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Class 8

September 23 & 26, 2019

- Kinds of Paragraphs
Fuel (Fun English) Club
Tuesdays 18:00-19:00
Clean and Affordable Energy: Wind
Last Homework
Taking things from their companies are often not considered as stealing. The most
common items to disappear are pens and pencils that employees stuff in their bags or
briefcases. Another item is different kinds of paper such as little notepads and file
folders. Yet another “innocent theft” is the long-distance personal phone calls. Those
calls cost the company in two ways: they use company time for personal business, and
the company has to pay for the calls. Finally, one of the more significant ways people
steal is by taking home samples of the products the company makes: food, clothing,
supplies, and so on. Employees seem to think they are entitled to these products, and
even give them to friends.
1. Tuliskan TOPIC SENTENCE paragraph di atas.
2. Tuliskan TOPIC paragraph di atas.
3. Tuliskan CONTROLLING IDEA paragraph di atas.
4. Tuliskan layout/outline/kerangka) paragraph di atas. Ada empat (4) supporting ideas
5. Jenis apakah paragagraph di atas?
Last Homework
Taking things from their companies are often not considered as stealing. The most
common items to disappear are pens and pencils that employees stuff in their bags or
briefcases. Another item is different kinds of paper such as little notepads and file
folders. Yet another “innocent theft” is the long-distance personal phone calls. Those
calls cost the company in two ways: they use company time for personal business, and
the company has to pay for the calls. Finally, one of the more significant ways people
steal is by taking home samples of the products the company makes: food, clothing,
supplies, and so on. Employees seem to think they are entitled to these products, and
even give them to friends.
1. Tuliskan TOPIC SENTENCE paragraph di atas.
2. Tuliskan TOPIC paragraph di atas.
3. Tuliskan CONTROLLING IDEA paragraph di atas.
4. Tuliskan layout/outline/kerangka) paragraph di atas. Ada empat (4) supporting ideas
5. Jenis apakah paragagraph di atas?
Kinds of Paragraphs
• According to its purpose/content
Jenis paragraph Topic Sentence Supporting Ideas Purpose

Illustration Topic + Point. Examples Make a point by

(pokok/ (contoh-contoh, showing
pendapat) disusun examples
berdasarkan (mengutarakan
order of pendapat
importance) dengan memberi
Jenis paragraph Topic Sentence Supporting Ideas Purpose

Illustration Topic + Point. Examples Make a point by

(pokok/ (contoh-contoh, showing
pendapat) disusun examples
berdasarkan (mengutarakan
order of pendapat dengan
importance) memberi contoh)

Narration Topic + Preview. A series of events Reveal

(gambaran) (serentetan something by
kejadian- telling a story
kejadian, disusun (mengungkapkan
berdasarkan sesuatu dengan
order of time/ bercerita)
Jenis paragraph Topic Sentence Supporting Ideas Purpose

Illustration Topic + Point. Examples Make a point by

(pokok/ (contoh-contoh, showing
Narration Topic + Preview. A series of events Reveal
pendapat) disusun examples
(gambaran) (serentetan something by
berdasarkan (mengutarakan
kejadian- telling a story
order of pendapat dengan
kejadian, disusun (mengungkapkan
importance) memberi contoh)
berdasarkan sesuatu dengan
order of time/ bercerita)

Description Topic + Main Details sense of Invite readers to

impression. sight, hearing, experience an
(topik yang smell, taste, and object
dialami + touch/feel (mengundang
kesan utama) menggunakan pembaca untuk
panca indra) ikut mengalami
suatu obyek)
Last Description Paragraph HW (2)
Support your main impression with sensory details

Describe the newly renovated chapel.

1. Write a Topic Sentence.
2. Support your Topic Sentence with descriptions
of what you see, hear, smell, taste, feel/touch.
Jenis Paragraph
1. Illustration
2. Narration
3. Description
4. Process Analysis:
Tulisan yang menjelaskan cara melakukan
sesuatu (supaya pembaca bisa melakukannya)
atau menjelaskan bagaimana sesuatu berfungsi
(supaya pembaca mengerti).
Paragraph: Process Analysis
Process Analysis Paragraph yang baik:
1. Menampilkan langkah-langkah yang penting
dalam proses.
2. Menjelaskan setiap langkah dengan
3. Menampilkan langkah-langkah dengan
susunan yang logis (biasanya dengan time
Process Analysis –
explains how things happen
Topic Sentence:
Process + Point about the process.
(proses) (pendapat tentang proses itu)
Supporting Ideas: A series of steps
(langkah-langkah dalam proses)

Driver’s license application is time consuming and exhausting.

- line up for registration form
- line up for medical check up
- line up to pay
- line up to take picture
- wait for your license
Process Analysis –
explains how things happen
Driver’s license application is time consuming and
exhausting. (1) First, you have to line up to get a
registration form. (2) After you fill it and give it to the
officer, you have to wait for medical check up. (3) Then
you must again line up to pay the fees, and again (4)
line up to get your picture taken. (5) If you think you
are done, you are wrong, because you still have to
wait to get your driver’s license.
Jenis paragraph Topic Sentence Supporting Ideas Purpose
Illustration Topic + Point. Examples To make a point
(pokok/ (contoh-contoh, by showing
Narration Topic + Preview. A series of events To reveal
pendapat) disusun examples
(gambaran) (serentetan
Details sense of something by
Description Topic + Main berdasarkan To describe an
sight, hearing, telling a story
impression. order of object
pendapatby dengan
smell, disusun
taste, and (mengungkapkan
(topik yang importance) creating
touch/feel sesuatu dengan
dialami + picture in words
order of time/ bercerita)
kesan utama) menggunakan (mendeskripsikan
panca indra) objek dengan
menciptakan citra
melalui kata-kata)

Process Process + point A series of steps To give an

Analysis about the (langkah-langkah opinion about a
process. dalam proses) process by
(proses + explaining how it
pendapat tentang works (memberi
proses itu) pendapat tentang
suatu proses
menjelaskan cara
Process Analysis – HW 1
Support your point with a series of steps

• Paying university fee online is easy.

Jenis Paragraph
1. Illustration
2. Narration
3. Description
4. Process Analysis
5. Comparison and Contrast:
Tulisan untuk menolong pembaca memilih satu
di antara beberapa pilihan dengan membandingkan
atau mengontraskan pilihan-pilihan tersebut.
Comparison and Contrast –
support with similarities and differences
Topic Sentence:
Topics + Main point of similarity/difference.
(yang akan dibandingkan) (pokok kesamaan/perbedaan)
Supporting Ideas: A series of similarities/ differences between the
two topics.
(sederetan kesamaan/perbedaan antara kedua topik)

Big Card and Mega Card offer very different financial terms.
- membership fee
• BC: 0, MC: $35
- grace period
• BC: 30 days, MC: 25 days
- charge rate
• BC: 15.5%, MC: 17.9%
Comparison and Contrast –
shows similarities and differences (for a purpose)

Big Card and Mega Card offer very different financial

terms.(1) One difference is the annual membership fees.
Big Card has no fee; Mega Card charges $35. (2) Also, Big
Card is more gracious than Mega Card, offering a grace
period of thirty days before applying charges for unpaid
balances. Mega starts after twenty five days. (3) Another
difference between the two cards is the rate of the
charge. Big Card’s charge rate is 15.5 %; Mega Card’s
Transition words
Comparison Contrast
One similarity One difference
Another similarity Another difference
Similarly In contrast
Like Unlike
Comparison and Contrast –
shows similarities and differences (for a purpose)

Big Card and Mega Card offer very different financial

terms. One difference is the annual membership fees.
Big Card has no fee; Mega Card charges $35. Also, Big
Card is more gracious than Mega Card, offering a grace
period of thirty days before applying charges for unpaid
balances. Mega starts after twenty five days. Another
difference between the two cards is the rate of the
charge. Big Card’s charge rate is 15.5 %; Mega Card’s
Create an layout/outline (kerangka) for a
Comparison and Contrast Paragraph
with the following topic:

“Makrab at the beach vs. Makrab on the mountain”

“Makrab at the beach vs. Makrab on the mountain”

- The atmosphere
- Participating
- Organizing
Organizing “Makrab” at the beach vs. organizing “Makrab” on
the mountain

• Temperature
• Geography
• View
• Environment
• Ground
• Water - Bathing arrangement, drinking water
• Sleeping arrangement
• Outbound
• Games
• Food
• Clothing
• Trip – (road, vehicle)
Organizing “Makrab” at the beach vs. organizing “Makrab” on
the mountain

• Temperature
• Geography
• View
• Environment
• Ground
• Water - Bathing arrangement, drinking water
• Sleeping arrangement
• Outbound
• Games
different challenges!!
• Food
• Clothing
• Trip – (road, vehicle)
Organizing “Makrab” at the beach presents different challenges
than organizing “Makrab” on the mountain.

• Water - Bathing arrangement, drinking water

• Sleeping arrangement
• Outbound
• Games
• Food
• Trip – (road, vehicle)

Susun (berdasarkan time order yang akan dihadapi peserta):

• Trip – (road, vehicle)
• Sleeping arrangement
• Water - Bathing arrangement, drinking water
• Food
• Outbound/games
Organizing “Makrab” at the beach presents different challenges
than organizing “Makrab” on the mountain.

• Trip – (road, vehicle)

• Sleeping arrangement
• Water - Bathing arrangement, drinking water
• Food
• Outbound/games
Homework 2
Buat kerangka (outline/layout) dari sebuah
Comparison and Contrast Paragraph mengenai:
Array vs Linked List

(Jangan lupa untuk melakukan tahap-tahap

prewrite dan draft)
Jenis paragraph Topic Sentence Supporting Ideas Purpose
Illustration Topic + Point. Examples To make a point
(pokok/ (contoh-contoh, by showing
Narration Topic + Preview. A series of events To reveal
pendapat) disusun examples
(gambaran) (serentetan
Details sense of something by
Description Topic + Main berdasarkan To describe an
sight, hearing, telling a story
impression. order
A of
series of steps object
pendapat by dengan
Process Process + point kejadian,
smell, disusun
taste, and To give an
(topik yang importance)
(langkah-langkah creating
Analysis about the berdasarkan
A series of opinion
sesuatu about
dengan a
Comparison Topics
dialami++ main dalam proses) To let the
picture in readers
process. (detail
order of time/
similarities/ process
and Contrast point
kesanofutama) menggunakan choose by giving
(proses + importance)
differences explaining how it
similarity/ panca indra) comparisons
objek dengan
pendapat tentang (sederetan works (memberi
difference. (menolong
menciptakan citra
proses itu) persamaan/ pendapat tentang
(topik-topik + perbedaan antara pembaca memilih
melalui kata-kata)
suatu proses
pokok utama topik-topik yang dengan cara
persamaan/ diatur menyodorkan
menjelaskan cara
perbedaan) “point_by_point” perbandingan)
atau “whole_by_
Jenis Paragraph
1. Illustration
2. Narration
3. Description
4. Process Analysis
5. Comparison and Contrast
6. Argument:
Tulisan yang membujuk/meyakinkan pembaca untuk
ikut mengambil posisi penulis tentang suatu issue
Argument Paragraph
Sebuah Argument Paragraph yang baik:
1. Mengambil posisi yang kuat dan pasti
tentang suatu masalah.
2. Membeberkan bukti-bukti yang baik untuk
mempertahankan posisinya.
3. Memperhatikan pandangan oposisi.
4. Intensitas semangat terjaga dari awal hingga
Langkah yang penting:
• Jelajahi masalah
• Pilih satu posisi

(Cara praktis:
- Buat pertanyaan yang menimbulkan 2 sisi (Y/N)
- Jawaban anda bisa menjadi Topic Sentence.)
1. Topic: Smoking near other people
Question: Should smoking near other people be banned?
Kemungkinan Topic Sentence:
a. Smoking near other people should be banned.
b. Smoking near other people should be allowed.
2. Topic: Fees for university activities
Question: Should students pay more fees for university
-Students should pay more fees for university activities.
-Students should not pay more fees for university activities.
Argument –persuades
Topic Sentence:
Issue + Position on the issue.
(permasalahan yang (sisi yang dipilih penulis)
menimbulkan 2 sisi
yang berlawanan)
Supporting Ideas:
Evidences – facts, examples, expert opinions.
(bukti-bukti – fakta, contoh, pendapat pakar)

Smoking near other people must be banned.

- Harming others
• Poison in cigarette smoke
- Causing addiction in others – passive smokers
• Children of smokers
Argument - persuades
Smoking near other people must be banned. (1) First,
smokers are harming others by smoking near them. (-) It is
proven that cigarette smoke contains more poison than
the cigarette itself. (-) If deliberately putting poison in food
of others is a criminal activity, then smoking in public
places must also be regarded as one. (2) In addition,
passive smoking may create an addiction, especially to
children. (-) Research shows that the majority of children
of smokers will become smokers. (-) These children
become addicted through breathing in cigarette smoke.
Transition words
another thing
in addition
another fact to consider
another reason
above all
in fact
more important
best of all
worst of all
Argument - persuades
Smoking near other people must be banned. First,
smokers are harming others by smoking near them. It is
proven that cigarette smoke contains more poison that
the cigarette itself. If deliberately putting poison in food
of others is a criminal activity, then smoking in public
places must also be regarded as one. In addition,
passive smoking may create an addiction, especially to
children. Research shows that the children of smokers
will become smokers. These children become addicted
through breathing in cigarette smoke.
Exercise (HW 3)
Topic: The Indonesian football team
Narrowed topic: Foreign coach for the Indonesian football team

Question: Should the Indonesian football team hire a foreign

Kemungkinan Topic Sentence:
1.The Indonesian football team should hire a foreign coach.
2.The Indonesian football team should not hire a foreign coach.
Contoh lain
Topic: Graduation Ceremony
Question: Must a graduate attend the
graduation ceremony?
Kemungkinan Topic Sentence:
1. A graduate must attend the graduation
2. A graduate does not need to attend the
graduation ceremony.
Jenis paragraph Topic Sentence Supporting Ideas Purpose
Illustration Topic + Point. Examples To make a point
(pokok/ (contoh-contoh, by showing
Narration Topic + Preview. A series of events To reveal
pendapat) disusun examples
(gambaran) (serentetan
Details sense of something by
Description Topic + Main berdasarkan To describe an
sight, hearing, telling a story
impression. order
A of
series of steps object
pendapat by dengan
Process Process + point kejadian,
smell, disusun
taste, and To give an
(topik yang importance)
(langkah-langkah creating
Analysis about the berdasarkan
A series of opinion
sesuatu about
dengan a
Comparison Topics
dialami++ main dalam proses) To let the
picture in readers
process. (detail
order of time/
similarities/ process
and Contrast point
kesanof utama) menggunakan choose by giving
(proses + importance)
differences explaining how it
similarity/ panca indra) comparisons
objek dengan
Argument pendapat
Issue tentang
+ position Evidences
(sederetan – works
To (memberi
difference. (menolong
menciptakan citra
on itu)
the issue. facts, examples,
persamaan/ pendapat
readers totentang
(topik-topik + expert
antara pembaca memilih
melalui kata-kata)
(masalah yang suatu
the proses
pokok utama (bukti-bukti –
topik-topik yang dengan cara of
menimbulkan dengan
persamaan/ 2 fakta,
diatur contoh,
the writer on a
sisi berlawanan) menjelaskan
certain issue cara
perbedaan) pendapat pakar)
“point_by_point” perbandingan)
+ berfungsinya)
atau “whole_by_
(posisi yang whole") meyakinkan
dipilih penulis pembaca untuk
dalam masalah berpihak dengan
ini) penulis tentang

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