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Caye Jhann Paculan


 Advocacy- public support for -or
recommendation of a particular cause or

 Journalism- the collection and editing of news

for presentation through media. It is also an
academic study concerned with the collection
and editing of news or the management of the
news medium.
Writing characterized by a direct presentation
of facts or description of events.
Advocacy Journalism
 Is a genre of journalism that is fact-based, but
supports a specific point of view on an issue.

 Is practiced by alternative media and special interest

publications and programs, but might also apply to a
single article in an otherwise neutral publication.

 In this type of journalism, the journalist can be openly

biased about a particular person, or a group of
people. Single-sided opinions are resented in this
type of journalism.
 Interpretative
 Literary journalism
 Investigative
 Advocacy
 Solutions
 Developmental
 Citizen journalism
 Having this things available to everyone else it makes us
all a journalist, we can all be a journalist and that will fall
into the category of citizen journalism or community
journalism where normal people like us can take a
picture, record a video, create a blog in under just a
minute to share a event or news in our community.
Citizen journalism
 Community journalism or the citizen
journalism has its own use, this are
the type of journalism which is simply
called the story tellers. Community
problems or even just small events
can be shared through social medias,
this helps the community get the
attention of those who have powers
above it helps the national media or
even the local media to cover the
story so that once again it will have
some actions or solution for that
Citizen journalism

 According to Bowman (2003) acts of a citizen,

or group of citizens playing an active role in
the process of collecting, reporting, analyzing
and disseminating news and information, in
order to provide independent, reliable,
accurate, wide-ranging, and relevant
How can we create a good
content that tells a story and
promote and idea or action?

 F acts
 E motions
 E ngagement
 T ime

 Emotion is one to be considered in calculating

whether your story is a good content or not.
Why? Because it is the basis of some people
on how to react. On what they feel about
your story. Before publishing it always ask
“how does my story make my reader feel”.

 Engagement also is one of the basis because

here you will see on how does your story
effect the actions or response of some people
towards your story. Engage your readers on
your story.

 Be sure that your story is on time or up to

date. Don’t bring up topic that is a year or a 2
years ago so that it will always be up to date
and gather the interest of many people.
How to avoid disinformation
as a journalist?
 As mentioned a while back disinformation or
fake news is a serious matter that is happening
in our community and cases of it is rapidly
increasing given that we all have the ability and
knowledge to share something in social media
or in our daily personal lives.
 Here is some ways in battling disinformation or
fake news.
 Be sure on your sources

 Be transparent

 Confirm before you share

 Anti fake news act of 2017

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