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Acute exacerbation of COPD

Anum haider
House officer medical unit IV
COPD Definition
• Progressive airflow limitation caused by airway
and parenchymal inflammation

• It includes chronic bronchitis and emphyesema

Emphysema Vs Chronic Bronchitis
Emphysema Chronic bronchitis
Definition Dilation/destruction of Productive cough
parenchyma >3 months/yr x > 2 yrs

Pathophysiology Tissue destruction Small airways affected

Matched V/Q defects V/Q mismatch
Mild hypoxemia Severe hypoxemia,
PHT, Cor Pulmonale
Clinical Manifestation Severe constant dyspnea Intermittent dyspnea
Mild cough Copious sputum
Physical Examination “Pink Puffers” ‘Blue Bloaters”
Tachypneic, Cyanotic, obese,
Non-cyanotic, thin Edematous
Diminished breath Rhonchi & wheezes
• An exacerbation of COPD should be defined as:

“a sustained worsening of the patient’s condition, from stable

state and beyond normal day to-day variations, that is acute
in onset and necessitates a change in regular medication in a
patient with underlying COPD”

• Subsequently, the definition was amended to include

exacerbations that did not necessitate a change in treatment

Rodriguez-Roisin R. Toward a consensus definition for COPD exacerbations. Chest

2000; 117(5 Suppl 2):398S-401S
Evaluation of the patients with
• PMH: COPD severity, exacerbations,

• Physical exam: VS, hemodynamic status, mental

status, accessory muscles

• Tests: Spirometry, O2 saturation, CXR,

blood tests, ECG and sputum culture
Principles of Management of AECOPD
• Treat Infections/ Avoid Triggers
▫ Antibiotics

• Optimize Gas Exchange

▫ Optimize bronchodilation
▫ Steroid therapy
▫ Oxygen as required
▫ Consider Non Invasive / Invasive ventilation
Treatment of AECOPD
Agent Dose Comments

Ipratropium MDI 4 – 8 puffs q 1 – 2 h 1st line therapy

Nebulizer 0.5mg q 1 -2 h

Albuterol MDI 4 – 8 puffs q 1 – 2 h Benefit if component

Nebulizer 2.5 - 5mg q 1 -2 h of reversible
Agent Dose Comments
Corticosteroids No consensus for optimal dose 1. Treatment Failure
and duration 2. Hospital Stay
(Cochrane 2009: CD001288)
3. OPD Rx after ED
Methylprednisolone 125mg IV q visit
6 h x 72 hrs 4. Relapse
(NEJM 2003:348:2618)
Then Prednisolone 60 mg PO qd
with 20mg taper q 3 -4 days
(NEJM 1999: 340:1941)

Prednisolone 40 mg x 10days 1. FEV1

Or Prednisolone 30mg qd x 2 2. Complications
(Cochrane 2009: CD001288)
wks if pH > 7.26
(Lancet 1999: 354:456)
Agent Dose Comments

Antobiotics • Amoxicillin, TMP-SMX • H. flu, M. catarrhalis, S.pneumo

Doxycycline, are the most frequent precipitants
Antipneumococcal FQ • Increased Dyspnea, sputum
etc, all reasonable production, purulence suggest
Bacterial Infection …therefore Abx
• No single ABx proven may improve outcome
(Annals 1987)
• Incrreased PEF & chance of clinical
• Consider local flora resolution ( JAMA 1995)
•Avoid repeat courses of • Decreased subsequent
same Abx. exacerbation ( Thorax 2008)

• < 5 days course likely enough for

mild –moderate exacerbation
(Thorax 2008 ; JAMA 2010)
Agent Dose Comments

Oxygenation FiO2 to achieve PaO2 Watch for CO2

>55-60 or retention(due to V/Q
SaO2 90-93% mismatch, loss of
hypoxeamic resp drive,
haldane effect) but must
maintain oxygenation

Other Measures Mucolytics not supported by data

(Chest 2001 : 119: 1190)
Non Invasive Ventilation
Non Invasive Positive Initiate “early” if:
Pressure Ventilation 1.Moderate/ severe dyspnea
2.Decreased pH
3.Increased PaCO2
4.RR > 25
Advantages of NIV ( Non Invasive Ventialtion):
1. 58% decrease in intubation
2. Decrease Length of Stay in Hospital by 3.2 days
3. 59% decrease in Mortality

Contra Indications for NIV ( Non Invasive Ventialtion):

1.Change mental status
2.Inability to cooperate or clear secretions
3.Upper GI Bleed
4.Heamodynamic instability
(NEJM 1995 ; 333:817 ; Annals 2003 ; 138:861 ; Cochrane 2004 ; CD004)
Invasive ventilation
Endotracheal Intubation Consider if:

1. PaO2 <55-60
2.Increasing PaCO2
3.Decreasing pH
4.Increasing RR
5.Respiratory fatigue
6.Change in mental status,
7.Haemodynamic instability
Thank you

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