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Spiritual Science is a metaphysical 

expression of the universal truths revealed

in all world religions. It is a practical, easily applied way of thinking about the
nature of the Universe and our relationship to it. When we understand
ourselves as co creators of the universe, we are then capable of expressing the
unlimited potential within us.

Spiritual Science alone unites all people. To the degree that, each individual
connects with the Divine which in turn determines the degree of success,
harmony and peace of mind in one’s life. 

Spiritual Science has no one doctrine or scripture. It primarily includes the

practice of MEDITATION and constant observation of one’s thoughts, words
and deeds. Spiritual Science is the collective Wisdom of the Ages, preserved
and passed down by all the Great Thinkers and Sages.
Brahmarshi Patriji – Founder of Pyramid Spiritual Societies of
Science Of Meditation
Science of Meditation
The Science of Meditation is the
science of Energy Maximization !

The Science of Meditation is the true

Science of Physical Health !

The Science of Meditation is the

truest science of Joy !
Mind - Body
Mind - Body are
one .. inseparably
We experience
Body .. Objectively
We experience
Mind .. Subjectively
.. Thoughts
& Feelings
The Mind
The Mind is the
sum total of all our
On an average a
human being
thinks about
60,000 thoughts
per day.
The Mind

Most of these
thoughts dwell
either in the
past or future
The Mind
Rishi Patanjali
“ Yoga ”
“ Chitta
Nirodhaha ”
The Mind
‘ Chitta ’ is the entire
Mind stuff.
‘ Vritti ’ is tendency to
distract us by its
monkey antics of
moving from one
thought to the next.
‘ Chitta Vritti ’ means
‘ Restless Mind ’
The Mind
A restless mind
wanders around
through an incessant
flow of thoughts,
creating an
‘ Inner Chatter ’.
It doesn’t know how to
remain in the
present moment here
and now.
The Mind

The natural
restless waves of
the mind result
in unwanted
dissipation of the
energy of the
The Mind
When the
is thus dissipated,
the physical body becomes
weak and more susceptible to
attacks from various external
sources, resulting in diseases.
“80% Diseases are Psycho-
The Mind

The naturally restless mind is the

common lot of all persons who do
not make any efforts to consciously
cultivate the mind.
The Mind
An uncultivated
land becomes
full of weeds.
Similarly, an
mind becomes
full of unwanted
Zero to Hero

Zero to Hero

means total
cessation of
all restless
waves of the
mind, making it
crystal clear.
the mind to
access and
focus on
A simple
definition of
Meditation is
‘ Stillness of
Mind ’ ..
Nirmal Sthiti.
When there are no
words in the mouth
that is ‘ Silence ’.
When there are no
thoughts in the mind
that is ‘ Meditation ’..
‘ Dhyana ’.
“Agriculture is cultivation of Land
Meditation is cultivation of Mind”
What Meditation is not?
Not an intellectual process
Not concentration
Not Mind control
Not Visualization
Not Worship
Not Prayer
What Meditation is ?
*Meditation is Seeing
*Meditation is awaking oneself to altered
state of Consciousness
*Meditation is silencing the 'inner-talk' and
seeing with the 'third eye‘
* Dhyana ( Sanskrit Word)
Myths and Misconceptions

• It’s for Only old and religious

• Need to go forest and/or
• Escape from worldly
Three Great 3 Law’s of

“First Law”
“When we are with
the simple , normal,
easy natural flow of
the breath.. the
mind becomes
rather empty”
Three Great Law’s of Meditation

“Second Law”
“When the mind is
rather empty, huge
amount of cosmic
energy flood into the
physical body.. Into
the physical-ness”
Three Great Law’s of Meditation

“Third Law”
“When sufficient amount
of cosmic energy enters
the physical body, the
result is a reasonable
amount of activation of
the ' third-eye '.
Prana – Vital Energy

Prana – In Sanskrit
“Pra” – Constancy
“Na”- Movement

Prana is a force in
constant motion
Our Upanishads
are referred
“Breath” as the
vehicle of
“Brahman” or
“The Lord God formed
out of the dust of the
ground and breathing
into his nostrils
the breath of life, he
became a living soul.“
(Gen. 2:10)
Breath & Meditation
Breath is your
external and
internal Master.
Follow your
Your Master will
lead you in and to
Breath & Meditation
All the individual
needs to do is sit
silently and
Go Within.
Focus on one’s
Breath and slowly
begin the journey
back to one’s real
Breath & Meditation
The easiest way
of being in
touch with the
Masters and the
Army of Light
Workers is
through the
Breath & Meditation
breathing converts air
into potent prana.
It makes the
cleansing process so
much more potent.
It rejuvenates
dying cells.
It prevents ageing.
Breath & Meditation
Breath is the
life-force and the
life-force is God.
Focus on Breath
and you
Focus on God.
It’s really simple.
Breath & Meditation
Breath is the spiritual
essence which gives us
life to physical body
through the
vital principle
called Prana.
Breath makes us
experience this
Breath & Meditation
When we
to our Breath,
the Mind
Breath & Meditation
As we observe BREATH,
it becomes absorbed in
its rhythm.
Gradually BREATH
becomes slower and
deeper while the
Mind becomes
tranquil and aware.
Breath & Meditation

Buddha used Breath as a vehicle to do two things

simultaneously ; one to create consciousness, and another to
allow that consciousness to penetrate to the very cells of the
body. Buddha said : “ Breathe consciously ”.
Anapanasati Meditation
In ' Pali ' language,
' Ana ' means ‘
In-Breath ‘
' Apana ' means ' Out-
Breath '
' Sati ' means '
Observe '
Meditation Posture
1.Hands should be clasped
and all fingers should go
into all fingers
2.The feet should be
3.The eyes should be
4.Observe the normal
natural breath
Meditation - Experiences
1. Physical Experiences
2. Mental Experiences
3. Emotional Experiences
4. Energetic Experiences
5. 72000 Nadi’s Purification
6. Six Chakra and crown
7. Astral Experiences
8. Third Eye Experiences
9. Seven Bodies
10. Deep Spiritual Experiences
Meditation - Experiences
“ Physical Experiences”

- Pain, Itching, Tingling,

-Yawning, Sounds,
Smells, Taste, Sweat
-Heaviness, Lightness,
Meditation - Experiences
“ Mental Experiences”

-More Thoughts
-Less Thoughts
-Losing awareness of time
-Unconscious sleep
Meditation - Experiences
“ Emotional Experiences”

-Feeling of Joy
-Enjoying the process
-Tears, Peace
Meditation - Experiences
“ Energetic Experiences”

-Raised Vibrations
-Sense of ecstasy
Meditation - Experiences
72,000 Nadi’s Purification
Meditation - Experiences
Seven Bodies Experience
Meditation - Experiences

-Connection with the source

- Complete stillness / Samadhi
- Receiving great wisdom and insights
Stages of Meditation

1. Mind and its Chatter

2. Involved in the chatter
3. Chatter and focus
4. Slowing the chatter
5. Gap between thoughts
6. Silence
Stages of Meditation

1. Anapanasati – Observing Your Natural Breath

2. Kayanupassana – Consciousness of Whole body
3. Vedanupassana – Consciousness of Emotions
4. Chittanupassana – Memory Complexes
5. Dhammanupassana – Mental Quality
6. Vipassana – Seeing
7. Nirvana – Ultimate Wisdom
5 Obstacles confronted by

1. Desire for sensory pleasure

2. Aversion and ill will
3. Sloth, torpor, dullness and
4. Restlessness and worry
5. Doubt and obstinate
Benefits of Meditation
1. Immediate Healing
2. Enhances memory
3. Wasteful habits die
4. Mind becomes Joyful
5. Work becomes efficient
6. Sleep time is reduced
7. Qualitative relationships
8. Power of thought
Maha Vakyas
Prajnanam Brahma – Rig Veda
Maha Vakyas
Aham Brahmasmi – Yajurveda
Maha Vakyas
Tat Tvam Asi – Sama Veda
Maha Vakyas
Ayam Atma Brahma– Atharva Veda
Other Mahavakyas
1. Brahma satyam jagan mithyā -- Vivekachudamani
-Brahman is real; the world is illusory

2. Ekam evadvitiyam brahma - Chāndogya Upaniṣad

-Brahman is one, without a second 
3. So ‘ham -  Isha Upanishad
- He am I

4. Sarvam khalvidam brahma -  Chāndogya Upaniṣad

- All of this is brahman
4 Principles in our regular life
1. Meditation- Dhyana
2. Listening - Sravanam
3. Remembering - Mananam
4. Understanding - Nidhidhyasana
Scientific Research on
Single photon emission computed
tomography (SPECT), which allows us
to measure blood flow. The more
blood flow a brain area has, the more
active it is (red > yellow > green >
blue > black). When we scanned the
brains of Tibetan Buddhist
meditators, we found decreased
activity in the parietal lobe during
meditation (lower right shows up as
yellow rather than the red in the left
Scientific Research on
The front part of the brain, which
is usually involved in focusing
attention and concentration, is
more active during meditation
(increased red activity).  This
makes sense since meditation
requires a high degree of
concentration. We also found that
the more activity increased in the
frontal lobe, the more activity
decreased in the parietal lobe.

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