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Reviewer in

Standardize Recipe
& Food Additives
Prepared by:

Hyzanne Jhysrie V. Loseto

1. What is standardize recipe?
a. It is a set of instructions and ingredients to make a food item.

b. It is usually a home cooks and restaurants use recipes.

c. It is a set of instructions from batch-to-batch and person-to-

person based on the inherent inaccuracies such as human error and
measuring in volume rather than by weight.
d. It is when a recipe is one in which the amounts and proportions of
the ingredients and methods of procedure will consistently produce a
high quality procedure.

Recipe is a set of instructions for making a food dish from

various ingredients. When a recipe is one in which the
amounts and proportions of the ingredients and methods of
procedure will consistently produce a high quality procedure
it becomes a standardized recipe.
1. What is standardize recipe?
a. It is a set of instructions and ingredients to make a food item.

b. It is usually a home cooks and restaurants use recipes.

c. It is a set of instructions from batch-to-batch and person-to-

person based on the inherent inaccuracies such as human error and
measuring in volume rather than by weight.
d. It is when a recipe is one in which the amounts and proportions of
the ingredients and methods of procedure will consistently produce a
high quality procedure
2. What are the two important parts of standardize recipe ?
a. ingredients and measurements

b. ingredients and methods

c. information and servings

d. methods and cooking utensils

Two important parts:
- a list of ingredients
- a description of the method for
putting them together
2. What are the two important parts of standardize recipe ?
a. ingredients and measurements

b. ingredients and methods

c. information and servings

d. methods and cooking utensils

3. In the advantages of standardize recipe, _______ provide
consistent high -quality food items that have been thoroughly
tested and evaluated.
a. Product quality

b. Projected proportion and yield

c. Cost control

d. Creativity

Product Quality - Provide consistent high-quality food items that have been
thoroughly tested and evaluated.

Projected Portions and Yield - Accurately predict the number of portions from
each recipe and clearly define serving size or scoop. Eliminates excessive
amounts of leftovers or substitutions because too little was prepared.

Cost Control - Better management of purchasing and storage due to exact

amount of ingredients specified.

Creativity - Using standardized recipes supports creativity in cooking. Employees

should be encouraged to continuously improve recipes. All changes need to be
recorded so they can be repeated the next time the recipe is used.
3. In the advantages of standardize recipe, _______ provide
consistent high -quality food items that have been thoroughly
tested and evaluated.
a. Product quality

b. Projected proportion and yield

c. Cost control

d. Creativity
4. In the 1st principle of recipe construction, the recipe should be
a. creative

b. simple

c. in order

d. easy to cook

First principle in constructing recipe.

The recipe should be simple , easy
to read, and interesting to reader.
4. In the 1st principle of recipe construction, the recipe should be
a. creative

b. simple

c. in order

d. easy to cook
5. Listed in order of preparation and specifies the type of the food
a. Yield

b. Procedure

c. Serving size

d. Ingredients

Yield – The yield of a recipe should be recorded as the total

weight or volume produced per 50 or 100 servings (or other
specified number of servings).

Procedure - Directions on how to prepare the recipe.

Serving Size – List the number of servings that the recipe yields
and the portion size to be served.

Ingredients - Listed in order of preparation and specifies the

type of the food used, such as fresh apples; canned corn;
macaroni (uncooked); ground beef (raw).
5. Listed in order of preparation and specifies the type of the food
a. Yield

b. Procedure

c. Serving size

d. Ingredients
6. The most accurate way to measure in a kitchen, examples
include lb., oz., kg, gm.
a. volume measurements

b. weigh measurements

c. number measurements

d. standard portion
Volume measurement is usually used with liquids or fluids because
such items are awkward to weigh.
Weight is the most accurate way to measure ingredients or portions.
When proportions of ingredients are critical, their measurements are
always given in weights.
Number measurement is only used when accurate measurement is not
critical and the items to be used are understood to be close in size.
Standard portions mean that every plate of a given dish that leaves the
kitchen will be almost identical in weight, count, or volume.
6. The most accurate way to measure in a kitchen, examples
include lb., oz., kg, gm.
a. volume measurements

b. weigh measurements

c. number measurements

d. standard portion
7. Usually used for liquids, examples include a cup, pint, quart,
liter, gallon.
a. volume measurements

b. weigh measurements

c. number measurements

d. standard portion
Volume measurement is usually used with liquids or fluids because
such items are awkward to weigh.
Weight is the most accurate way to measure ingredients or portions.
When proportions of ingredients are critical, their measurements are
always given in weights.
Number measurement is only used when accurate measurement is not
critical and the items to be used are understood to be close in size.
Standard portions mean that every plate of a given dish that leaves the
kitchen will be almost identical in weight, count, or volume.
7. Usually used for liquids, examples include a cup, pint, quart,
liter, gallon.
a. volume measurements

b. weigh measurements

c. number measurements

d. standard portion
8. The consistent serving size for each customer.
a. conversion factor

b. standard yield

c. standard portion

d. mise en place
Conversion factor - Used to reduce or expand the number of servings a
recipe will yield.

Standard yield - The total amount (weight, volume or count) of product

made by a recipe.
Standard portion - Provided on a recipe – the consistent serving size
for each customer.
Mise en place - An organization system for kitchens meaning everything
is in place.
8. The consistent serving size for each customer.
a. conversion factor

b. standard yield

c. standard portion

d. mise en place
9. A chemical which combines with a substance and set aside
so it can be removed from the food.
a. Anti oxidants

b. Sequestrants

c. Humectants

d. Chlorine

Anti oxidants are used to prevent oxidative reaction which results in

many deteriorative effects on foods.
Sequestrant is a chemical which combines with a substance and set
aside so it can be removed from the food. Sequestrants are used to
inactivate a substance which interferes with the processing of food.
Humectants - It prevents food from drying out.
Chlorine are used as a bleaching and maturing agent for flour.
9. A chemical which combines with a substance and set aside so it
can be removed from the food.
a. Anti oxidants

b. Sequestrants

c. Humectants

d. Chlorine
10. Used in manufacturing of certain cheese to impart a white

a. Leutylated Hydrotausle (BHA)

b. Leutylated hydroxyloluene (BHT)

c. Agar-agar

d. Bleaching agents
Common used anti oxidants:
Leutylated Hydrotausle (BHA)
Leutylated hydroxyloluene (BHT)
Agar-agar, Gelatine, Pectinate Sodium are commonly used as
stabilizers and thickening agent for beverages, ice cream, icings,
baked goods and cheese spread.
Bleaching agents are also used in manufacturing of certain cheese
to impart a white color. The bleaching agent used is Benzoyle
Peroxide. Hydrogen Peroxide is used to bleach tripe, a Variety of
10. Used in manufacturing of certain cheese to impart a white

a. Leutylated Hydrotausle (BHA)

b. Leutylated hydroxyloluene (BHT)

c. Agar-agar

d. Bleaching agents
Hyzanne Jhysrie V. Loseto

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