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• _______________is the act of

conveying meanings from one entity or
group to another through the use of
mutually understood signs, symbols, and
semiotic rules.

MCA MONTESSORI SCHOOL, INC. Oral Context and Communication- Week

Direction: Write the word TRUE before the number if the given
statement is correct. If the sentence is wrong, then write FALSE

________1. People’s participation is not

a requirement in the process of

MCA MONTESSORI SCHOOL, INC. Oral Context and Communication- Week

Direction: Write the word TRUE before the number if the given
statement is correct. If the sentence is wrong, then write FALSE

________2. Communication only

involves spoken and written words.

MCA MONTESSORI SCHOOL, INC. Oral Context and Communication- Week

Direction: Write the word TRUE before the number if the given
statement is correct. If the sentence is wrong, then write FALSE

________3. Communication starts even

before words are spoken and can last
long after the words have stopped.

MCA MONTESSORI SCHOOL, INC. Oral Context and Communication- Week

Direction: Write the word TRUE before the number if the given
statement is correct. If the sentence is wrong, then write FALSE

________4. Communication may

involve any process in which people
share information, ideas, and
MCA MONTESSORI SCHOOL, INC. Oral Context and Communication- Week
Direction: Write the word TRUE before the number if the given
statement is correct. If the sentence is wrong, then write FALSE

________5. There is more than

one level communication.

MCA MONTESSORI SCHOOL, INC. Oral Context and Communication- Week


• ________________as representations designed

to provide a simplified view of a process so
that fundamental characteristics can be
examined. THEY are conceptual models used
to explain the human communication process.

MCA MONTESSORI SCHOOL, INC. Oral Context and Communication- Week

The ____________ views communication as a one way
or linear process in which the speaker speaks and the listener
listens. Laswell’s (1948) model was based on the five questions
below, which effectively describe how communication works.

MCA MONTESSORI SCHOOL, INC. Oral Context and Communication- Week

_______________. (1949) introduced the concept of noise in communication
. This model states that the information is encoded and goes through a channel or
transmitter. The information is then decoded by the receiver and goes to the
destination. In the middle, the noise interferes with the process. Anything that has
nothing to do with the message but gets into the process of encoding, is noise. It may
come from the background, from a malfunctioning microphone or from the anxiety
that the speaker is undergoing at the moment of speaking.

MCA MONTESSORI SCHOOL, INC. Oral Context and Communication- Week

Another proponent of
linear model is ______________
of Communication.
He described the factors
that are affecting the individual
components of communication,
making the communication more

MCA MONTESSORI SCHOOL, INC. Oral Context and Communication- Week

__________ Model
Schramm (1955) and Wood (2009) came out
with a more interactive model that saw the
receiver or listener providing feedback to the
sender or speaker. The speaker or sender of the
message also listens to the feedback given by the
receiver or listener. Both the speaker and the
listener take turns to speak and to listen to each
other. Feedback is given either verbally or
nonverbally, or in both ways.
This model also indicates that the speaker and
listener communicate better if they have common
fields of experience, or field which overlap.

MCA MONTESSORI SCHOOL, INC. Oral Context and Communication- Week

_________________ Model
This model shows that the elements in
communication are interdependent. Each
person in the communication act as both a
speaker and a listener and can be
simultaneously sending and receiving
Also, the figure shows that the model takes
into account “noise” or interferes in
communication as well as the time factor.

MCA MONTESSORI SCHOOL, INC. Oral Context and Communication- Week

________ Model of Communication
This model is also known as
dance model in which it takes the
shape of a helix, which symbolizes
continuity, progress, and

MCA MONTESSORI SCHOOL, INC. Oral Context and Communication- Week

Elements of Communication Process
1. ____________________
- The send or source initiates the message
while the receiver takes the message. for
instance, while you are explaining your answer
to your teacher’s question, you are also listening
to his/her comments and observing his/her facial
expressions so that you can make the necessary
adjustments to make you explanation clearer.
Elements of Communication Process
2. ______________

- This refers to the content of a

communication which one seeks to share, be
it facts, ideas, feelings, whether it be concrete
or abstract. This message could be verbal or
nonverbal. Thus, the message could be short
and easy to comprehend, or it could be
lengthy and complicated.
Elements of Communication Process
3. _____________
- This is the pathway through which a message is
transmitted. The major channels are the light and sound
waves that enable us to see and hear one another.
Besides, seeing and hearing the rest of the five sense are,
likewise, considered channels. We send and receive
messages by touching, smelling, and tasting. Messages
may also be conveyed through television sets, radios,
books, magazines, newspapers, pictures, films,
computers, etc.
Elements of Communication Process

5. _________________
- It refers to the internal and external factors
affecting the communication process. This includes
the attitude of both sender and receiver, the
relationship between the two, the physical
condition in which the communication takes place,
the culture and other social conditions.
Elements of Communication Process

6. __________________
- Is anything that blocks or
interferes with the meaning of a
particular message.
Ty p e s o f N o i s e

This refers to the noise

generated by the environment
such a passersby
simultaneously talking while
you are in deep conversation
with your teacher. It may be a
big post or a person between
you and the speaker that
prevents you to see the
speakers speaks.
Ty p e s o f N o i s e

This refers to the noise

This refers to physical .
generated by the environment
such a passersby abnormalities that prevent a
simultaneously talking while message from being
transmitted accurately
you are in deep conversation
with your teacher. It may be a
big post or a person between
you and the speaker that
prevents you to see the .
speakers speaks.
Ty p e s o f N o i s e
This refers to the noise
This refers to physical This noise is about
generated by the environment
abnormalities that prevent a mistakes in grammar,
such a passersby
message from being such as abrupt
simultaneously talking while
transmitted accurately changes in verb in a
you are in deep conversation
sentence or differing
with your teacher. It may be a
sentence structures
big post or a person between
between or among
you and the speaker that
various cultures.
prevents you to see the
speakers speaks.
Ty p e s o f N o i s e
This refers to the noise
This refers to physical This noise is about
generated by the environment
abnormalities that prevent a mistakes in grammar,
such a passersby
message from being such as abrupt
simultaneously talking while
transmitted accurately changes in verb in a
you are in deep conversation
sentence or differing
with your teacher. It may be a
sentence structures
big post or a person between
between or among
you and the speaker that
This refers to how message is various cultures.
prevents you to see the
speakers speaks. interpreted by the receiver,
depending on the cultural or
linguistical background.
Ty p e s o f N o i s e
This refers to the noise
This refers to physical This noise is about
generated by the environment
abnormalities that prevent a mistakes in grammar,
such a passersby
message from being such as abrupt
simultaneously talking while
transmitted accurately changes in verb in a
you are in deep conversation
sentence or differing
with your teacher. It may be a
SEMANTIC sentence structures
big post or a person between
between or among
you and the speaker that
This refers to how message is various cultures.
prevents you to see the
speakers speaks. interpreted by the receiver,
depending on the cultural or
linguistical background.
• __________ is known as the study of sounds and not
alphabets, therefore it requires that a person must
focus on distinctive sounds or signals from a word so
you can easily arrive at the word meaning.
Differences in word meaning may be attributed to
the differences in the vowel sounds, consonant
sounds, stress, pauses, or intonations.
___________ is the study of meaning in
language, programming languages, formal logic,
and semiotic. It is concerned with the relationship
between signifiers—like words, phrases, signs, and
symbols—and what they stand for in reality, their
___________ MEANING
dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather
than theoretical considerations. It looks beyond the literal meaning of an utterance
and considers how meaning is constructed as well as focusing on implied meanings.
It considers language as an instrument of interaction; what people mean when they
use language and how we communicate and understand each other.
__________ is the interpretation of body motion
communication such as facial expressions and
gestures, nonverbal behavior related to
movement of any part of the body or the body as
a whole. The equivalent popular culture term is
body language.
_________ is the study of touching as nonverbal
communication. Touches that can be defined as
communication include handshakes, holding hands,
kissing (cheek, lips, hand), back slap, "high-five",
shoulder pat, brushing arm, etc. Each of these give Source: VectorStock

off nonverbal messages as to the touching person's

_________is the study of the nonverbal uses of
the voice that indicate emotion and provide cues
as to how the message should be interpreted.
Nonverbal cues can take many forms, including
pitch, tone, rate, volume, and accent pattern and
will influence how the message is received and Source: Virginia Commonwealth University
interpreted (DeFleur, 2005).
_______________ is a theory of non-verbal
communication that explains how people
perceive and use space to achieve
communication goals. ... +_______ is one of
five non-verbal communication theories, the
others being semiotics (sign language), kinesics
(body language), haptics (touch) and chronemics
_____________ is the study of (time).
human use of space and the
effects that population density
has on behaviour,
communication, and social

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