Panchavidha Kashay Kalpana

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Kashay Kalpana

Pradeepta Kumar Singh

Lecturer. Deptt. of R.S & B.K,
KATS Ay. College & Hospital,
Ankushpur (Gm), Odisha
Means distortion of the original form of Dravya
and making it suitable for use

Means Yojana or Planning

Kalka -------------------- Churna

Kwatha Laksha rasa

Hima ------------- Mantha

Any juice extracted from part of the plant
using any mechanical force is called

The juice of a plant can be obtained by

cutting or tapping the root of a big tree and
collecting the liquid oozing out of it
Method –I

Fresh part of the plant, devoid of any

disease, infestation is collected. It is
crushed using mechanical force like
pestle and mortar or the juicer of
present day. The extracted juice is
filtered using a clean cloth or sieve.

Whichever the day, the fresh herbs

are collected, on the same day, the
fresh juice from them has to be
Example : 1. Tulasi swarasa
2. Adrak swarasa
Method – II

In case of part of plant which is soft and dry

in nature, the part should be crushed and
soaked in twice the amount of water
overnight. Next morning the plant is
macerated and filtered using a cloth.
(Drug : Water = 1 : 2)

Example: Dhanyaka Veeja (Coriandrum

sativum Linn)
Method – III
Putapakwa swarasa
The herb is cut into small pieces and covered
with a big leaves of trees like palasha (Butea
monosperma Linn) &Vata (Ficus bengalensis
Linn.) etc.
leaves are tied with a thread »» covered
with a thick layer of clean mud »» made into
bolus shape »» drying under sunlight »»
subjected to mild fire »» till the bolus turns
to red hot »» left for cooling »» after
breaking herb is collected juice is extracted
by pressing.
Matra (Doses)
24 ml for the 1st and 2nd method as they
are guru (heavy) for digestion.
48 ml for Putapakwa swarasa (3rd method)
as they are comparatively laghu (light) for

Prakshepa dravya
Swarasa, honey, Jaggery, Kshara, Jirak (cumin
seed powder), black salt, ghee, oil or herbal
powders can be added in a dose of 1 Kola
i.e 6 grams.
Uses of Swarasa
 As medicine - Tulasi swarasa (juice of
Ocimum santum Linn
 As bhavana dravya - (Medium of binding

agent along with enhancing the property of

the formulation).
Example- during preparation of Chitrakadi vati
- juice of dadima (pomegranate seed juice)
 As Anupana - (liquid media taken with

Example- juice of Ardraka (Zingiber officinale
Roxb.) along with tablet Tribhubanakirti Rasa
 The fresh herb is pounding by the help of
mortar and pestle till it becomes soft mass.

If the herb part is dry like dried bark, then

make it powder form and it has to be soaked
in water for a few hours till it become soft
and grounded in a mortar with pestle to
obtain fine paste.
 1 karsha (about 12g) and it has to be

consumed immediately after the preparation

Prakshepa Dravya
 Madhu, Ghrita, Taila -Double the quantity of
 Sita, Guda - In equal quantity of Kalka
 Drava - 4 times the quantity of Kalka

Nimba kalka - Internal and external uses,
kustha,Krimi, Chhardi
Rasona kalka - vata roga, visama jwara

Principle - I
Soft drug : 4 times of water (1:4)
Medium &hard drug : 8 times of water (1:8)
Very hard drug : 16 times of water (1:16)

In all these cases water will be reduced to 1/4th

 Principle – II

Total drugs from 12 gm - 48gm = 16 times water

48 gm - 192gm = 08 times of water
192gm - 768gm = 04 times of water

In all these cases water will be reduced to 1/4th

2 pala = 96 ml
1pala = 48 ml as Madhyama matra
Prakshepa dravya
Vata Pitta Kapha
Sita (sugar) 1/4th 1/8th 1/16th
Madhu 1/16th 1/8th 1/4th

Jira/Gugul/Kshar/ Kshira/Ghrita/
Lavan/Shilajit/ Taila/Guda/
Hingu/Trikatu Kalka Churna
3gm to 4gm 12gm
Time of Dispensing/administration

Ahara Rasa pake Sanjaate – after the

digestion of food. 6 am and 6 pm
(empty stomach)

 30 minutes before food. Based on

disease it can be administered even
after food.
Punarnavastak Kwatha
daru,+ Haritaki (each one part) + Water 8 times
reduce to 1/4th

uses = Sarvanga sotha, Udara roga, Kasa,

swasa, sula etc

Rasnasaptak kwatha

Eranda mula+ Punarnava mula (each one part)
+water 64part reduce to 1/4th

Uses = parswsula, ura sula etc


Drugs in coarse powder form + 6 times water »»

Keep for soaking over night Next day mixture
is macerate »» filter through cotton cloth =
HIMA (Matra : 96 ml)

Dhanyakadi Hima
Parpata+water 6 times = Dhanyaka Hima
 Uses - Raktapitta, Jwara, Daha,Trishna, Sosa

 etc

Drugs in coarse powder form + 4 times

Boil water »» Macerate with warm
water »» filter through cotton cloth =

 Matra : 96 ml
Prakshepa Dravya : Same as that of Kwatha

Example: Sudarsana Phanta

Sudarsana (Crinum latifolium) + 4 times Boil water

Uses - All kinds of Jwara

Example : Panchakola Phanta

 Pipali+Pipali mula+Chavya+Chitraka+Sunthi

+ 4 times hot water

Uses – Gulma, Pliha, Udara roga, Anah, Sula


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