of society.

• Section 2, Article XIII of Republic Act No. 11054 states that in order to protect and
improve the quality of life of its inhabitants, the development in the Bangsamoro
Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) shall be carefully planned taking
into consideration the ecological balance and the natural resources that are available
for its use and for the use of the future generations. It also provides that the
Bangsamoro Government shall promote the effective use of economic resources and
endeavor to attain economic development that facilitates growth and full employment,
human development and social justice.
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bangsamoro Planning and Development Authority
Legal Basis
• Section 4, Article XIII of RA 11054, provides that Parliament shall establish the
Bangsamoro Economic and Development Council (BEDC) which shall serve as the
planning, monitoring, and coordinating agency for all development plans, programs,
and projects of the Bangsamoro Government. It shall evaluate and recommend short,
medium, and long-term comprehensive development plans, programs, and projects for
the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region for approval by the Parliament.

• Pursuant to the above-mentioned provisions of the RA No. 11054, the Bangsamoro

Parliament enacted Bangsamoro Autonomy Act (BAA) No. 6 establishing BEDC and
created for the purpose the Bangsamoro Planning and Development Authority (BPDA)
to serve as technical secretariat and executive arm of the BEDC.

Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Bangsamoro Planning and Development Authority
Legal Basis
• Honorable BARMM Chief Minister, Ahod Balawag Ibrahim issued Memorandum Order
No. 449 directing the formulation of the 1st Bangsamoro Development Plan 2020-2022
and mandating the BPDA to take lead the preparation of the same Plan and its
accompanying documents, the Bangsamoro Development Investment Program (BDIP)
and Result Matrix (RM).

• The 1st BPD was adopted by the BEDC and Parliament on June 05, 2020 and July 03,
2020, respectively.

• The 1st BDP, 2020-2022 articulates the overall thrust and directions of the BARMM for
the period 2020-2022 and beyond.

Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Bangsamoro Planning and Development Authority
Legal Basis
• Section 6 of the BAA No. 6 mandates the BEDC for coordinating the
formulation of continuing, and integrated socio-economic development
plans, policies and programs, including the formulation of annual and
medium-term public investment programs.

• The linkage between development planning, programming and budgeting

shall be of highest priority in planning and budgeting activities.

Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Bangsamoro Planning and Development Authority
Legal Basis

Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Bangsamoro Planning and Development Authority
National Policy that needs to be Localized

Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Bangsamoro Planning and Development Authority
National Policy that needs to be Localized

The Development Budget Coordination Committee (DBCC) primarily

review and approve the macroeconomic targets, revenue
projections, borrowing level, aggregate budget level and expenditure
priorities and recommend to the Cabinet and the President of the
consolidated public sector financial position and the national
government fiscal program.

Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Bangsamoro Planning and Development Authority
National Policy that needs to be Localized

Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Bangsamoro Planning and Development Authority
National Policy that needs to be Localized
Functions of the DBCC
 Recommend for Presidential approval the level of the annual government expenditure
program and the ceiling of government spending for economic and social development, national
defense, general government and debt service;
 Recommend to the President the proper allocation of expenditures for each development
activity between current operating expenditures and capital outlay; and
 Recommend to the President the amount set to be allocated for capital outlay under each
development activity for various capital or infrastructure projects.

Aside from what was explicitly mentioned in the EO No. 232, listed below are other major functions
of the DBCC:
 The assessment of the reliability of revenue estimates;
  The recommendations of appropriate tax or other revenue measures and the extent and type of
the borrowings; and
 The conduct of periodic review and general examination of costs, accomplishments and
performance standards applied in undertaking development projects
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bangsamoro Planning and Development Authority
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bangsamoro Planning and Development Authority
Plan-Program-Budget Implementation:
Process Framework

Planning Programming Budgeting

Cycle Cycle Cycle
Program-Project Budget
1st BDP & Development Preparation
(IAs through the BBCC)
Results Matrix BDIP
Goals, Outcomes & Budget
GOP Approval (Natl Authorization (Parliament)
Outputs = Indicators, Baseline,
Info , Targets, IAs ODA Process

Appraisal and Budget
Approval Execution (IAs)


Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bangsamoro Planning and Development Authority
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bangsamoro Planning and Development Authority
Response and
Recovery Plan
for CoVid 19

Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Bangsamoro Planning and Development Authority
Plan-Program-Budget Linkage


Annual Investment Plan (AIP)

• Contains priority PPAs that contributes to the
BARMM overall goals and outcomes
• Funding Source
 Block Grant (GAAB)
Regular PPAs (Tier 1 – Funded)
Proposed PPAs (Tier 2 – Unfunded) Submission of the AIP to
 Nationally Funded and unfunded the MFBM as inputs to the
ODA funded and unfunded budget preparation (May
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bangsamoro Planning and Development Authority
25, 2021
promise? TARGETS Ministry Ministry
Deliver? What is What is my
being asked of contribution NGA Ministry
me? to BARMM by C
How do we better serve
our people together?
What can
possibly happen
in 2022?
Better than
If we are to be better than
2018, what should we do? How
do we work internally?
ENVISION Externally?
What will Strategic Convergence Institution
BARMM 2022
alliance and towards Ramdam ng building and
look like?
partnerships tao strengthening
Strategic communications
Thank you and Wassalam

Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Bangsamoro Planning and Development Authority

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