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Order: Rodentia

5 Suborders
1. Sciuromorpha
2. Castorimorpha
3. Myomorpha
4. Anomaluromorpha
5. Hystricomorpha
1. Sciuromorpha
b) Eastern Gray Squirrel 3 Families
a) Aplodontiidae- Mountain Beaver
b) Sciuridae- Squirrels, chipmunks and marmots b) Eastern Chipmunk

c) Gliridae- Dormice
b) Alpine marmot

c) Forest Mouse

c) Fat Dormouse
Family: Sciuridae
Including: Tree Squirrels, Ground Squirrels. Chipmunks, Marmots (incl Woodchuck),
Flying Squirrels and Prairie Dogs

Tree Squirrel
Arctic Ground Squirrel

Alpine Marmot

Flying Squirrel

Yellow-bellied Marmot Prairie Dog

2. Castorimorpha

b)Hispid Pocket
3 Families a)

a) Castoridae- Beavers
b) Heteromyidae- Kangaroo Rats, Kangaroo Mice and Pocket Mice
c) Geomyidae- Pocket Gophers
c) Barid’s Pocket Gopher
b)Desmarest's spiny pocket mouse b) Banner-tailed
Kangaroo Rat

c)Giant Pocket Gopher

Giant Kangaroo
3. Myomorpha
• Suborder: Myomorpha
– Superfamily: Dipodidae
• Family: Dipodidae
– Superfamily: Muridae
• Family: Palatacanthomyidae
• Family: Spalacidae
• Family: Calomyscidae
• Family: Nesomyidae
• Family: Cericetae
• Family: Muridae
3. Myomorpha
7 Families
a) Dipodidae- Birch Mice, Jerboas, and Jumping Mice
b) Platacanthomyidae- Malabar Spiny Dormouse and Pygmy Dormouse
c) Spalacidae- Blind Mole Rats, African Mole Rats, Zokors, Bamboo Rats
d) Nesomyidae- African and Malagasy endemic Rats and Mice
e) Cricetidae- New World Mice and Rats, Voles , Hamsters and Relatives
f) Muridae- Old World Mice and Rats, Whistling Rats, and Relatives
g) Calomyscidae- Mouse-like Hamsters
a) Dipodidae

Small Five-toed Jerboa

Woodland Jumping Mouse

Long-eared Jerboa
e) Cricetidae
Woodland Vole

Southern Red-backed Vole

Collared Lemming
Southern Bog Lemming


Field Vole in Notes…

Meadow Vole? Meadow Vole
f) Muridae
House Mouse

Europian Harvest Mouse

Australian Water Rat

House Rat
4. Anomaluromorpha
2 Families
a) Anomaluridae- Scaly-tailed Squirrels
b) Pedetidae- Springhare a) Scaly-tailed Squirrel

b) Springhare
5. Hystricomorpha
2 Infraorders, 18 Families
i) Ctenodactylomorphi
a) Ctenodactylidae- Gundus
ii) Hystricognathi
b) Bathyergidae- Blesmoles and mole rats
c) Hystricidae- old world porcupines
d) Petromuridae- Dasie Rats
e) Thryonomyidae- Cane Rats
f) Erethizontidae- Old World Porcupines
g) Chinchillidae- Chinchillas and viscachas
h) Dinomyidae- Pacaranas
i) Caviidae- cavies
Hystricomorpha cont’d
j) Dasyproctidae- acuchis and agoutis
k) Cuniculidae- Pacas
l) Ctenomyidae- Tuco-tucos
m) Abrocomidae- Chinchilla Rats
n)Echimyidae- Spiny Rats
o)Myocastoridae- Coypus and Nutria
p) Capromyidae- West Indian Hutias
q) Heptaxodontidae- Giant Hutias
r) Octodontidae – Degus, Rock Rats and Viscacha Rats
Common Mole Rats

Silvery Mole Rat

Naked Mole Rat


Thick-spined Porcupine

Cape Porcupine

North African Crested Porcupine

f) Erethizontidae

North American Porcupine

Brazilian Porcupine

Mexican Hairy Dwarf Porcupine

g) Chinchillidae


Southern Viscacha
I) Caviidae
Patagonian mara
Guinae Pig
Brazilian Guinae Pig

j) Dasyproctidae
Note: No

Ruatan Island Agoutis

Brazilian Agoutis Tail!

Red Acouchi

k) Cuniculidae

Lowland Paca
Mountain Paca
o) Myocastoridae



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