HRM Lec1

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Human Resource Management

"If you want 10 days of happiness, grow

grain. If you want 10 years of happiness,
grow a tree. If you want 100 years of
happiness, grow people."
"People are our most valuable asset" 

But the reality for many organizations is that

their people remain:

 under valued
 under trained
 under utilized
 poorly motivated, and consequently
 perform well below their true capability
 Human capital is essential to any
organization’s long-term performance
 Organizations perform better when they

treat their employees better.

 Human resources are key to

organizational success or failure.

 Building high performance work environments
depends on having people with the following

◦ Work ethic
◦ Ambition and energy
◦ Knowledge
◦ Creativity
◦ Motivation
◦ Sincerity
◦ Outlook
◦ Curiosity
◦ Judgment and maturity
◦ Integrity
Major human resource management
◦ Attracting a quality workforce
 Human resource planning, recruitment, and selection
◦ Developing a quality workforce
 Employee orientation, training and development, and
performance appraisal.
◦ Maintaining a quality workforce
 Career development, work-life balance, compensation
and benefits, employee retention and turnover, and
labor-management relations.
 Planning
 Organizing
 Staffing
 Leading
 Controlling
 Planning
◦ Goals and standards
◦ Rules and procedures
◦ Plans and forecasting.
 Organizing
◦ Tasks
◦ Departments
◦ Delegating
◦ Authority and communication
◦ Coordinating
 Staffing
◦ Hiring
◦ Recruiting
◦ Selecting
◦ Performance standards
◦ Compensation
◦ Evaluating performance
◦ Counseling
◦ Training and developing
 Leading
◦ Getting the job done
◦ Morale
◦ Motivation
 Controlling
◦ Analyze standards
◦ Comparing actual performance to standards
◦ Corrective action
You often see phrases like these in the annual
reports of major businesses:

 "Our people are our greatest asset"

 "Nothing is more important than our

 "The design, implementation and
maintenance of strategies to manage people
for optimum business performance"
Human Resource Management is the process of
acquiring, training, appraising, and
compensating employees and attending to their
labor relations, health and safety, and fairness
 Management process
◦ The five basic functions of planning, organizing,
staffing, leading, and controlling.
 Human resource management (HRM)
◦ The policies and practices involved in carrying
out the “people” or human resource aspects of a
management position, including recruiting,
screening, training, rewarding, and appraising.
 Hire the wrong person for the job
 Experience high turnover
 Have your people not doing their best
 Have some employees think their salaries are unfair and
inequitable relative to others in the organization
 Allow a lack of training to undermine your department’s
 Commit any unfair labor practices
 HR must take responsibility for:
◦ Clearly defining how management should be
treating employees.
◦ Making sure employees have the mechanisms
required to contest unfair practices.
◦ Represent the interests of employees within the
framework of its primary obligation to senior
 Recruiters
◦ Search for qualified job applicants.
 Equal employment opportunity (EEO)
◦ Investigate and resolve EEO grievances, examine
organizational practices for potential violations,
and compile and submit EEO reports.
 Job analysts
◦ Collect and examine information about jobs to
prepare job descriptions.
 Compensation managers
◦ Develop compensation plans and handle the
employee benefits program.
 Training specialists
◦ Plan, organize, and direct training activities.
 Labor relations specialists
◦ Advise management on all aspects of union–
management relations.

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