Auto Biography Class

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Auto biography


AUGUST 26TH,2021

• Students will be able to recognize how to write an introduction and a

closing or final part of a biography by reading a text and getting
structures, ideas, information and vocabulary.
Index for this week lessons
Who I am in life.

My name is Sally Friday. I am a simple girl from United States, I am 18 years old
and I am finishing the school. I live in Sarasota where I was born. I live with my
mother, Kate; my brother, Jake; and my aunt, Molly.

I like reading books about science and politics, but I do not like politics at all. I
considered myself a typical young person who is not interested in the lies that
politicians say all the time. I also like watching television, especially Netflix or
HBO because of the series that I can find there.

Physically, I am tall and slim. I have dark long hair and blue eyes. I practice sports
so I can say I am extremely competitive, and I can work with other people without
problems. I am very organized, and I enjoy studying and making projects.

As I said in the beginning, I was born here in Florida and I've lived here my whole
life. I would like to see more of the USA but unfortunately, I don't have any money
to leave Florida to go anywhere right now. I hope you have enjoyed reading my
life story as much as I have enjoyed writing it for you. Try to get as much as you
can out of school; you're only there for twelve years and when you graduate, you're
home free. Here's a tip for you to live or try to live by: If you think it, it can be

Final part
Let’s check your knowledge
How to write a
self biography
Practice •During and after the edition of the text,
pronunciation you have the opportunity to practice your
oral presentation.
while writing •Read as many times you need.
Final producto must contain:
Who I am in life.

My name is Sally Friday. I am a simple girl from United States, I am 18 years old
and I am finishing the school. I live in Sarasota where I was born. I live with my
mother, Kate; my brother, Jake; and my aunt, Molly.

I like reading books about science and politics, but I do not like politics at all. I
considered myself a typical young person who is not interested in the lies that
politicians say all the time. I also like watching television, especially Netflix or
HBO because of the series that I can find there.

Physically, I am tall and slim. I have dark long hair and blue eyes. I practice sports
so I can say I am extremely competitive, and I can work with other people without
problems. I am very organized, and I enjoy studying and making projects.
Past experience

I was born on July 21 , 2002 in Sarasota, Florida. When I was born my brother was
fifteen-months-old and hid under the table from me. Jake is a sweet kid and he
would do anything for me, but like all brothers and sisters we fight like cats and
dogs. Sometimes when no one was around, Jake would come up to me and bite my
toes for no reason. I still love him but only because he is my brother.

I started school when I was six-years-old. I went to kindergarten through fifth

grade at Booker Elementary and while I was there, I won an award for perfect

First part attendance. I also won an award for honor roll all four terms. Then I attended
Booker Middle School, and there also I have won a couple of awards: one for
perfect attendance and two for being named Student of the Year--one in sixth grade
and the other in eighth grade. Now, I am studying a senior at Booker High School.
I plan on finishing school and maybe going to a community college.
What life means to me.

Life to me means friends and family who you can trust and who trusts you. I am
pretty much on the happy side of life, but like all teens I do I have my "days of."
That means I do have some sad days or depressed days. I have a few friends here
that sort of look out for me and when I am having a bad day, I have someone here
at school to talk to. I make my school days go by thinking of either the next hour
or what I will do when I get home or on the weekend. I'm not seeing anyone now
but when I did have a boyfriend, our favorite places to go were the movies and out
to dinner. Sometimes we went to the beach. Only once we went to an amusement
park: Universal Studios. We were together for twenty-nine days and then we broke-
up; so no, I don't think it was forever.

Second part
What's my outlook on the future.

The year 2030 will make twenty years since I graduated from high school. I think I
will probably be still living here in Sarasota. I will be quite comfortable with my
living situation, meaning that I will be married to Paul Smith. We will have one
child: Linda Treasa Smith, who at that point will be three-years-old and a little
devil. Paul is a sweet guy; he will do anything for anyone. He is six feet tall and
built well. He has baby blue eyes and blond hair. We will have been together for
five years and will be happy together--this is forever.

Third part

As I said in the beginning, I was born here in Florida and I've lived here my whole
life. I would like to see more of the USA but unfortunately, I don't have any money
to leave Florida to go anywhere right now. I hope you have enjoyed reading my
life story as much as I have enjoyed writing it for you. Try to get as much as you
can out of school; you're only there for twelve years and when you graduate, you're
home free. Here's a tip for you to live or try to live by: If you think it, it can be

Final part
Rubric 1: written product
Rubric 2: oral presentation
Indicador 4 3 2 1 0
Saluda de manera formal a la audiencia.          
Utiliza tono de voz claro con volumen adecuado para ser escuchado con facilidad por la audiencia. (en vivo o en          
Muestra manejo del discurso presentándolo de forma fluída, clara y coherente en las ideas expresadas para así ser          
comprensible para la audiencia.

Capta la atención de la audiencia manteniendo un discurso dinámico y claro.          

Utiliza diferentes expresiones del lenguaje como por ejemplo, pausas, para entregar de mejor manera el mensaje del          

Pronuncia claramente y sigue ritmo y sonidos del idioma inglés.          

Mantiene una postura adecuada de formalidad al momento de enunciar su discurso, utilizando técnicas de expresión          
oral (body language) como mirar a la audiencia, asentir, utilizar las manos para explicar si es necesario, moverse del
lugar si amerita el discurso y no moverse de manera innecesaria.

Se presenta con ropa formal acorde a la presentación, sin exageración de ningún tipo pero dando el realce que la          
actividad merece.

Demuestra respeto por las demás presentaciones escuchando con respeto, sin interrumpir y manteniendo la cámara          
Utiliza tiempo de manera tal que la presentación sea en un margen de 4 minutos mínimo y 7 minutos máximo.          

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