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Materi Kelas 7 Chapter 3

Days of the Week

Months of the year
Tujuan Pembelajaran:
- Siswa/siswi dapat menyebutkan hari-hari dalam
Seminggu dan bulan-bulan dalam setahun

- Siswa/siswi dapat mengaplikasikanya dalam

berkomunikasi baik secara lisan maupun tulis.
Let’s sing a song!

There are seven days 2x

There are seven days in a week
There are seven days 2x
There are seven days in a week

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Thursday Friday Saturday 2x
No Days Pronunciation
1 Sunday / ˈsʌndeɪ /
2 Monday / ˈmʌndeɪ /
3 Tuesday / ˈtjuːzdeɪ /
4 Wednesday / ˈwenzdeɪ /
5 Thursday / ˈθɜːzdeɪ /
6 Friday / ˈfraɪdeɪ /
7 Saturday / ˈsætədeɪ /
Let’s sing a song!

January February
March April
May and June
July August September
October November
December December
No. Months Pronunciation
1 January / ˈdʒænjuəri /
2 February / ˈfebruəri /
3 March / mɑːtʃ /
4 April / ˈeɪprəl /
5 May / meɪ /
6 June / dʒuːn /
7 July / dʒuˈlaɪ /
8 August / ˈɔːɡəst /
9 September / sepˈtembə(r) /
10 October / ɒkˈtəʊbə(r) /
11 November / nəʊˈvembə(r) /
12 December / dɪˈsembə(r) /
Today : Hari ini
Now : Sekarang
Tomorrow : Besok
Yesterday : Kemarin
The day after tomorrow : Lusa
Before : Sebelum
After : Setelah
... Ago : ... yang lalu
... later : ... lagi
Contoh Dialog
Dialogue 1
Shidqi : What day is it today, Zahra?
Zahra : It’s Monday.
Shidqi :Really? We have a flag ceremony
Zahra : That’s right.
Contoh Dialog
Dialogue 2
Nana : When do we have Math lesson,
Reni : We have it on Tuesday and
Nana : Okay, I’ll prepare for the
Contoh Dialog
Dialogue 3
Rifki : When do we celebrate Kartini Day?
Azam : We celebrate it on the twenty first of April.

Mia : When is your birthday?

Amir : Well, I have my birthday on October 22

Ahmad : What month comes after July, Siti?

Siti : It’s August.
Ahmad : That’s true.
Contoh Soal & Jawaban
1. Before Tuesday is ... (Monday)
2. After Wednesday is... (Thursday)
3. Today is Friday. Tomorrow is ... (Saturday)
4. It’s Thursday. Yesterday was... (Wednesday)
5. Now is Sunday. Two days ago was... (Friday)
6. It’s Sunday now. The day after tomorrow is... (Tuesday)
7. Before April is... (March)
8. After October is... (September)
9. It’s January now. Next month is...(February)
10. This month is December. Two months ago was...
11. The first month of the year is... (January)
First : Pertama Tenth : Kesepuluh
Second : Kedua Eleventh : Kesebelas
Third : Ketiga Twelfth : Keduabelas
Fourth : Keempat
Fifth : Kelimat Contoh:
Sixth : Keenam The first month
Seventh: Ketujuh (Bulan pertama/kesatu)
Eighth : Kedelapan
Ninth : Kesembilan
Thanks for wathcing

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