Life 2e BrE Pre-Inter SB U07 Grammar Summary

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Present perfect and past simple

Present perfect: form
We form the present perfect with have/has + past participle.
Regular past participles end in -ed and
are the same as regular past simple
forms (e.g. change → changed, live →
Many past participles are irregular. Some irregular past participles are the same
as the irregular past simple form:
make (infinitive), made (past simple), made (past participle)
Other irregular past participles are different from the irregular past simple form:
write (infinitive), wrote (past simple), written (past participle).
See page 180 for a list of irregular past simple and past participle forms.
 Exercise 1
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Present perfect and past simple: use
We can use both the present perfect and the past simple to talk about events in
the past.
We use the present perfect:
• to talk about events and experiences, when we don’t know when something
happened, or we don’t say because it’s not important.
I’ve visited over fifty countries. He’s written some really important books.
• to ask about people’s experiences, using ever.
Have you ever worked abroad? Has Jeanne ever seen this film?
• for something that started in the past and continues now.
I’ve always loved working with numbers. (= I loved it in the past, and I still
love it.)
We use the past simple when we know the exact time something happened:
I saw Max this morning. I visited our Los Angeles office last year.
When we have conversations about experiences in our life, we often start with
the present perfect to talk about the experience in general, and then use the
past simple to give details.
A: Have you ever been skiing?
B: Yes, I have. I tried it in California last year.
 Exercises 2 and 3
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Present perfect with for and since
We use the present perfect with for and since to talk about a situation that
started in the past and continues now.

We use for with a period of time.

I’ve worked here for three years.
We use since with a point in time (when the situation started).
I’ve known Taylor since 2005.
We never use from with present perfect in this way.
I’ve lived in Manchester from six months.
I’ve lived in Manchester for six months.

 Exercise 4

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p. 168
Prepositions of place and movement
Prepositions can tell us where something or someone is or the direction
something or someone moves.
Prepositions of place

We use at to talk about where

we work, live and study:
at home, at work, at
school, at university.
We use in with towns, cities, countries and continents:
in London, in Mexico, in Asia
We use on to say where on a road places are:
The bank is on the left. My house is on the right.
We also use on with floors in a building:
on the first floor, on the second floor.
 Exercise 5
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Prepositions of movement
We use prepositions of movement after a verb that describes a movement (e.g.
go, come, walk, climb)

 Exercise 6

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p. 168
1 Write present perfect sentences using the words.

1 I / see / that film / five times.

2 you / ever / go / Australia?
3 they / always / live / in the countryside.
4 she / ever / visit / you?
5 I / not finish / my work.
6 why / you / apply / for this job?

1 I’ve seen that film five times.

2 Have you ever been to Australia?
3 They’ve always lived in the countryside.
4 Has she ever visited you?
5 I haven’t finished my work.
6 Why have you applied for this job?

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p. 169
2 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 I’ve started / I started my new job last week.

2 Have you ever been / Did you ever go to the USA?
3 They’ve always loved / They always loved playing basketball – they play
three times a week!
4 Jill has spoken / Jill spoke to her boss last night.
5 I worked / I’ve worked in a café when I was a student.
6 I’ve never been / I never went to a concert in my life.

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p. 169
3 Complete the conversations with the present perfect or past simple form of
the verbs in the boxes.

A: Have
1 ____________ finished
you ____________ work yet?
B: got
Yes – 1 2 ____________ home an hour ago.
A: Did
3 ____________ have
you ____________ a good day?
B: It was OK.

A: 4 ____________ heard
you ____________ about the new job at Max’s company?
B: Yes, 5 I ____________ sent
already ____________ my CV. You?
A: Not yet. Max only 6 ____________ me about it this morning.

A: Have
7 ____________ been
you ever ____________ to Paris?
B: stayed
8 Yes, I ____________ there for a week last year.
A: Did
9 ____________ have
you ____________ a good time?
B: Yes, it was great.
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p. 169
4 Complete the sentences with for or since.

1 Have you lived in your flat ____________ a long time?
2 for
We’ve owned our car ____________ over twenty years!
3 since
She’s worked here ____________ 2015.
4 since
We haven’t had a holiday ____________ two years ago.
5 for
I haven’t missed a day at work ____________ over a year.
6 for
I’ve studied Spanish ____________ two years.
7 He’s been a baseball fan ____________ he was a child.
8 I’ve had a cold ____________ over a week.

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p. 169
5 Complete the email with these prepositions.

I’ve just moved into my new flat and I love it! It’s 1 ____________ a small
building with three floors – I’m 2 ____________ the top floor. The people in
the flat 3 ____________ my flat are really friendly and I’ve been down to
opposite the
their flat twice for dinner already. There’s a park 4 ____________
building, just on the other side of the road. I often go there for lunch. What
between two amazing restaurants – on the
else? Oh, my building is 5 ____________
right, there’s a great Greek restaurant, and on the left there’s a really good
Mexican place. I’m also really 6 ____________ the metro station, so I can
get to work really quickly.

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p. 169
6 Look at the map and choose the correct preposition to complete the

Everyone in the office is really looking forward to meeting you. Here are the
directions you asked for. First, go 1 out of / down the railway station, and
then turn right. Go 2 past / across the bridge and then walk 3 along /
outside Bridge Street for about three minutes. Go 4 past / through the bank
and the post office, then turn left and walk 5 through / along the park. The
building is opposite the park gates. Walk 6 inside / up the steps and you’ve
arrived! Call me when you’re there and I’ll come 7 out of/ outside to meet

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p. 169

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