Jaiveer Manjhi (MTS)

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Special Purpose Lathe


Credit : Mechanical Booster Submitted To : Sudipti Sharma

Special Purpose Lathe Machine

As the name implies, these lathes इस मशीन का प्रयोग स्पेशल जॉब को बनाने के लिए किया
are used for special purposes such जाता है जिस जॉब को अन्य मशीन पर नहीं बनाया जा
as heavy-duty production of सकता उसे स्पेशल लेथ मशीन पर आसानी से बनाया जा
सकता है जैसे क्रैं क शाफ्ट को टर्न करने के लिए हम क्रैं क
identical parts. In addition, these
शाफ़्ट लेथ का इस्तेमाल करते है इसके अतिरिक्त कै म
lathes also perform specific टर्निंग लेथ, डु प्लीके टिंग लेथ, वर्टिकल लेथ आदि ।
functions that cannot be
performed by the standard lathes.

Types Of Special Purpose Lathe Machine:

⚫ Wheel Lathes

⚫ Bench Type Jewelers Lathes

⚫ Automatic lathes

⚫ Crankshaft Lathe

⚫ Vertical Lathes

Wheel Lathes
1 Let’s start with the first one

These are very large in size and made for turning
solid wheels and tired wheel, worn out treads of
locomotive wheels, roadways wheels etc. into a
proper required profile by removing spots,
shelling, unwanted shapes.

2 Bench Type Jewelers Lathes
Let’s start with the second one

These are the miniature of standard lathes which are
designed for the machining of the small parts with
greater precision. It contain collet type chuck, feed
screw, precise manual cross feed etc.. Since the
controls and feeds are calibrated in smaller increment
which result in better precision of the work piece.

Automatic lathes
3 Let’s start with the third one

With the advancement of technology there is a transition
from manually to semiautomatic to automatic lathes.
These are high speed, heavy duty, mass production
lathes in which all the job handling operations and all
the processing operations are done automatically.  Ex –
Single spindle automatic, swiss type automatic lathe,
Crankshaft Lathe
4 Let’s start with the fourth one

It carries all the attachments like taper turning,
threading etc. It is mainly used for turning very
long parts like Turbine, Crankshafts and Engine
shafts etc.

5 Vertical Lathes
Let’s start with the fifth one

These machines are employed for jobs like heavy and dense flywheel, large gear
blanks etc.

The vertical lathe machine is similar to the horizontal lathe in which the machine
stands up on its ends. Some industries use this instead of horizontal lathe
because sometimes space comes up as a constraint. While others prefer it for
doing turning and boring on large and heavy rotating parts which cannot be
otherwise supported on other lathes. It has a heavy and dense base to the
lowermost part which carries a face plate to grasp the work piece.

6 Let’s start with the sixth one

One of the most prevailing technology through which and shape and size can be machined
into the desired product.

Computer numeric control (CNC) has been incorporated into variety of new

technology and machinery, in this case known as CNC lathes. It has been quickly
replacing some traditional and old lathes since the advancement in this technology,
which results in top-notch accuracy and precision. It can be easily setup and no skill
set is required to operate, though skill is required to programmed the tool path which
often done by CAD or CAM process, then coded files are updated to CNC machine
 which produce desired path for which it was programmed to design the product.
Operator can actually see a visual simulation of how the machine will works during
the production phase.
We hope you understand
about lathe well.


Jaiveer Manjhi
Mechanical Engineer
Roll No. 19017M02065


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