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L-13 Injury, Road Traffic Accident

(RTA) & Occupational Hazards

10/05/2021 SzP 1
Learning Objectives

• The various causes of injury and how such injury

can cause health impairment to the victims.
• The importance of raising social awareness and
what kind of awareness approaches are there
which would minimize accidental risks.
• The various issues of occupational health hazards
and the preventive methods that can be taken.
• The effectiveness of workplace safety
environment, such as creating an ergonomic
environment for ensuring health safety.
10/05/2021 SzP 2
What is Injury?
Any damage to your body is an injury.
Injuries can be caused by accidents or
acts of violence, and may occur at home,
work, or play.
They can be due to impact from blunt
objects or from objects that penetrate the
Common types of injury include
abrasions, lacerations, hematomas,
broken bones, joint dislocations, sprains,
strains, and burns.
Injuries are NOT accidents!
 Accidents: An unexpected occurrence,
happening by chance
 Injury: A definable, correctable event,
with specific risks for occurrenceSzP
10/05/2021 3
Types of Injury
Intentional Unintentional:
 Homicide  Motor vehicle
 Suicide crashes
 Rape  Pedestrian
 Shootings injury
 Stabbing  Motorcycle
 Domestic
 Occupational
 Child abuse
 Drowning
 Other assault
 Falls

10/05/2021 SzP 4
Types of Specific Physical Injury
 Back injury
 Elbow injury
 Foot and ankle
 Hand and wrist
 Head injury
 Heap and groin
 Knee injury
 Leg injury
 Neck and shoulder
injuries SzP 5
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10/05/2021 SzP 7
Four (4) Main Causes of
Ladder Accident

1. Selecting the
Wrong Type of
2. Using Worn
or Damaged
3. Incorrect Use
of Ladders
4. Incorrect
Placement of
What is Occupational Hazards
• An occupational hazard is a hazard experienced in the
• Occupational hazard as a term signifies both long-term and
short-term risks associated with the workplace environment and
is a field of study within occupational safety and health and
public health.
• Basically a hazard can cause harm or adverse effects (to
individuals as health effect or to organizations as
property or equipment losses).
What Type of Hazards are There?
 Hazards generally fall into one
of six groups:
1. Biological: bacteria, viruses, insects,
plants, birds, animals and humans, etc
2. Chemical: depends on the physical,
chemical and toxic properties of the
3. ***Ergonomic: repetitive
movements, improper set up of
workstation, etc
4. Physical: radiation, magnetic field,
pressure extremes(high pressure or
vacuum), noise, etc
5. Psychosocial: stress, violence etc
6. Safety: slipping/tripping hazards,
inappropriate machine guarding,
equipment malfunctions or
10/05/2021 breakdowns,
SzP 10
***What is Ergonomics…
• Ergonomics is the
study of the
relationship between
people and their
• The goal of ergonomics
is to ‘make the work
fit the worker’ instead
of ‘making the
worker fit the work’
10/05/2021 SzP 11
10 causes of workplace injury
1. Fatigue: If someone is pushed -- or pushes herself -- beyond reasonable limits to stay on
top of workload, the results often are physical and mental exhaustion.
2. Stress: Job security, finances, health issues, anxiety --heart attack, stroke or hypertension.
3. Lack of building safety measures
4. Slips
4. Trips
5. Toppling Objects
6. Hazardous Materials
7. Repetitive Motion: Carpal tunnel syndrome
8. Lifting
9. Workplace Violence

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10/05/2021 SzP 14
Preventive Measures
1. Wear proper clothing
2. Have regular medical check ups
3. Have careful and proper training
4. There should be a regular check up of all equipment,
5. Constantly check the temperature of the workplace.
There is an ideal temperature for every factory or bakery
6. Drink
7. Proper time management
8. The employers should give fire drills or earthquake

10/05/2021 SzP 15
Types Of Accidents
4. Railway
1. Road traffic

5. Violence
2. Domestic

3. Industrial 6. Homicide

10/05/2021 SzP 16
18th November is the World Day of Remembrance
for Road Traffic Victims.
More than 1.2 MILLION people die on roads each

10/05/2021 SzP 17
Road Traffic Accidents
• About 1.25 million die and 20 to 50 million suffer injuries
• Second leading cause of death for people between the ages 5 and
29, third leading cause for people between the ages 30 and 44
• 73% death occur among male
• 500 children killed each day in road crashes
• 90% of the world's fatalities on the roads occur in developing
• 96% total child deaths occur in developing countries
• In Bangladesh 8 persons die everyday
• 12,000 lives and 35,000 injuries annually(ARI,2011)
• Economic cost of 2% to 3% of the countries GDP, an enormous
loss in health related cost (WHO, 2015)
10/05/2021 SzP 18
Road Traffic Fatality rate
per 100,000 population in the WHO
Global World %

Developed 1. European 1. 9.3

Countries 2. American 2. 15.9
3. Eastern Meditation Region 3. 19.9

Developing 1. Western Pacific Region 1. 17.3

Countries 2. South East Asian Region 2. 17.0

Least Developed African Region 26.6

Road Traffic Accidents in Bangladesh
Roads and highways are more prone to road
accidents in BD
• Number increases on the eve of festivals
• 21 years 84K road accidents occurred, killed 56K
and injured 63K (BD Police 2015)
• PWAB revealed 8,642were killed and 21,855
injured in road crashed in 2015
• 10-15 people killed everyday in the year 2015
• 13.6 (every 100,000) are pedestrian, rate 45% of
all type of RTA
• Child involvement 16-20%
• Bangladesh ranking in RTA is #109
Causes of RTA in Bangladesh
Types Causes
Human Related 1. Reckless driving and over
Cause speeding
2. Use of drug and alcohol
3. Incompetency of the driver
4. Illegal competition
Road Cause 1. Hazardous road
2. Lack of proper design and
3. Curve of the road
4. Lack of safety measures
Socio-economic 1. Lack of roadway maintenance
and Demographic 2. Poor implementation of road
Cause traffic and regulation
3. Lack of awareness among people
4. License
Road Traffic Accidents
 In many countries motor
vehicle accidents rank first
among all fatal accidents.
 In Developing countries
road traffic accidents are
common due to:
 Lack of proper planning
 Unskilled driver
 Unsatisfactory personal
 Large number of slow and fast
vehicles share the same road.
 Large number of old poorly
maintained vehicles.
 Defective roads , poor street
10/05/2021 SzP 22
Types Of Accidents
These 4 accidents types account for
nearly 83% of the accidents
• Hit Pedestrian(43.7%)
• Rear End Collision(16.4%)
• Head On Collision(13.3%)
• Overturning(9.4%)

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Prevention of Accident and Injury
 Safety Education  Elimination
of Causative
 Availability of Factors
Safety Measures
 Enforcement
 Alcohol Control of Law
 Rehabilitatio
 Primary Care n Service
 Accidental
 Awareness Research
10/05/2021 SzP 24
Domestic Accidents
 Accident which takes place at
 The causes are:
1. Drowning –In
Bangladesh and
Maldives, death occur in
ponds, rivers, during
floods and cyclones.

2. Burns -2/3 cases are of

3. Poisoning -drugs,
4. Falls- rooftops, balconies,
10/05/2021 SzP
windows, stair cases 25
Injuries to the Children
Every day nearly 2,300
children and adolescents
die from injuries they
sustain as a result of
traffic accidents,
drowning, poisoning,
falls or burns and
Most of these incidents
occur in low- and
10/05/2021 SzP 26
Violence and Suicide
 Violence: 1.6 million
persons died worldwide of
which 3,86,000 were in
South east Asian region

 Suicide: Poisoning,
hanging and drowning are
the most common

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Stay Safe
Thank you

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