English 2 Class 11

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Class 11

October 28 & 31, 2019

Fuel (Fun English) Club

Tuesdays 18:00-19:00
Theme in October:
Affordable and Clean Energy
October 15, 2019: Biogas (with Pak Bima)
October 22, 2019: Biogas Production (with Bu Febe)
October 29, 2019: Water Energy (with Pak Handali)
November 5, 2019: Solar Energy (with Daniel
Paragraph vs. Essay
Introductory Paragraph
Topic Sentence . Topic untuk essay
Controlling idea untuk essay
Supporting idea 1.
Support/Developmental Paragraph 1
. Supporting idea 2.
. Supporting idea 3.
. Support/Developmental Paragraph 2

Support/Developmental Paragraph 3

Concluding Paragraph
Essay, Paragraph, Topic Sentence, Supporting Ideas

Topic (of the essay)

paragraph Controlling idea utk essay
Topic Sentence Supporting Ideas

topic controlling idea

______________________________. ________________________
Support/ ________. ________________________________. _____________
Developmental ___________. ___________________________________________.
paragraph _____________________. _________________________________.



Some people claim that reading novels is a waste of time. They say that
reading nonfictional works is more beneficial. Do you agree? Support your

1.Baca pertanyaan dengan seksama.

2.Kenali topiknya.
3.Apa-apa saja yang harus ada dalam jawaban?
- Opinion – agree/ do not agree
- Support the opinion
Introductory Paragraph
(the problem/ the question)
(the controlling idea of the essay).

The thesis statement is usually the last sentence in the

introductory paragraph.
(Thesis statement biasanya adalah kalimat terakhir
dalam introductory paragraph.)
Support (Developmental) Paragraphs

The topic sentences of the support paragraphs

are the supporting ideas of the thesis statement
(Topic Sentence dari support paragraphs adalah
supporting ideas untuk thesis statement).
Concluding Paragraph
a) Restatement of the thesis statement
b) Restatement of the topic sentence of the
developmental paragraphs
c) Opinion/ preference/ prediction/ solution
d) Reasons for c
e) Concluding statement (“take-home message”)
a,b: Summary (ringkasan)
c,d,e: Personal message (pesan pribadi)
Analyzing an Essay
1. Introductory paragraph.
a. Write down the topic (restatement of the question).
b. Write down the thesis statement (controlling idea) of the essay.
2. For each (untuk setiap) support/developmental paragraph:
a. Write down topic sentence. Does it support the thesis statement?
b. Write the outline/layout (kerangka) of the support paragraph.
c. Do the supporting ideas in the paragraph support its topic sentence?
d. Are the details (examples, facts, explanation, experiences) clear?
3. Read the concluding paragraph.
a. Write the restatement of the thesis statement (kalau ada).
b. Write the restatements of the topic sentence of the developmental
paragraphs (kalau ada).
c. Write the opinion/ preference/ prediction/ solution of the author.
d. Write the reasons for 3.c.
e. Write the concluding statement.
4. Have all the questions been answered?
Analyze the essay on the handout
(Buat analisa essay yang dibagikan).
Writing an Essay
The process in writing a paragraph
(Proses menulis paragraph)
1. Prewrite (pra-menulis) – Tujuan? Siapa pembacanya? Mau bilang apa?
a. Menemukan dan menggali topik
b. Tuliskan Topic Sentence
c. Dukung pernyataan dalam Topic Sentence.
2. Draft (tulis draft) – Bagaimana saya bisa menjelaskan kepada pembaca
apa yang saya maksud?
a. Pilih dan susun ide-ide dalam susunan yang logis
b. Buat kerangka paragraph (layout/outline of the paragraph)
b. Tuliskan ide-ide dalam kalimat lengkap
3. Revise (revisi) – Bagaimana tulisan ini bisa lebih meyakinkan para
4. Edit – Adakah kesalahan grammar/penggunaan kata/spelling/tanda
Steps in Writing an Essay
1. Prewrite:
- Narrow (bagi menjadi beberapa subtopik dan pilih satu)
and explore (brainstorm subtopik)
your topic
- Find a main point (cari nuansa/kesan/pendapat yang paling
menonjol dari hasil brainstorming di atas)
and write a thesis statement
- Brainstorm/research and select your
(brainstorm/lakukan penelitian-google dan pilih-pilih support)
support points for the support/developmental paragraph.
2. Draft:
- Arrange the ideas in an outline/layout (kerangka) of the essay
- Write the outline in complete sentences
- The introductory and concluding paragraphs
3. Revise: Improve the unity, support and coherence of your essay
4. Edit: Find and correct errors in grammar, word use, and punctuations.
Cigarette smoke is inhaled by both the smoker and those
around the smoker. Discuss the effects of cigarette smoke
on those who inhale it. Should smokers be allowed to
smoke around other people?

1.Baca pertanyaan dengan seksama.

2. Kenali topiknya.
3. Apa-apa saja yang harus ada dalam jawaban?
- Effects of cigarette smoke on those who inhale it
- Opinion
Steps in Writing an Essay
1. Prewrite:
- Narrow (bagi menjadi beberapa subtopik dan pilih satu)
and explore (brainstorm subtopik)
your topic

Topic: Effects of cigarette smoke  sudah cukup sempit

cancer of tongue
cancer of throat
Steps in Writing an Essay
1. Prewrite:
- … Topic: Effect of cigarette smoke
- Find a main point (cari nuansa/kesan/pendapat yang paling
menonjol dari hasil brainstorming di atas)
and write a thesis statement
cancer of tongue
Nuansa/kesan/pendapat paling menonjol:
cancer of throat
Dangerous to health!!!

Thesis Statement:
Cigarette smoke is dangerous to health.
Steps in Writing an Essay
1. Prewrite:
- … Topic: Cigarette smoke
- … Cigarette smoke is dangerous to health.
Brainstorm/research and select your
(brainstorm/lakukan penelitian-google dan pilih-pilih support)
support points for the support/developmental paragraph.
toxins (poisons):
– hydrogen cyanide - rat poison, causes headaches, dizziness, weakness
– arsenic - deadly
– Cancer of tongue, lungs, liver, bladder, leukemia
– Tar, one inch3 of smoke contains more than 15 billion particles
– cadmium (metal used in battery)
– vinyl chloride (plastic)
– ammonia (used in toilet and floor cleaner)
– radioactive polonium-210
– nicotine is an addictive drug
– nicotine alters brain, behavior, mood
carbon monoxide:
– Once a hemoglobin cell is bound with CO, it will never function as an O2 or CO2 carrier for
the rest of its life.
– This creates inadequate supply of O2 in the brain and in other cells.
Steps in Writing an Essay
1. Prewrite:
- … Topic: Cigarette smoke
- … Cigarette smoke is dangerous to health.
Brainstorm/research and select your
(brainstorm/lakukan penelitian-google dan pilih-pilih support)
support points for the support/developmental paragraph.
toxins (poisons):
– hydrogen cyanide - rat poison, causes headaches, dizziness, weakness
– arsenic - deadly
– Cancer of tongue, lungs, liver, bladder, leukemia
– Tar, one inch3 of smoke contains more than 15 billion particles
– cadmium (metal used in battery)
– vinyl chloride (plastic)
– ammonia (used in toilet and floor cleaner)
– radioactive polonium-210
– nicotine is an addictive drug
– nicotine alters brain, behavior, mood
carbon monoxide:
– Once a hemoglobin cell is bound with CO, it will never function as an O2 or CO2 carrier
for the rest of its life.
– This creates inadequate supply of O2 in the brain and in other cells.
Steps in Writing an Essay
1. Prewrite:
2. Draft:
- Arrange the ideas in an outline/layout (kerangka) of the essay
Cigarette smoke is dangerous.
1.The toxins in cigarette smoke are deadly.
– hydrogen cyanide - rat poison, causes headaches, dizziness, weakness
– arsenic - deadly
2.Known carcinogens in cigarette smoke cause various kinds of cancer:
– Cancer of tongue, lungs, liver, bladder, leukemia
– Tar, one inch3 of smoke contains more than 15 billion particles
– cadmium (metal used in battery)
– vinyl chloride (plastic)
– ammonia (used in toilet and floor cleaner)
– radioactive polonium-210
Cigarette smoke contains substances that are
dangerous to health.
1. The toxins in cigarette smoke are deadly.
- hydrogen cyanide
. rat poison
. headaches, dizziness, weakness
- arsenic
. deadly
2. Known carcinogens in cigarette smoke are able to reach various
organs in the body.
- Tar
. one inch3 of smoke contains more than 15 billion particles.
. Cancer of lungs, throat, tongue
- cadmium (metal used in battery)
. breast cancer
- radioactive polonium-210
. soluble in water
. lung, liver, bladder cancer
Steps in Writing an Essay
2. Draft:
- Arrange the ideas in an outline/layout (kerangka) of the essay
- Write the outline in complete sentences
Support/Developmental Paragraph 1

The toxins in cigarette smoke are deadly. :

hydrogen cyanide
. rat poison
. headaches, dizziness, weakness
arsenic – deadly, murder weapon

According to research, the toxins in cigarette smoke are

deadly. Hydrogen cyanide has been found in cigarette
smoke, which is normally found in rat poison. Initially,
hydrogen cyanide causes dizziness and weakness in humans.
I am not a smoker, and I always feel dizzy after being near a
smoking person for about five minutes. Arsenic is another
poison that is found in cigarette smoke. In fact, arsenic has
been used for murder in criminal activities.
Support/Developmental Paragraph 2
Known carcinogens in cigarette smoke are able to reach various organs in the
. one inch3 of smoke contains more than 15 billion particles.
. Cancer of lungs, throat, tongue
cadmium (metal used in battery)
. Breast cancer
radioactive polonium-210
. Soluble in water
. Lung, liver, bladder cancer

Known carcinogens in cigarette smoke, agents that are proven to cause cancer, are able
to reach various organs. More than 15 billion particles of tar are present in one inch3 of
cigarette smoke. Tar will line the breathing passages and the lungs. Over time, this can
cause cancer of tongue, throat, or lungs. Another carcinogen found in cigarette smoke is
cadmium. Cadmium is a metal that is used in battery. It has been linked to higher risk of
breast cancer in women. Perhaps the most dangerous carcinogen found in cigarette
smoke is radioactive polonium-210. According to a US surgeon general, C. Everette Koop,
radioactivity is responsible for at least 90% of smoking related lung cancer. Worse,
polonium-210 is soluble, so it reaches every cell in the body through the blood
circulation. There is proof that it is found in the blood and urine of smokers. Polonium-
210 causes liver and bladder cancer, and leukemia.
Steps in Writing an Essay
2. Draft:
Cigarette smoke contains substances that are dangerous to health.
According to research, the toxins in cigarette smoke are deadly. Hydrogen cyanide
has been found in cigarette smoke, which is normally found in rat poison. Initially,
hydrogen cyanide causes dizziness and weakness in humans. I am not a smoker, and I
always feel dizzy after being near a smoking person for about five minutes. Arsenic is
another poison that is found in cigarette smoke. In fact, arsenic has been used for murder
in criminal activities.
Known carcinogens in cigarette smoke, agents that are proven to cause cancer, are
able to reach various organs in the body. More than 15 billion particles of tar are present
in one inch3 of cigarette smoke. Tar will line the breathing passages and the lungs. Over
time, this can cause cancer of tongue, throat, or lungs. Another carcinogen found in
cigarette smoke is cadmium. Cadmium is a metal that is used in battery. It has been linked
to higher risk of breast cancer in women. Perhaps the most dangerous carcinogen found
in cigarette smoke is radioactive polonium-210. According to a US surgeon general, C.
Everette Koop, radioactivity is responsible for at least 90% of smoking related lung cancer.
Worse, polonium-210 is soluble, so it reaches every cell in the body through the blood
circulation. There is proof that it is found in the blood and urine of smokers. Polonium-
210 causes liver and bladder cancer, and leukemia.
Steps in Writing an Essay
2. Draft:
- The introductory and concluding paragraphs
Introductory paragraph
The smoke created by cigarette smoking has created debates
among policy makers and research among scientists. It is so,
because the smoke has adverse effects not only on the
smokers, but especially on those around him or her who
unwillingly inhale the cigarette smoke. It has been proven,
that cigarette smoke contains substances that are dangerous
to health.
Closing Paragraph
Cigarette smoke contains, among others, poisons and
carcinogens. With strong proofs like this, it is imperative that
the law must punish smokers from smoking near others in
public places. First, smokers are poisoning the others. If
deliberately putting poison in the food of others is a criminal
activity, then smoking in public places must also be regarded
as one. Second, smokers are also inflicting cancer on others.
Spreading cigarette smoke around is comparable to spreading
biological weapon. In conclusion, smokers may take the health
risk in smoking, but the law must force them to only do so in
Closing Paragraph
Cigarette smoke contains, among others, poisons and
carcinogens. With strong proofs like this, it is imperative that
the law must punish smokers from smoking near others in
public places. First, smokers are poisoning the others. If
deliberately putting poison in the food of others is a criminal
activity, then smoking in public places must also be regarded
as one. Second, smokers are also inflicting cancer on others.
Spreading cigarette smoke around is comparable to spreading
biological weapon. In conclusion, smokers may take the health
risk in smoking, but the law must force them to only do so in
Closing Paragraph
Cigarette smoke contains, among others, poisons and
carcinogens. With strong proofs like this, it is imperative that
the law must punish smokers from smoking near others in
public places. First, smokers are poisoning the others. If
deliberately putting poison in the food of others is a criminal
activity, then smoking in public places must also be regarded
as one. Second, smokers are also inflicting cancer on others.
Spreading cigarette smoke around is comparable to spreading
biological weapon. In conclusion, smokers may take the health
risk in smoking, but the law must force them to only do so in
Closing Paragraph
Cigarette smoke contains, among others, poisons and
carcinogens. With strong proofs like this, it is imperative that
the law must punish smokers from smoking near others in
public places. First, smokers are poisoning the others. If
deliberately putting poison in the food of others is a criminal
activity, then smoking in public places must also be regarded
as one. Second, smokers are also inflicting cancer on others.
Spreading cigarette smoke around is comparable to spreading
biological weapon. In conclusion, smokers may take the health
risk in smoking, but the law must force them to only do so in
Closing Paragraph
Cigarette smoke contains, among others, poisons and
carcinogens. With strong proofs like this, it is imperative that
the law must punish smokers from smoking near others in
public places. First, smokers are poisoning the others. If
deliberately putting poison in the food of others is a criminal
activity, then smoking in public places must also be regarded
as one. Second, smokers are also inflicting cancer on others.
Spreading cigarette smoke around is comparable to spreading
biological weapon. In conclusion, smokers may take the
health risk in smoking, but the law must force them to only
do so in private.
The smoke created by cigarette smoking has created debates among policy makers and research among
scientists. It is so, because the smoke has adverse effects not only on the smokers, but especially on those
around him or her who unwillingly inhale the cigarette smoke. It has been proven, that cigarette smoke
contains substances that are dangerous to health.
According to research, the toxins in cigarette smoke are deadly. Hydrogen cyanide has been found in
cigarette smoke, which is normally found in rat poison. Initially, hydrogen cyanide causes dizziness and
weakness in humans. I am not a smoker, and I always feel dizzy after being near a smoking person for about
five minutes. Arsenic is another poison that is found in cigarette smoke. In fact, arsenic has been used for
murder in criminal activities.
Known carcinogens in cigarette smoke, agents that are proven to cause cancer, are able to reach
various organs in the body. More than 15 billion particles of tar are present in one inch3 of cigarette smoke.
Tar will line the breathing passages and the lungs. Over time, this can cause cancer of tongue, throat, or
lungs. Another carcinogen found in cigarette smoke is cadmium. Cadmium is a metal that is used in battery. It
has been linked to higher risk of breast cancer in women. Perhaps the most dangerous carcinogen found in
cigarette smoke is radioactive polonium-210. According to a US surgeon general, C. Everette Koop,
radioactivity is responsible for at least 90% of smoking related lung cancer. Worse, polonium-210 is soluble,
so it reaches every cell in the body through the blood circulation. There is proof that it is found in the blood
and urine of smokers. Polonium-210 causes liver and bladder cancer, and leukemia.
Cigarette smoke contains, among others, poisons and carcinogens. With strong proofs like this, it is
imperative that the law must punish smokers from smoking near others in public places. First, smokers are
poisoning the others. If deliberately putting poison in the food of others is a criminal activity, then smoking
in public places must also be regarded as one. Second, smokers are also inflicting cancer on others.
Spreading cigarette smoke around is comparable to spreading biological weapon. In conclusion, smokers
may take the health risk in smoking, but the law must force them to only do so in private.
Analyzing an Essay
1. Introductory paragraph.
a. Write down the topic (restatement of the question).
b. Write down the thesis statement (controlling idea) of the essay.
2. For each (untuk setiap) support/developmental paragraph:
a. Write down topic sentence. Does it support the thesis statement?
b. Write the outline/layout (kerangka) of the support paragraph.
c. Do the supporting ideas in the paragraph support its topic sentence?
d. Are the details (examples, facts, explanation, experiences) clear?
3. Read the concluding paragraph.
a. Write the restatement of the thesis statement (kalau ada).
b. Write the restatements of the topic sentence of the developmental
paragraphs (kalau ada).
c. Write the opinion/ preference/ prediction/ solution of the author.
d. Write the reasons for 3.c.
e. Write the concluding statement.
4. Have all the questions been answered?
Question: Some people believe video games are
good for children, while others disagree. Discuss
the possible reasons for both opinions. Write
and support your opinion.

1.Buat tahap prewrite.

2.Buat kerangka (layout/outline) essay.
Group Work
1. Choose a topic (around IT).
2. Brainstorm, do research.
3. Make a possible thesis statement. Nov. 4, Nov 7
4. Make a possible outline/ layout of the essay.
5. Write the essay (Intro, support, conclusion)
Nov. 11, Nov 14
6. Present the essay in class. Nov. 18, Nov. 21
- printout untuk Bu Febe
- soft copy untuk ditayangkan
1. Many organizations outsource IT business functions. What are the pros and cons of
outsourcing these, and why? Why is outsourcing perceived as a strategic option?
2. Some people believe, that doctors should be replaced by an artificial intelligent system
at night. Discuss the positive and negative outcome this system can bring to the society,
and give your prediction what possible dangers it might bring.
3. The Information and Communication Technology, ironically, has made the millenials to
be isolated. They have less and less real human contact because of the technology.
Discuss the reasons behind this phenomena. Give a possible solution to this problem.
4. A technology can be built to reduce smart phone usage time in a family to increase
interaction time between family members. Discuss how this technology can be built,
and what difficulties will arise. Give your prediction whether or not this kind of
technology will be popular.
5. Imagine a society where every house has a drone. Discuss the positive and negative
outcome of such a society. Should the general public be banned from owning a drone?
1 Irgo Satria Bakti Ragil Christina 2
Vinod Heryan Bill Yohanes
Joko Yan Anugerah Zai Noval Rialan
Dian Pray Setia Gea Siti Asma Paristia
Eko Santoso Simson

3 Putri Natalia Sinaga Milenia H. Sumariangen

Reza Malinda Hanover Frans Daniel
Andreas Ignasius Rumlus Berlin Merhan Gea
Deslinar Priskilia Lani Tansa Ndai Ngana
Yorfin Handayani Buulolo Elensia Wati Bobo

5 Mujurius Gea Techa Kenhan D. Mendrofa 6

Marchian Arrie Kasman Andreas Situmorang
Onekhesi Yakin A. Gea Daniel Alexander Leong
Adrianus Elma Robin Umbu R. U. Ngagu
Oktavianus Bulu Jasastra Telaumbanua

7 Miquel Nathaniel Gosali Reza Fauzi S. Duha 8

Trisma Bima Thomas Stevan Hiliardo
Dominggus S. Bonggoibo Warsan J. Nubatonis
Petra Yoga Ariono Fransiska Botha
Milinya Teresia Harun Kamerun Sabajak

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