English 2 Class 10

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Class 10

October 21 & 24, 2019

Fuel (Fun English) Club
Tuesdays 18:00-19:00
Next weeks:
Clean and Affordable Energy
Last Homework: Analyzing a paragraph

Working at a part-time job while studying at a university has many advantages. If students can get a job
in their area of study, they are gaining valuable experience and putting their knowledge to use
immediately. The extra money they can earn will be useful for meeting tuition fees and enjoying
university activities. Also, they will have the personal satisfaction of having contributed to their own
education. Students who need extra money can hold down a full-time temporary job during their
summer vacation.

1. Tulisankan kalimat utama (TOPIC SENTENCE) paragraph di atas.

2. Tuliskan TOPIC paragraph.
3. Tuliskan CONTROLLING IDEA paragraph.
4. Ada satu kalimat yang tidak seharusnya ada dalam paragraph ini. Tuliskan kalimat itu.
5. Tuliskan layout/outline/kerangka) paragraph di atas. Jangan lupa tuliskan topic sentence, supporting
ideas utama, dan detail-detailnya (kalau ada) dalam bentuk yang jelas.
6. Bagaimanakah supporting ideas paragraph di atas disusun?
(space order/time order/order of importance)
7. Paragraph di atas dapat dikategorikan sebagai paragraph apa?
Analyzing a paragraph: an example

Working at a part-time job while studying at a university has many advantages. If students (1) can get a job
in their area of study, they are gaining valuable experience and putting their knowledge to use
immediately. The extra money they (2) can earn will be useful for meeting tuition fees and enjoying
university activities. Also, they will have the personal
(3) satisfaction of having contributed to their own
education. Students who need extra money can hold down a full-time temporary job during their
summer vacation.
Analyzing a paragraph: an example

Working at a part-time job while studying at a university has many advantages. If students can get a job
in their area of study, they are (1) gaining valuable experience and (2) putting their knowledge to use
immediately. (3) The extra money they can earn will be useful for meeting tuition fees and enjoying
university activities. (4) Also, they will have the personal satisfaction of having contributed to their own

5. Write down the outine/layout (kerangka) of the paragraph. There are four main supporting ideas.
Working at a part-time job while studying at a university has many advantages.
(1)gaining valuable experience,
(2)putting their knowledge to use immediately job in their area of study
(3) extra money
- tuition fees
- enjoying university activities
(4) personal satisfaction of having contributed to their own education
HOMEWORK: Analyzing a paragraph

There are several features of spoken English that make it difficult for me to understand. First, many
words are not pronounced as they are spelled, so when I learn new words through reading, I
sometimes don’t understand them when they are spoken. Second, native speakers contract words and
phrases. “What are you doing?” becomes “Whacha doin’?” In my opinion, people should write clearly.
Third, native speakers have a wide arrange of accents. A British accent is very different from a Texas
one. Fourth, there are lots of idioms and slang expressions. These expressions also differ depending on
the area a speaker is from. Finally, there are sounds that don’t exist in my language that do exist in
English and vice versa. These sounds are difficult for me to distinguish.

1. Tulisankan kalimat utama (TOPIC SENTENCE) paragraph di atas.

2. Tuliskan TOPIC paragraph.
3. Tuliskan CONTROLLING IDEA paragraph.
4. Ada satu kalimat yang tidak seharusnya ada dalam paragraph ini. Tuliskan kalimat itu.
5. Tuliskan layout/outline/kerangka) paragraph di atas. Jangan lupa tuliskan topic sentence, supporting
ideas utama, dan detail-detailnya (kalau ada) dalam bentuk yang jelas.
6. Bagaimanakah supporting ideas paragraph di atas disusun?
(space order/time order/order of importance)
7. . Paragraph di atas dapat dikategorikan sebagai paragraph apa?
HOMEWORK: Analyzing a paragraph
There are several features of spoken English that make it difficult for me to understand. First, many
words are not pronounced as they are spelled, so when I learn new words through reading, I
sometimes don’t understand them when they are spoken. Second, 2native speakers contract words and
phrases. “What are you doing?” becomes “Whacha doin’?” In my opinion, people should write clearly.
3 Third, native speakers have a wide arrange of accents. A British accent is very different from a Texas
one. Fourth,4 there are lots of idioms and slang expressions. These expressions also differ depending on
the area a speaker is from. Finally,5there are sounds that don’t exist in my language that do exist in
English and vice versa. These sounds are difficult for me to distinguish.

1. Tulisankan kalimat utama (TOPIC SENTENCE) paragraph di atas.

2. Tuliskan TOPIC paragraph.
3. Tuliskan CONTROLLING IDEA paragraph.
4. Ada satu kalimat yang tidak seharusnya ada dalam paragraph ini. Tuliskan kalimat itu.
5. Tuliskan layout/outline/kerangka) paragraph di atas. Jangan lupa tuliskan topic sentence, supporting
ideas utama, dan detail-detailnya (kalau ada) dalam bentuk yang jelas.
6. Bagaimanakah supporting ideas paragraph di atas disusun?
(space order/time order/order of importance)
7. Apakah paragraph di atas dapat dikategorikan sebagai
Illustration paragraph, Narration Paragraph, Description Paragraph, Process Analysis Paragraph atau
bukan salah satu pun?
An essay is made of:
1. An introductory paragraph,
2. Support (developmental) paragraphs, and
3. A concluding paragraph.
Paragraph vs. Essay
Introductory Paragraph
Topic Sentence . Topic untuk essay
Controlling idea untuk essay
Supporting idea 1.
Support/Developmental Paragraph 1
. Supporting idea 2.
. Supporting idea 3.
. Support/Developmental Paragraph 2

Support/Developmental Paragraph 3

Concluding Paragraph
Essay, Paragraph, Topic Sentence, Supporting Ideas

Topic (of the essay)

paragraph Controlling idea utk essay
Topic Sentence Supporting Ideas

topic controlling idea

______________________________. ________________________
Support/ ________. ________________________________. _____________
Developmental ___________. ___________________________________________.
paragraph _____________________. _________________________________.



Some people claim that reading novels is a waste of time. They say that
reading nonfictional works is more beneficial. Do you agree? Support your

1.Baca pertanyaan dengan seksama.

2.Kenali topiknya.
3.Apa-apa saja yang harus ada dalam jawaban?
- Opinion – agree/ do not agree
- Support the opinion
Some people claim that reading nonfictional works is beneficial whereas reading novels is a waste of
time. Those who think this way do not realize the importance of the novel. The fictional world affects
mankind in several ways.
When people read a novel, they are entering into a new world. Frequently, the story takes place in a
real part of the world at a particular time in history. The reader then learns about this place during that
time. Also, the story may take place in an unfamiliar place. For example, someone who lives in the
mountains might learn ship terms and even how to sail a schooner.
People who read a lot of fictions develop good imagination that can be very useful in our complex
society. We need people who can use their imaginations to solve problems creatively. For example, an IT
person with good imagination could provide an application to solve problems such as traffic jams or even
language learning creatively. We also need people who can design a system that other people would
never dream of. A civil engineer with good imagination, for example, could design a home that can move
the layout of the rooms with a single input from the owner. Just as important, we need imaginative
people to create visual as well as performing arts.
Sometimes novels can change world events by exposing current problems. For example, Harriet
Beecher Stowe’s antislavery novel may have helped end slavery in the United States. Another example is
“Animal Farm” by George Orwell which influenced many readers about communism. The novel helped
people to see the dangers of communism and dictatorship, and may have contributed to the fall of
communism. In Indonesia Kartini’s “Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang” also helped the emancipation of
women in many aspects of life.
In conclusion, reading novels is not a waste of time. It provides readers with many satisfying hours
that teaches them about life, stretches their imaginations, and focuses their mind on today’s problems.
Reading novels is, and should always be, an important activity for the people in the world.
Introductory Paragraph
(the problem/ the question)
(the controlling idea of the essay).

The thesis statement is usually the last sentence in the

introductory paragraph.
(Thesis statement biasanya adalah kalimat terakhir
dalam introductory paragraph.)
Some people claim that reading nonfictional works is beneficial whereas reading novels is a waste
of time. Those who think this way do not realize the importance of the novel. The fictional world affects
mankind in several ways.
When people read a novel, they are entering into a new world. Frequently, the story takes place in a
real part of the world at a particular time in history. The reader then learns about this place during that
time. Also, the story may take place in an unfamiliar place. For example, someone who lives in the
mountains might learn ship terms and even how to sail a schooner.
People who read a lot of fictions develop good imagination that can be very useful in our complex
society. We need people who can use their imaginations to solve problems creatively. For example, an IT
person with good imagination could provide an application to solve problems such as traffic jams or even
language learning creatively. We also need people who can design a system that other people would
never dream of. A civil engineer with good imagination, for example, could design a home that can move
the layout of the rooms with a single input from the owner. Just as important, we need imaginative
people to create visual as well as performing arts.
Sometimes novels can change world events by exposing current problems. For example, Harriet
Beecher Stowe’s antislavery novel may have helped end slavery in the United States. Another example is
“Animal Farm” by George Orwell which influenced many readers about communism. The novel helped
people to see the dangers of communism and dictatorship, and may have contributed to the fall of
communism. In Indonesia Kartini’s “Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang” also helped the emancipation of
women in many aspects of life.
In conclusion, reading novels is not a waste of time. It provides readers with many satisfying hours
that teaches them about life, stretches their imaginations, and focuses their mind on today’s problems.
Reading novels is, and should always be, an important activity for the people in the world.
Support (Developmental) Paragraphs

The topic sentences of the support paragraphs

are the supporting ideas of the thesis statement
(Topic Sentence dari support paragraphs adalah
supporting ideas untuk thesis statement).
Support (developmental) paragraph 1

When people read a novel, they are entering

into a new world.
1)Into a real part of the world in history
- reader can learn about the place at that
2)Into unfamiliar place
- mountain people can learn ship terms/ how
to sail a schooner
Last Homework
Buat kerangka (layout/outline) dari
1. Support paragraph 2
2. Support paragraph 3
Support (developmental) paragraph 2

People who read a lot of fictions develop good imagination that

can be very useful in our complex society.
1)To solve problems
- IT person: applications for traffic jam, language learning
2)To design new things
- Civil engineer: a house that can change its layout 
3)To create visual and performing arts
Support (developmental) paragraph 3

Sometimes novels can change the world by exposing current

1)Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel
- ended slavery
2)Animal Farm by George Orwell
- the fall of communism
3)“Habis Gelap terbitlah Terang” by Kartini
- women emancipation
Outline/Layout (Kerangka) of the Essay
The fictional world affects mankind in several ways.
1. When people read a novel, they are entering into a new world.
a. Into a real part of the world in history
- reader can learn about the place at that time
b. Into unfamiliar place
- mountain people can learn ship terms/how to sail a schooner
2. People who read a lot of fictions develop good imagination that can be very
useful in our complex society.
a. To solve problems
- IT person: applications for traffic jam, language learning
b. To design new things
- Civil engineer: a house that can change its layout 
c. To create visual and performing arts
3. Sometimes novels can change the world by exposing current problems.
a. Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel
- ended slavery
b. Animal Farm by George Orwell
- the fall of communism
Some people claim that reading nonfictional works is beneficial whereas reading novels is a waste of
time. Those who think this way do not realize the importance of the novel. The fictional world affects
mankind in several ways.
When people read a novel, they are entering into a new world. Frequently, the story takes place in
a real part of the world at a particular time in history. The reader then learns about this place during that
time. Also, the story may take place in an unfamiliar place. For example, someone who lives in the
mountains might learn ship terms and even how to sail a schooner.
People who read a lot of fictions develop good imagination that can be very useful in our complex
society. We need people who can use their imaginations to solve problems creatively. For example, an IT
person with good imagination could provide an application to solve problems such as traffic jams or even
language learning creatively. We also need people who can design a system that other people would
never dream of. A civil engineer with good imagination, for example, could design a home that can move
the layout of the rooms with a single input from the owner. Just as important, we need imaginative
people to create visual as well as performing arts.
Sometimes novels can change world events by exposing current problems. For example, Harriet
Beecher Stowe’s antislavery novel may have helped end slavery in the United States. Another example is
“Animal Farm” by George Orwell which influenced many readers about communism. The novel helped
people to see the dangers of communism and dictatorship, and may have contributed to the fall of
communism. In Indonesia Kartini’s “Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang” also helped the emancipation of
women in many aspects of life.
In conclusion, reading novels is not a waste of time. It provides readers with many
satisfying hours that teaches them about life, stretches their imaginations, and focuses their
minds on today’s problems. Reading novels is, and should always be, an important activity
for the people in the world.
Analyzing an Essay
1. Introductory paragraph.
a. Write down the topic (restatement of the question).
b. Write down the thesis statement (controlling idea) of the essay.
2. For each (untuk setiap) support/developmental paragraph:
a. Write down topic sentence. Does it support the thesis statement?
b. Write the outline/layout (kerangka) of the support paragraph.
c. Do the supporting ideas in the paragraph support its topic sentence?
d. Are the details (examples, facts, explanation, experiences) clear?
Concluding Paragraph
a) Restatement of the thesis statement
b) Restatement of the topic sentence of the
developmental paragraphs
c) Opinion/ preference/ prediction/ solution
d) Reasons for c
e) Concluding statement (“take-home message”)
a,b: Summary (ringkasan)
c,d,e: Personal message (pesan pribadi)
Concluding Paragraph of the sample essay
In conclusion, reading novels is not a waste of time. It provides
readers with many satisfying hours that teaches them
about life, stretches their imaginations, and focuses their
minds on today’s problems. Reading novels is, and should
always be, an important activity for the people in the world.
Concluding Paragraph of the sample essay
In conclusion, (1) reading novels is not a waste of time. It
provides readers with many satisfying hours that teaches
(2)them about life, stretches(3)their imaginations, and focuses

their(4)minds on today’s problems. Reading novels is, and

should always be, an important activity for the people in
the world.

T. S. of support (developmental) paragraph 1
T. S. of support (developmental) paragraph 2
T. S. of support (developmental) paragraph 3
Concluding Paragraph of the sample essay
In conclusion, (1) reading novels is not a waste of time. It
provides readers with many satisfying hours that teaches
(2)them about life, stretches(3)their imaginations, and focuses

their(4)minds on today’s problems. Reading novels(5)is, and

should always be, an important activity for the people in
the world.

T. S. of support (developmental) paragraph 1
& reason for opinion
T. S. of support (developmental) paragraph 2
& reason for opinion
T. S. of support (developmental) paragraph 3
& reason for opinion
Concluding Paragraph of the sample essay
In conclusion, (1) reading novels is not a waste of time. It
provides readers with many satisfying hours that teaches
(2)them about life, stretches(3)their imaginations, and focuses

their(4)minds on today’s problems. Reading novels(5)is, and

should always be, an important activity for the people in
the world.

T. S. of support (developmental) paragraph 1
reason for opinion
T. S. of support (developmental) paragraph 2
& reason for opinion
T. S. of support (developmental) paragraph 3
& reason for opinion
Concluding statement
Analyzing an Essay
1. Introductory paragraph.
a. Write down the topic (restatement of the question).
b. Write down the thesis statement (controlling idea) of the essay.
2. For each (untuk setiap) support/developmental paragraph:
a. Write down topic sentence. Does it support the thesis statement?
b. Write the outline/layout (kerangka) of the support paragraph.
c. Do the supporting ideas in the paragraph support its topic sentence?
d. Are the details (examples, facts, explanation, experiences) clear?
3. Read the concluding paragraph.
a. Write the restatement of the thesis statement (kalau ada).
b. Write the restatements of the topic sentence of the developmental
paragraphs (kalau ada).
c. Write the opinion/ preference/ prediction/ solution of the author.
d. Write the reasons for 3.c.
e. Write the concluding statement.
4. Have all the questions been answered?
Finally …
1. Read the question again (baca soal sekali lagi).
2. Have all the questions been answered (apakah semua pertanyaan sudah

Some people claim that reading novels is a waste of time. They say that
reading nonfictional works is more beneficial. Do you agree? Support
your opinion.

Apa-apa saja yang harus ada dalam jawaban?

- Opinion – agree/ do not agree
- Support the opinion
Some people claim that reading nonfictional works is beneficial whereas reading novels is a
waste of time. Those who think this way do not realize the importance of the novel. The fictional
world affects mankind in several ways.
When people read a novel, they are entering into a new world. Frequently, the story takes
place in a real part of the world at a particular time in history. The reader then learns about this
place during that time. Also, the story may take place in an unfamiliar place. For example, someone
who lives in the mountains might learn ship terms and even how to sail a schooner.
People who read a lot of fictions develop good imagination that can be very useful in our
complex society. We need people who can use their imaginations to solve problems creatively. For
example, an IT person with good imagination could provide an application to solve problems such
as traffic jams or even language learning creatively. We also need people who can design a system
that other people would never dream of. A civil engineer with good imagination, for example,
could design a home that can move the layout of the rooms with a single input from the owner.
Just as important, we need imaginative people to create visual as well as performing arts.
Sometimes novels can change world events by exposing current problems. For example,
Harriet Beecher Stowe’s antislavery novel may have helped end slavery in the United States.
Another example is “Animal Farm” by George Orwell which influenced many readers about
communism. The novel helped people to see the dangers of communism and dictatorship, and may
have contributed to the fall of communism. In Indonesia Kartini’s “Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang”
also helped the emancipation of women in many aspects of life.
In conclusion, reading novels is not a waste of time. It provides readers with many
satisfying hours that teaches them about life, stretches their imaginations, and focuses their
minds on today’s problems. Reading novels is, and should always be, an important activity
for the people in the world.
Analyze the essay on the handout
(Buat analisa essay yang dibagikan).
Writing an Essay
The process in writing a paragraph
(Proses menulis paragraph)
1. Prewrite (pra-menulis) – Tujuan? Siapa pembacanya? Mau bilang apa?
a. Menemukan dan menggali topik
b. Tuliskan Topic Sentence
c. Dukung pernyataan dalam Topic Sentence.
2. Draft (tulis draft) – Bagaimana saya bisa menjelaskan kepada pembaca
apa yang saya maksud?
a. Pilih dan susun ide-ide dalam susunan yang logis
b. Buat kerangka paragraph (layout/outline of the paragraph)
b. Tuliskan ide-ide dalam kalimat lengkap
3. Revise (revisi) – Bagaimana tulisan ini bisa lebih meyakinkan para
4. Edit – Adakah kesalahan grammar/penggunaan kata/spelling/tanda
Steps in Writing an Essay
1. Prewrite:
- Narrow (bagi menjadi beberapa subtopik dan pilih satu)
and explore (brainstorm subtopik)
your topic
- Find a main point (cari nuansa/kesan/pendapat yang paling
menonjol dari hasil brainstorming di atas)
and write a thesis statement
- Brainstorm/research and select your
(brainstorm/lakukan penelitian-google dan pilih-pilih support)
support points for the support/developmental paragraph.
2. Draft:
- Arrange the ideas in an outline/layout (kerangka) of the essay
- Write the outline in complete sentences
- The introductory and concluding paragraphs
3. Revise: Improve the unity, support and coherence of your essay
4. Edit: Find and correct errors in grammar, word use, and punctuations.
Cigarette smoke is inhaled by both the smoker and those
around the smoker. Discuss the effects of cigarette smoke
on those who inhale it. Should smokers be allowed to
smoke around other people?

1.Baca pertanyaan dengan seksama.

2. Kenali topiknya.
3. Apa-apa saja yang harus ada dalam jawaban?
- Effects of cigarette smoke on those who inhale it
- Opinion

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