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"Level of safety standards implemented by selected

Fast-Food Restaurants in Pasay City during

Pandemic; Basis for customer satisfaction."

Group 2
Cadayong, Samantha
Dionela, Ken
Lorenzo, Kevin
Ramos, Nicolai

Professor Mark Angelo Q. Paraiso
It is now more critical than ever for businesses in the Restaurant Industry to develop,
implement and maintain a good record of food safety checklists, ensuring that the best
practices are implemented across the breadth of restaurants and eateries of all kinds.
As the outbreak continues to spread, restaurants have been forced to change
operations, cancel gatherings and even close. Here's how things have unfolded.
However, amidst the pandemic the most challenging tasks of most Restaurant still
deals with providing overall Customer Satisfaction. Today, quick meals outside the
home have become an essential part of our lifestyle. Fast Food industry is highly
competitive to stand out in this crowded field. As a researcher, we want to dig deeper
with this study in order to know if the Food and Safety procedures were strictly
implemented since there are still a lot of people that are still afraid of going out, this
will be beneficial to us HRM students and consumers to assess Customer Satisfaction
even if we're in the middle of pandemic.
Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the Level of safety standards

implemented by selected Fast-Food restaurants in Pasay City during
Pandemic; Basis for customer satisfaction This will serve as a standard
for Fast-Food Restaurants during this unprecedented time. It seeks to
answer the following questions:

1.What is the Profile of the respondents in terms of?

1.1 Age
1.2 Gender
1.3 Income bracket
1.4 Lifestyle
1.5 Interest
Statement of the Problem

2.This study explored the different details of satisfaction from

customers while trying to answer the following research questions:
Level of safety standards implemented by selected Fast-Food
restaurants in Pasay City during Pandemic; Basis for customer
1. Reliability
2. Assurance
3. Responsiveness

3.Is there a significant difference in the assessment of respondents in

terms of the service quality and safety procedures implemented by
the selected Fast-Food Restaurants in Pasay City?
Conceptual Framework

Service industry is considered one of the providers in economic growth of a

country, as it is one of the fastest growing business sectors. Most businesses offer
service with the same features but serve with different levels of safety. The
SERVQUAL model will serve as the basis of this study. Parasuraman, A. et al
(1988) developed the model for service quality that aims to measure customer
expectations and perceptions towards services. With these premises, the study
aims to identify and measure the level of safety standards implemented by
selected Fast-Food Restaurants in Pasay City during Pandemic; Basis for
customer satisfaction.

The main variables in the study were lifted from the SERVQUAL concept of
total quality management. As the figure shows, there are five variables that are
also the main dimensions used in the assessment of service quality using the
Conceptual Framework

Respondents will be the main input of the study. These are the groups of Pasay City Residents
and working in Pasay City. Both groups will be assessed in terms of their demographic profiles
such as Age, Gender, Income Bracket, Interest and Lifestyle. These demographic variables will be
used to determine the significance of their responses towards the assessment of service quality in
selected Fast-Food Restaurants in Pasay City. Moreover, the demographic variables will serve as
the basis for comparison with regards to perceptions of the respondents pre pandemic and during
pandemic. Both groups will assess the service quality of selected Fast-Food Restaurants in Pasay
City using the dimensions stated in the SERVQUAL Model.
In terms of Reliability, the respondents will be assessed in terms of dependability and accuracy
of the promised service by the well-known Fast-Food Restaurants in Pasay City. In terms of
Responsiveness, respondents will be assessing the Fast-Food Restaurant’s service in terms of
willingness to help or assist customers and on the prompt service provided to the customers or
consumers. In terms of the Assurance, the respondents will assess the ability of the Fast-Food
Restaurant employees in terms of knowledge, courtesy, sanitation and safety practices and as well
as the ability of the employee to convey confidence in provisioning service during this time of
Research Paradigm
Scope and Delimitations: 

The descriptive method of research will be used in the study. The researchers will gather
the data through survey questionnaire. The study will be limited in the area of Aseana,
Bluebay walk, and Mall of Asia. Also, the researchers will limit the study in the three
dimensions of SERVQUAL to identify the level of safety standards implemented of  Selected
Fast-food Restaurant in Pasay City during pandemic.

The SERVQUAL dimension that the researchers will focus on are the following:
Assurance, Reliability and Responsiveness. This will give the researchers the right data and
information that will support the study.  The Level of Safety Standards will be measured as (1)
Highly Implemented. (2) Implemented. (3) Not Implemented (4) Highly Not Implemented. 
The respondents in the study were limited to 100 customers. 
Research Design

The research makes use of the Quantitative Research approach.

Quantitatively, the study will measure the respondent’s level of satisfaction

towards the level of safety standards implemented of selected Fast-Food

Restaurants in Pasay City. The Descriptive method will be used to describe,

interpret and analyze the satisfaction level of Fast-Food Restaurant customers

working and living in Pasay City. The design and the method will also allow

the researchers to compare the level of satisfaction of the customers.

Sample and Sampling Technique
The research utilized the purposive sampling technique with one hundred respondents equally divided per each location and

category. This sampling technique will allow the researchers to determine the actual respondents based on the purpose of the


Doing so, the research provides the following criteria in choosing the respondents:

•       Must be living or working in Pasay City (as required by respondent’s category) Target Areas are the following

(Aseana, Mall of Asia, BluebayWalk and Macapagal)

•       Frequently using the facilities in any of the Fast-Food Restaurants for dining purposes (at least twice a week)

•     Must be 21-59 years old due to quarantine restrictions

•       Must be willing to cooperate

Research Instrument and Technique

The researchers used a questionnaire as the primary instrument in the collection of data that was

needed in the study. The questionnaire is developed by the researchers focusing on getting the needed

profile of the respondents and the programs that influence the impact of service quality to customer

satisfaction and level of safety standards in selected Fast-Food Restaurants which are either working

or Pasay City Residents. The questions were constructed in a way that the data gathered could be

drawn from the questions and were then used to assess the programs extent in influencing the

satisfaction of the customer. Necessary changes were made and incorporated in the revision and

finalization of the questionnaire.

Statistic Procedure

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