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(Passed away in Battle of Bua’s)

• Mother An-Nawar bint Malik (RA)

• Presented by Khazraj to Nabi saws saying he has
memorized Surahs of the Quran
(15 surahs)
• Nabi saws impressed by his recitation

• Learns the Language of Jews in 15 Days for Nabi

• He is of the few who attended the Learning school
of Jews.
• Because he was of those rare who knew to read and
write he became the primary the scribe of Nabi
• He was the Chief scribe of Nabi saws
• He becomes the secretary of Nabi saws
• He belongs to the elite group like Ali Rz. Who were
scribes for noting down Quran when it was
• Nabi saws used to call him to dictate the new
Becomes expert in Knowledge
• Denied to participate in Badr as he is 13 years old.

• Develops himself as an expert in Knowledge.

• Use to translate communication between Nabi saws

and JEWS.

• He was an expert in Islamic Law of Inheritance.

Becomes expert in Knowledge
• Denied to participate in Badr as he is 13 years old.

• Develops himself as an expert in Knowledge.

• Use to translate communication between Nabi saws and

• He becomes an expert in Knowledge of Quran.
• His recitation was clear and beautiful and his stops and
pauses indicated clearly that he understood well what he
• He was an expert in Islamic Law of Inheritance.
Was given Banner in Tabook

• Banner taken from a man of Khazraj and given to

Zaid Ibn Sabit Rz.

• When that man asked why Nabi saws said because

of knowledge.
Brought up in the shade of Quran
• Zayd Rz. was not the only one who acted as a scribe for the Prophet saws.
One source has listed forty-eight persons who used to write for him. Zayd
Rz. was very prominent among them. He did not only write but during the
Prophet's saws time he collected portions of the Qur'an that were written
down by others and arranged these under the supervision of the Prophet
saws. He is reported to have said:
• "We used to compile the Qur'an from small manuscripts in the presence
of the Prophet." In this way, Zayd Rz. experienced the Qur'an directly from
the Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam himself. It could be said that he
grew up with the verses of the Qur'an, understanding well the
circumstances surrounding each revelation. He thus became well-versed in
the secrets of the Shari'ah and at an early age gained the well-deserved
reputation as a leading scholar among the companions of the Prophet.
• Was
Was a prominent figure
• Was the prominent voice after passing of nabi saws
to suggest leader should be from Muhajiroon

• Abdullah ibn Abbas Rz. Learnt Quran from Zaid Ibn

Sabit Rz.
• Ibn Abbas Rz. Used to respect Zaid Rz. a lot because
of his knowledge.
Was a prominent figure
• Was the prominent voice after passing of nabi saws
to suggest leader should be from Muhajiroon

• Abdullah ibn Abbas Rz. Learnt Quran from Zaid Ibn

Sabit Rz.
• Ibn Abbas Rz. Used to respect Zaid Rz. a lot because
of his knowledge.
Given the highest task of
Collecting the Quran
• After the passing away of Nabi saws in the battle of
Yamamah many huffaz were martyred.
• Umar Rz. Suggest all the quran be collected from all
sources and made as one single book
• Abu Bakr Rz. The caliph is hesitant but eventually
• Zaid Ibn Sabit Rz. Is chosen for this task.
• He says lifting a mountain was easy as compared to
this task.
Given the highest task of
Collecting the Quran
• Started locating the Qur'anic material and collecting
it from parchments, scapula, leafstalks of date palms
and from the memories of men (who knew it by
• It was a painstaking task and Zayd was careful that
not a single error, however slight or unintentional,
should creep into the work. When Zayd had
completed his task, he left the prepared suhuf or
sheets with Abu Bakr Rz.. Before he died, Abu Bakr
Rz. left the suhuf with 'Umar Rz. who in turn left it
with his daughter Hafsah. 
Later Given same task again
• During the time of 'Uthman Rz. by which time Islam had spread
far and wide, differences in reading the Qur'an became obvious.
A group of companions of the Prophet, headed by Hudhayfah
ibn al-Yaman Rz. who was then stationed in Iraq, came to
Uthman and urged him to "save the Muslim Ummah before
they differ about the Qur'an".
• 'Uthman Rz. obtained the manuscript of the Qur'an from
Hafsah Rz. and again summoned the leading authority, Zayd ibn
Thabit Rz. and some other competent companions to make
accurate copies of it. Zayd Rz. was put in charge of the
operation. He completed the task with the same
meticulousness with which he compiled the
original suhuf during the time of Abu Bakr Rz.
Later Given same task again
• Zayd Rz. and his assistants wrote many copies. One
of these 'Uthman Rz. sent to every Muslim province
with the order that all other Qur'anic materials
whether written in fragmentary manuscripts or
whole copies be burnt. This was important in order
to eliminate any variations or differences from the
standard text of the Qur'an. 'Uthman Rz. kept a
copy for himself and returned the original
manuscript to Hafsah Rz.
His death
• He died around the age of 56 years.

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