Class 6 September 9 & 12, 2019: - Quiz - Review - Kinds of Paragraphs

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Class 6

September 9 & 12, 2019


- Review

- Kinds of Paragraphs
Fuel (Fun English) Club
Tuesdays 18:00-19:00
Tomorrow: “Diversities of Talents”
with Pak Yosua.
Taking things from their companies are often not considered as stealing. The most
common items to disappear are pens and pencils that employees stuff in their bags or
briefcases. Another item is different kinds of paper such as little notepads and file
folders. Yet another “innocent theft” is the long-distance personal phone calls. Those
calls cost the company in two ways: they use company time for personal business, and
the company has to pay for the calls. Finally, one of the more significant ways people
steal is by taking home samples of the products the company makes: food, clothing,
supplies, and so on. Employees seem to think they are entitled to these products, and
even give them to friends.
1. Tuliskan TOPIC SENTENCE paragraph di atas.
2. Tuliskan TOPIC paragraph di atas.
3. Tuliskan CONTROLLING IDEA paragraph di atas.
4. Tuliskan layout/outline/kerangka) paragraph di atas. Ada empat (4) supporting ideas
5. Jenis apakah paragagraph di atas?
Essay, Paragraph, Topic Sentence, Supporting Ideas
Supporting Ideas

paragraph Topic Sentence

topic controlling idea

______________________________. ________________________
________. ________________________________. _____________
paragraph ___________. ___________________________________________.
_____________________. _________________________________.
(of the .
essay) .

Last Homework

People who keep guns in their houses risk endangering both themselves and
others. Many accidental injuries occur when a weapon is improperly stored or
handled. For example, someone cleaning a closet where a loaded gun is
stored may handle the gun in such a way that it goes off and injures him or
her. There have also been many reports of “crimes of passion” with guns. A
couple with a violent history has a fight, and in a fit of rage one gets the gun
and shoots the other, wounding or killing the person. Most common and
most tragic are incidents in which children find loaded guns and play with
them, accidently killing themselves or their playmate.
a. Tuliskan TOPIC SENTENCE paragraph di atas.
b. Tuliskan TOPIC paragraph di atas.
c. Tuliskan CONTROLLING IDEA paragraph di atas.
d. Tuliskan layout/outline/kerangka) paragraph di atas. Ada tiga (3)
supporting ideas utama.
e. Dengan cara apakah supporting ideas disusun? (space order, time order,
atau order of importance?
Order of Importance

People who keep guns in their houses risk endangering both themselves and
others. Many accidental injuries occur when a weapon is improperly stored or
handled. For example, someone cleaning a closet where a loaded gun is
stored may handle the gun in such a way that it goes off and injures him or
her. There have also been many reports of “crimes of passion” with guns. A
couple with a violent history has a fight, and in a fit of rage one gets the gun
and shoots the other, wounding or killing the person. Most common and
most tragic are incidents in which children find loaded guns and play with
them, accidently killing themselves or their playmate.
Order of Importance

People who keep guns in their houses risk endangering both themselves and
others. (1) Many accidental injuries occur when a weapon is improperly stored
or handled. For example, someone cleaning a closet where a loaded gun is
stored may handle the gun in such a way that it goes off and injures him or
her. There have also been many reports of “crimes of passion” with guns. A
couple with a violent history has a fight, and in a fit of rage one gets the gun
and shoots the other, wounding or killing the person. Most common and
most tragic are incidents in which children find loaded guns and play with
them, accidently killing themselves or their playmate.
Order of Importance

People who keep guns in their houses risk endangering both themselves and
others. (1) Many accidental injuries occur when a weapon is improperly stored
or handled. For example, someone cleaning a closet where a loaded gun is
stored may handle the gun in such a way that it goes off and injures him or
her. (2) There have also been many reports of “crimes of passion” with guns. A
couple with a violent history has a fight, and in a fit of rage one gets the gun
and shoots the other, wounding or killing the person. Most common and
most tragic are incidents in which children find loaded guns and play with
them, accidently killing themselves or their playmate.
Order of Importance

People who keep guns in their houses risk endangering both themselves and
others. (1) Many accidental injuries occur when a weapon is improperly stored
or handled. For example, someone cleaning a closet where a loaded gun is
stored may handle the gun in such a way that it goes off and injures him or
her. (2) There have also been many reports of “crimes of passion” with guns. A
couple with a violent history has a fight, and in a fit of rage one gets the gun
and shoots the other, wounding or killing the person. (3) Most common and
most tragic are incidents in which children find loaded guns and play with
them, accidently killing themselves or their playmate.

Least important  most important

Homework – (pilih satu) – 5% Nilai Akhir
Presentasi: 16 & 19 September, 2019
I. Lakukan prewrite dan draft sebuah paragraph dengan salah satu topik ini:
The Climate Change
Academic competition
Moving Indonesia’s capital
Internet of Things
II. Presentasikan semua langkah-langkah prewrite dan draft paragraph yang
1. Penyempitan dan Penggalian topik
2. Topic Sentence
3. Hasil brainstorming untuk mendukung topic
1. Pilih dan susun ide menurut susunan yang logis
2. Buat kerangka (layout/outline) paragraph
3. Tuliskan paragraph dalam bentuk kalimat.
Penilaian untuk
Penulisan Pargraph
1. Pre-write:
a. Temukan dan gali topik:
i. Bagi topik ke dalam beberapa subtopik dan pilih satu
ii. Lakukan brainstorming untuk menemukan nuansa/kesan utama yang dapat
dijadikan controlling idea buat Topic Sentence.
b. Tuliskan Topic Sentence.
c. Lakukan brainstorming untuk mengumpulkan supporter untuk Topic Sentence.
2. Draft:
a. Pilih dan susun hasil brainstorming berdasarkan space order, time order, atau
order of importance.
b. Buat rancangan kerangka (layout/outline) paragraph.
c. Tuliskan paragraph dalam bentuk kalimat dengan menggunakan kerangka yang
sudah terbentuk.
1 Irgo Satria Bakti Milenia H. Sumariangen 2
Putri Natalia Sinaga Bill Yohanes
Andreas Situmorang Noval Rialan
Dian Pray Setia Gea Siti Asma Paristia
Eko Santoso Simson

3 Joko Yan Anugerah Zai Ragil Christina

Andreas Ignasius Rumlus Hanover Frans Daniel
Trisma Bima Berlin Merhan Gea
Deslinar Priskilia Lani Tansa Ndai Ngana
Yorfin Handayani Buulolo Elensia Wati Bobo

5 Reza Fauzi S. Duha Vinod Heryan 6

Marchian Arrie Kasman Daniel Alexander Leong
Onekhesi Yakin A. Gea Thomas Stevan Hiliardo
Adrianus Elma Fransiska Botha
Oktavianus Bulu Jasastra Telaumbanua

7 Miquel Nathaniel Gosali Techa Kenhan D. Mendrofa 8

Dominggus S. Bonggoibo Reza Malinda
Mujurius Gea Warsan J. Nubatonis
Petra Yoga Ariono Robin Umbu R. U. Ngagu
Milinya Teresia Harun Kamerun Sabajak
1 Invokavit Zega Yepta Ferdi Kristanto 2
Geraldus B. Wantah Risvania Buulolo
Dominggus S.B. Doni L. Morip
Gerika Chandra Setyawan Sedang Hidup Laia
Hendra Melita N. Meha

3 Evan Christo Yoku Richiel Valerie Tanod

Kevin G. F. Rompis Stevie Masoino
Frengky Maranatha Frengki Haingu Yeru
Carlin B. Gea Merry K. Bulele
Henri Agusto B. S. Celynilia Larumunde

5 Ester Gabriella Runtu Hans Eleazar Kiting 6

William H. Rerung Tagor Samuel
Benediktus Lede Galon Kogoya
Yosia Yoga Setiawan David L. Lombu
Gres Enjelin Laia Tri Yuli Yanto

7 Frederika Elfa Anindita Azalya F. M. Napitupulu 8

Doniman ulu Natal E. S. Daeli
Yohanes B. Enumbi Seprisdayanti
Monika Conny L. Sageileppak
Kinds of Paragraphs
• According to its purpose/content
Jenis Paragraph
1. Illustration:
- Memberi pendapat tentang suatu topic
- Mensupport pendapat dengan contoh-contoh
Jenis paragraph Topic Sentence Supporting Ideas Purpose

Illustration Topic + Point. Examples Make a point by

(pokok/ (contoh-contoh, showing
pendapat) disusun examples
berdasarkan (mengutarakan
order of pendapat
importance) dengan memberi
Jenis Paragraph
1. Illustration
2. Narration:
Mengungkapkan suatu pelajaran/pencerahan
dengan menceritakan suatu kejadian atau
Narration– Support your main point with events
that tell the story
Topic Sentence:
Topic + Preview/revelation .
(topik) (gambaran/pencerahan)
Supporting Ideas: a series of events.
(serentetan kejadian-kejadian)

1. How did the experience affect me? Why is it important
to me? Why is it interesting?
2. What do I want to reveal by telling this story? What do
I want readers to learn from it?
Jenis paragraph Topic Sentence Supporting Ideas Purpose

Illustration Topic + Point. Examples Make a point by

(pokok/ (contoh-contoh, showing
pendapat) disusun examples
berdasarkan (mengutarakan
order of pendapat dengan
importance) memberi contoh)

Narration Topic + Preview. A series of events Reveal

(gambaran) (serentetan something by
kejadian- telling a story
kejadian, disusun (mengungkapkan
berdasarkan sesuatu dengan
order of time/ bercerita)
Last Homework
An accident a day before my wedding reminded me of what was really important. All
day I had been nervous and ready to find fault. Nothing was right: The hem on my
wedding dress was crooked, some flowers were the wrong colors. I argued nonstop
with my mother and my fiancé. That night I couldn’t sleep, so I went to the bathroom.
Returning to the bedroom in the dark, I tripped and crashed headfirst into the corner
of the night table. Blood gushed from my face, and I screamed for help. Later at the
hospital, the doctor sewed my lip and cheek together with thirty-five stitches. I awoke
on my wedding day to see my fiancé sitting in a chair beside the bed holding my hand.
I said, “I’m going to be one ugly bride.” He place his hand so gently on the side of my
face and whispered, “That would be impossible.” At that moment I remembered what
was important: not a dress, the flowers, or how I looked, but the beauty of our
1. Tuliskan TOPIC SENTENCE paragraph di atas.
2. Tuliskan TOPIC paragraph di atas.
3. Tuliskan CONTROLLING IDEA paragraph di atas.
4. Tuliskan layout/outline/kerangka) paragraph di atas. Ada empat (4) supporting ideas
5. Jenis apakah paragagraph di atas?
Jenis Paragraph
1. Illustration
2. Narration
3. Description:
Tulisan yang menciptakan kesan yang jelas dan
hidup tentang topic. “Description paragraph”
mencatat pengalaman tentang orang, tempat,
atau benda dengan menggunakan panca indra:
sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch/feel.
Description Paragraph (paragraph deskripsi)

Paragraph deskripsi yang baik:

1.Menetapkan SATU kesan utama mengenai
topik (efek menyeluruh/ perasaan/gambar yang
anda ingin ciptakan mengenai topik).
2.Menggunakan detail yang berwujud, spesifik,
dan menggunakan panca indra: sight, hearing,
smell, taste, and touch/feel.
Paragraph Deskripsi membawa pembaca untuk “ikut mengalami”
(melihat, mendengar, mencium, mengicip, meraba) apa yang ditulis.

Sight: Sound: Smell:

Colors? Loud/soft? Sweet/sour?
Shapes? Piercing/soothing? Sharp/mild?
Size? Continuous/on-off? Good? (like what?)
Patterns? Pleasant/unpleasant? Bad? (like what?)
Shiny/dull? (how?) New? (new what? Leather? Plastic?)
Does it look like Does it sound like Old?
anything else? anything else? Does it smell like anything else?

Taste: Touch:
Good? (what does good Hard/soft?
taste like?) Liquid/solid?
Bad? (what does bad taste Rough/smooth?
like?) Hot/cold?
Bitter/sugary? Metallic? Dry/oily?
Burning? Spicy? Textures?
Does it taste like Does it feel like
anything else? anything else?
Description Paragraph

Illustration Paragraph
Description – Invites the reader to “experience” an
object (people, object, place)
Topic Sentence:
Topic + Main Impression.
(topik – yang dialami) (kesan utama)
Supporting Ideas: Details that contribute to the main impression
using the sense of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch/feel.
(detail yang mendukung kesan utama dengan menggunakan
panca indra)
Practice – cari main impression (kesan utama) untuk
Topic Sentence suatu Description Paragraph:
A green guava is sour and hard. You bite into it at its widest
point, because it’s easier to grasp with your teeth. You hear
the skin, meat, and seeds crunching inside your head, while
the inside of our mouth explodes in little spurts of sour. You
grimace, your eyes water, and your cheeks disappear as your
lips purse into a tight O. But you have another and another,
enjoying the crunchy sounds, the acid taste, the gritty texture
of the unripe center.
A mixture of a lot of things
hot big

New Delhi at midday was a cauldron. There was an endless symphony of

horns from cars, vans, and buses and the mad screams of green and yellow
auto rickshaws as their tiny engines strained to match the pace of the traffic.
Pedestrians in sandals scurrying by, fruit vendors balancing dried grass
baskets full of green mangoes on their heads, bicyclists and motorcycles
swerving in and out through the traffic, taxis stuck in traffic blaring horns,
merchants pushing wooden pushcarts loaded with tomatoes, carrots, and
cucumbers, and riders straining to pull their rickshaws and the clients inside
them, all fought for the narrow bit of crumbly pot-holed road that separated
the two rows of brick buildings as red, blue, and green advertising signs
reached out across the street scraping for the air-space.
And then he was there, a scruffy looking boy no more than nine or ten years
of age. He was wearing a dirty cream colored plain t-shirt that must have
been white at some point. It was too small for him and holes big and small
lined the edge of the sleeves. His shorts were pale blue and the seat was the
dark brown of wet mud. His arms and legs were bony and long and were grey
from days of dust gathered from the air and the road. His hair was short and
unevenly cut with long strands sticking out at odd angles. A crown of brown
and grey dust had settled on top of his head. He carried a brown threadbare
rucksack that weighed down his skinny shoulders. He craned his neck looking
upwards at Sanjay’s frowning face and his mouth broke out into a wide smile
revealing two missing front teeth.
Description Paragraph HW (2)
Support your main impression with sensory details

Describe the newly renovated chapel.

1. Write a Topic Sentence.
2. Support your Topic Sentence with descriptions
of what you see, hear, smell, taste, feel/touch.
Jenis paragraph Topic Sentence Supporting Ideas Purpose

Illustration Topic + Point. Examples Make a point by

(pokok/ (contoh-contoh, showing
Narration Topic + Preview. A series of events Reveal
pendapat) disusun examples
(gambaran) (serentetan something by
berdasarkan (mengutarakan
kejadian- telling a story
order of pendapat dengan
kejadian, disusun (mengungkapkan
importance) memberi contoh)
berdasarkan sesuatu dengan
order of time/ bercerita)

Description Topic + Main Details sense of Invite readers to

impression. sight, hearing, experience an
(topik yang smell, taste, and object
dialami + touch/feel (mengundang
kesan utama) menggunakan pembaca untuk
panca indra) ikut mengalami
suatu obyek)

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