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How to Write Your Research

Mr. Said Abdi Mohamud
Learning Objectives
This session is intended to impart the following;
1. The nature and purpose of business research
2. classification of research
3. Types of research
4. Research process
5. Research Project Structure
The nature and purpose of business Research
Research is central to both business and academics.
There is no consensus in the literature on how it
should be defined. However, from the many
definitions offered, there is general agreement that
he research is :-
 Systematic and methodical
 A process of inquiry and investigation
 Increase knowledge
Purpose of Business Research
The purpose of business research are very many,
but typical purpose of research can be
 To review and synthesize existing knowledge
 To investigate some existing situation or problem
 To provide solutions to a problem
 To explore and analyze more general issues
 To generate new knowledge
Classification of Research
Research can be classified:-
 Purpose of the research- the reason why is
 Process of the research- the way in which the
data were collected and analyzed.
 Logic of the research- whether the research
logic moves from the general to the specific or
vice verse.
 Outcome of the research- whether the expected
outcome is the solution to particular problem or
more general contribution to knowledge.
Types of research
The main types of research are the following:
 Exploratory, descriptive, analytical and predictive
 Quantitative and qualitative research
 Applied and basic research
 Deductive and inductive research
Type of research
Exploratory research- is conducted into a
research problem or issue when there is few
or no earlier studies. The aim of this type of
studies is to look for a patterns and ideas
and develop rather than test hypothesis.
Type of research
 Descriptive research- is conducted to
describe phenomena as they exist. It used
to indentify and obtain information on the
characteristics of a particular problem or
issue. The following examples are research
questions in descriptive research:
 What is the absentee rate in particular office?
 How many students study economics at UNISO
compared with students at SIMAD
 What type of package for a box of chocolates do
consumers prefer?
Type of research
 Analytical research- is to investigate a phenomenon
by discovering and measuring casual relations among
them. For example, information may be collected on
the size of companies and the levels labor turnover.
Type of research
 Predictive research- is a process of generalizing
from the analysis by predicting certain
phenomenon on the basis of hypothesized.
Research questions in predictive research are:-
 Will introduction of an employee bonus scheme
lead to higher levels of productivity?
 How would an increase in interest rate affect our
profit margin?
 If the police were increased, what will be the
effect of the security in the city?
Type of research
 Deductive research-is the study in which
conceptual and theoretical structure is developed
and then tested. For example, you may have read
about theories of motivation and wish to test them
in your workplace.
Type of research
 Inductive research- is the study in which theory
is developed from the observation of empirical
reality. For example, you may have observed from
factory records in your company that production
levels go down after two hours of shift and you
conclude that the production levels vary with
length of time worked.
Research Project Structure
• The RPS has the following chapter structure:
• 1. Introduction.
• 2. Literature Review
• 3.Research Methodology
• 4. Data Presentations, Analysis and
• 5. Major findings, conclusions and

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