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Connecting Contrasting Ideas

Linking Words

There are a number of ways to connect contrasting ideas.

1- Despite and Inspite of

They are used as prepositions.

Both are followed by a noun or a gerund.

-Inspite of my hardwork, I did not do well on the test.

-Despite working hard, I did not do well on the test.

2- Although / Even though

They have the same meaning.

They begin an adverb clause.

Although / Even though she was tired, she studied all night.

Although / Even though the car was destroyed, no one was injured in the car crush.

Although/ Even though some people say it’s a dangerous city, I love living here.
3- However / Nevertheless / On the other hand

They are transitions.

They are used to start a second sentence that contrasts the information in the first
sentence by showing an unexpected result.

These transitions are followed by a comma.

The city is very expensive. However/ Nevertheless, I love living there.

On the other hand shows clear contrast such as different facts or opposing ideas.

I love living in the city. On the other hand, my partner would like to move to the
Let’s try !

•We'd love to stay for dinner._________ we have got to get going.

•They decided to stay in the area, _________ their problems with the local residents.

•_________the difficulties of a long journey, Peter decided to visit India.

•Getting a good job is hard work. ______________most people eventually find one
with patience.

•___________ the hotels were not equipped to handle them all, there were a number
of people who arrived.
Let’s try !
•We'd love to stay for dinner.However/Nevertheless/On the other hand we have
got to get going.
•They decided to stay in the area, inspite of/despite their problems with the local
•Despite/Inspite of the difficulties of a long journey, Peter decided to visit India.
•Getting a good job is hard work. However/Nevertheless/On the other hand most
people eventually find one with patience.
Although/ Even though the hotels were not equipped to handle them all, there
were a number of people who came

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