Education Act of 1982

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OF 1982

Prepared by: Charlene Dahilig

Republic Act No. 232
• This was an act providing for the
establishment and maintenance of an
integrated system of education. In
accordance with Section 2, this act shall
apply to and govern both formal and non-
formal system in public and private schools
in all levels of the entire educational system.
• To achieve and maintain an accelerating rate
of economic development and social
• To assure the maximum participation of all
the people in the attainment and enjoyment
of the benefits of such growth; and
• To achieve and strengthen national unity and
consciousness and preserve, develop and
promote desirable cultural, moral and
spiritual values in changing world.
• It is also stated in Section 3 that:
• The State shall promote the right of
every individual to relevant quality
education, regardless of sex, age, creed
socio-economic status, physical and
mental conditions, racial or ethnic
origin, political or other affiliation. The
State shall therefore promote and
maintain equality of access to
education as well as the benefits of
education by all its citizens.
(Section 9)
• The right to receive competent instruction,
relevant quality education.
• The right to freely choose their field of
study subject to the existing curricula and
continue their course up to graduation,
except in cases of academic deficiency or
violations of disciplinary regulations.
• The right to school guidance and
counseling services.
• The right to access to his own school
records and the confidentiality of it.
• The right to issuance of official certificates,
diplomas, transcript of records, grades,
transfer credentials and similar document
within thirty days from request.
• The right to publish a student news paper
and invite resource persons during
symposia, assemblies and other activities.
The right to free expression of opinions and
suggestions and to effective channels of
communication with appropriate academic and
administrative bodies of the school or institutions.
The right to form or establish, join and participate
in organizations and societies recognized by the
school.., or to form, join and maintain
organizations and societies for purposes not
contrary to law.
The right to be free from involuntary contributions
except those approved by their organizations and
PERSONNEL (Section 10)
• Free expression of opinions and
• Establish join, maintain labor organization
of their choice to promote their welfare
and defend their interest.
• To be free from involuntary contributions
except those imposed by their own
• To be provided with free legal service by
the appropriate government office in case
of public school personnel and the school
authorities concerned in case of private
school personnel, when charged in
administrative, civil and/or criminal
proceedings, by parties other than the
school authorities concerned, for actions
committed directly in the lawful
discharged of professional duties and/or in
defense of school policies.
• Right to be free compulsory assignment not
related to their duties defined in their
appointment or employment contracts unless
compensated thereof. (additional
compensation Sec. 14 R.A. 4670- at least
25% his regular remuneration)
• Right intellectual property.
• Teachers are persons in authority when in
lawful discharge of duties and
responsibilities… shall therefore be
accorded due respect and protection
(Commonwealth Act No. 578)
• Teachers shall be given opportunity to
choose career alternatives for
(Section 12)
• School administrators shall be deemed
persons in authority while in the lawful
discharge of their duties and
responsibilities… shall be accorded due
respect and protection (Commonwealth Act
No. 578)
• The right of their governing boards… to adopt
and enforce administrative or management
• The right of institutions of higher learning to
determine on academic grounds who shall be
admitted to study, who may teach, and who
shall be the subjects of the study and research.
• Voluntary Accreditation (Section 29)
• Teachers and Administrators obligations
and qualification (Sections 16 and 17)
• Government Financial Assistance to
Private Schools (Section 41)
Republic Act No.9155
An act instituting a framework of
governance for basic education,
establishing authority and
accountability, renaming the
department of education, culture and
sports as the department of education,
and other for purposes.
SECTION 1. Short

“Governance of Basic
Education Act 2001”
SECTION 2. Declaration
of Policy
• Declared the policy of the State to protect and promote the right
of all citizens to quality basic education such education
accessible to all
• A free and compulsory education in the elementary level
• Free education in the high school level
• Alternative learning systems for out-of-school youth and
adult learners
SECTION 2. Declaration
of Policy
Goal of Basic Education: provide them with the skills,
knowledge and values they need to become caring, self reliant,
productive and patriotic citizens.

the heart of the formal education


Schools shall have a single aim of

providing the best possible basic
education for all learners.
SECTION 2. Declaration
of Policy
Governance of
basic Education
Where the policy and principle
National level for the governance of basic
education shall be translated
into programs, projects and
Field offices service developed, adapted and
• Regions offered to fit local needs.
• Divisions
• Schools
• Learning
SECTION 3. Objectives
1. To provide the framework for the governance of basic
• set the general directions for educational
policies and standards
• establish authority, accountability and
responsibility for achieving higher learning
2. To define the roles and responsibilities and provide
resources to field offices
• The field offices shall implement
educational programs, projects and services
in communities they serve.
SECTION 3. Objectives
3. To make schools and learning centers the most
important vehicle.
• Teaching and learning of national values
• Developing love of country and pride in its
4. To ensure that schools and learning centers receive the
kind of focused attention they deserve
• Educational programs, projects and services take
into account the interests of all members of the
SECTION 3. Objectives
5. To enable the schools and learning centers to reflect the
values of the community
• By allowing teachers/learning facilitators and
other staff to have the flexibility to serve the
needs of all learners
6. To encourage local initiatives for the improvement of
schools and learning centers
• And to provide the means by which these
improvements may be achieved and sustained
SECTION 3. Objectives
7. To establish schools and learning centers as facilities
where school children are able to learn a range of core
• Prescribed for elementary and high school
education programs
• The out-of-school youth and adult learners are
provided alternative learning programs and receive
accreditation for at least the equivalent of a high
school education.
SECTION 4. Definition
of Terms
Alternative Learning System
• Provide a viable alternative to the existing formal
education instruction.
• Non-formal and informal sources of knowledge and
Basic Education
• Intended to meet basic learning needs which lays the
foundation on which subsequent learning can be
• Covers EC, elementary and high school education,
ALS for out-of-school youth and adult learners and
education for those which special needs;
SECTION 4. Definition
of Terms
Cluster Schools
• Is a group of schools which are geographically
contiguous and brought together to improve the
learning outcomes
Formal Education
• is the systematic and deliberate process of
hierarchically structured and sequential learning
corresponding to the general concept of
elementary and secondary level of schooling.
• The learner needs a certification in order to
enter or advance to the next level.
SECTION 4. Definition
of Terms
Informal Education
• A lifelong process of learning
• A person can accumulates knowledge, skills,
attitudes and insights from daily experiences.
Integrated schools
• Is a school that offers a complete basic education in
one school site and has unified instructional
SECTION 4. Definition
of Terms
• Is any individual seeking basic literacy skills and
functional life skills or support services
Learning Center
• Is a physical space to house learning resources
• Facilities of a learning program for out-of-school
youth and adults.
• A venue for face-to-face learning activities and other
learning opportunities.
SECTION 4. Definition
of Terms
Learning Facilitator
• A person who is responsible for
supervising/facilitating the learning process
and activities of the learner
Non-formal Education
• Is any organized, systematic educational
activity carried outside the framework of the
formal system to provide selected, types of
learning to a segment of the population
SECTION 4. Definition
of Terms
• Is an educational institution, private and public,
undertaking educational operation with a specific age-
group of pupils or students pursuing defined studies at
defined levels, receiving instruction from teachers,
usually located in a building or a group of buildings in a
particular physical or cyber site
School Head
• is a person responsible for the administrative and
instructional supervision of the school or cluster of
Chapter 1: Governance
of Basic Education
SECTION 5. Principles
of Shared Governance
Shared Governance
• Principles of accountability and transparency
shall be operationalized in the performance of
functions and responsibilities at all levels;
• Communication channels shall be strengthened
to facilitate flow of information and expand
linkages with other government agencies, local
government units and non governmental
organizations for effective governance.
SECTION 6. Governance


Vested with authority, accountability and

responsibility for ensuring access to, promoting
equity in, and improving the quality of basic
SECTION 7. Powers,
Duties and Functions
National DepEd Secretary – overall authority and
level supervision over the operations
DepEd Secretary shall be assisted by:
• 4 usec
• Not more than 4 asec
• At least 1 usec and 1 asec who shall be
career executive officers chosen from
among the staff of the Department.
SECTION 7. Powers,
Duties and Functions
director, an assistant director and an
Regional office staff for program promotion and
Level support, planning, administrative and
fiscal services

• Approving the establishment of public

and private elementary and high
schools and learning centers; and
• Performing such other actions as may
be assigned by proper authorities.
SECTION 7. Powers,
Duties and Functions
SDS, at least 1 ASDS and office staff for
Division programs promotion, planning,
Level administrative, fiscal, legal, ancillary and
other support

• Supervising the operations of all public

and private elementary, secondary and
integrated schools, and learning centers;
• Performing such other functions as may be
assigned by proper authorities.
SECTION 7. Powers,
Duties and Functions
Schools Schools district supervisor and an office
District staff for program promotion
• Providing professional and instructional
advice and support to the school heads
and teachers/facilitators of schools and
learning centers in the district or cluster
• Curricula supervision; and
• Performing such other functions as may
be assigned by proper authorities.
SECTION 7. Powers,
Duties and Functions
School School head – both an instructional leader
Level and administrative manager.
• Performing such other functions as may be
assigned by proper authorities.
• teachers’/learning facilitators’ competencies,
improving and expanding school facilities and
providing instructional materials and
equipment; and
• No appointment to the positions of RDs,
ARDs, SDSs and ASDSs shall be made unless
the appointee is a career executive service
officer who preferably shall have risen from
the ranks.
Chapter 2: Transfer
of Cultural Agencies
SECTION 8. Cultural
• The program for school arts and culture shall
remain part of the school curriculum.
• The National Library shall now be
administratively attached to the National
Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA)
and no longer with the Department of Education.
Chapter 3: Abolition of the
Bureau of Physical Education
and School Sports
SECTION 9. Abolition of
• The program for school sports and physical fitness
shall remain part of the basic education curriculum.
• Transferred to the Philippine Sports Commission
Chapter 4: Support and
Assistance of other
Government Agencies
DepEd and DBM
• Jointly promulgate the guidelines on the
allocation, distribution and utilization of resources
provided by the national government for the field
offices, taking into consideration the uniqueness of
the working conditions of the teaching service.
The Secretary of the DepEd, subject to civil service
laws and regulations, shall issue appropriate
personnel policy rules and regulations that will best
meet the requirements of the teaching profession
taking into consideration the uniqueness of the
working conditions of the teaching service.

Commission on Audit
• The issuance of audit rules and regulations that
will govern the utilization of all resources as
well as the liquidation, recording and reporting

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