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Qualities of super students


A good student adheers to his/her

study tametable strictly and obey
the instructions of teachers, coaches
and parents everyday.
Setting-up aim
Without a well- defined goal, no
students can achieve quality results. A
good students always sets up his/her aim
at the beginning of every term.
Managing relationships

A student who aspires to be the best

always maintains a cordial relationship
not just with staff and teachers but with
fellow students.
Sense of Respect
Good students always possess a great
level of respect for the laws of the
nation, society, school or university as
well as societal norms.
Taking responsibilty
Responsibility is one of the marks of top
performers and this goes for good
students too. They nevr put the blame
on their mistakes but take full
responsibilties for their actions. Good
students also take the responsibilty to
develop their character
Searching knowledge
To pursuit to relevant knowledge is
necessary quality of good students.
The more knowledge a student
acquires, the hungrier for knowledge
the students develops. The acquisition
of knowledge sharpens the mind helps
the student flow in their studies.
Working hard
Good students possess the ability to put
their all in their studies, by not rlying
only the coursework outline given to
them by their teachers but search
various recommended texts to gain a
broader understanding of concepts.
Students who produce excellent
results keep to the time allotted for
projects and assignments. This helps
them avoid mark deductions from
late submissions.
Attentive to lesson
Being attentive to what is being
taught in a classroom is one the great
qualities of a good student. This
makes the students the students very
easy for topics to be understood.
Self confidence
Self confidence is a major backbone to
success and this goes to students too. A
students who is confident in his/her
abilty to perform excellently his/her
studies most often does well.
Possitive attitude
Good students have to show they see
willing to put in hard work and not just
coming to scool/ for social activies.
A possitive attitude helps a student to
maintain top-notch results.
Good listener
Being a good listener is one of the
important qualities of a good student. This
quality is essential for the students so that
s/he can undrestand what is s/he
learning. For this reason, s/he has to build
and develop his/her listening skills.
Good manners
Students who are well mannered,
following procedures and rules always
have a higher chance of showcasting their
full learning potential. Students who
behave properly are much more like to
learn better than their classmates who do
not have good manner.
Having Seriousness
Students who excel have a serious-minded
aproach to education. They resist
procrastination and laziness when it comes
to studying, assignment completion and
submissing. Super students always push
themselves to ensure they don’t fail.
Excellent Organizer
Being a great organizer is a quality that
distinguishes a student that excells and
an average student. Organizing their
study time, assessment time, etc aids a
good student greatly.
Simplicity of mind

An excellent student keeps his/her mind

simple, allowing for difficult concepts to
to be broken down and easily solved.
Keeping update
Staying updated in any field is the reason
for success. Good students do not rely on
past information but are constantly in
search of new knowledge. They refuse to
remain outdated in terms of academic
Students who exhibit ambition never stay
down in failure. They keep going until
they achieve the level of excellence they
have envisioned. Ambition assists a
students to work hard and put in
everything s/he has into achieving
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