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What is
The study of physiology is, in a sense, the
study of life. It asks questions about the
internal workings of organisms and how they
interact with the world around them.

It is the study of how molecules, cells and

organs interact to form a whole being.
history of
The study of physiology traces its
roots back to ancient India and Egypt.
As a medical discipline, it goes back at
least as far as the time of Hippocrates,
the famous "father of medicine" -
around 420 BC.
Hippocrates coined the theory of the
four humors, stating that the body
contains four distinct bodily fluids:
black bile, phlegm, blood, and yellow
bile. Any disturbance in their ratios, as
the theory goes, causes ill health.
Claudius Galenus (c.130-200
AD), also known as Galen,
modified Hippocrates'
theory and was the first to
use experimentation to
derive information about the
systems of the body. He is
widely referred to as the
founder of experimental
It was Jean Fernel (1497-1558), a
French physician, who first
introduced the term "physiology,"
from Ancient Greek, meaning
"study of nature, origins."
Fernel was also the first to
describe the spinal canal (the
space in the spine where the
spinal cord passes through). He
has a crater on the moon named
after him for his efforts - it is
called Fernelius.
Another leap forward in physiological knowledge
came with the publication of William Harvey's book
titled An Anatomical Dissertation Upon the Movement
of the Heart and Blood in Animalsin 1628.
Harvey was the first to describe systemic circulation
and blood's journey through the brain and body,
propelled by the heart.
Perhaps surprisingly, much medical practice was
based on the four humors until well into the 1800s
(bloodletting, for instance). In 1838, a shift in thought
occurred when the cell theory of Matthias Schleiden
and Theodor Schwann arrived on the scene,
theorizing that the body was made up of minute
individual cells.
From here on in, the field of physiology opened up and
advancement was swift:
 Joseph Lister, 1858 - initially studied coagulation
and inflammation following injury, he went on to discover
and utilize lifesaving antiseptics
 Ivan Pavlov, 1891 - conditioned physiological responses in
 August Krogh, 1910 - won the Nobel Prize for discovering
how blood flow is regulated in capillaries
 Andrew Huxley and Alan Hodgkin, 1952 - discovered the
ionic mechanism by which nerve impulses are transmitted
 Andrew Huxley and Hugh Huxley, 1954 - made advances
in the study of muscles with the discovery of sliding
filaments in skeletal muscle
During adolescence there is a large degree of
psychological growth as children make
adjustments in their personality due to the rapid
physical and sexual development which are
characteristic of this period of life. Adolescents
face ongoing conflict and difficulty adapting to
the sudden upsurge of sexual and aggressive
drives. These changes cause unrest and
confusion in the adolescents’ inner selves and in
the way they perceive the world.
What is
Refers to the physiological changes that the
adolescent undergoes in order to reach sexual

It is best characterized as the gradual onset of

mature reproductive hormonal activity,
triggered by the central nervous system, mainly
the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.
For girls, you might start to see early
physical changes from about 10 or 11 years,
but they might start as young as 8 years or as
old as 13 years. Physical changes around
puberty include:
 breast development
 changes in body shape and height
 growth of pubic and body hair
 the start of periods (menstruation).
 the adolescent growth spurt begins
 Non-pigmented pubic hair (downy) appears.
 The rounding of the hip begins
 The uterus, vagina, labia and clitoris
increase in size.
 Growth spurt reaches its peak, and
then declines.
 Menarche occurs.
 “adolescent sterility“ ends, and the
girl becomes capable of conception.
For boys, physical changes usually start
around 11 or 12 years, but they might start as
young as 9 years or as old as 14 years.
Physical changes include:
 growth of the penis and testes (testicles)
 changes in body shape and height
 erections with ejaculation
 growth of body and facial hair
 The larynx starts to grow and the voice
 Hair growth begins in upper lip.
 Growth spurt reaches its peak
 Prostrate glands enlarges
 Sperm production becomes
sufficient for fertility, and the
growth rate decreases
 Physical strength is at its peak
that might
Being in this adolescent stage, we can do a
lot more than what we could actually do, our
muscles are developed to do things physically
like sports. As well as our sexual reproductive
are being matured. We can do a lot of things
but we should also be more very careful and
be more considerate of everything especially
if it comes to our physiological capacity.
Being in the adolescent stage becomes the
curious and fragile stage for us teenagers
because of the fact that we are so
adventurous of finding some answers just to
satisfy us (mentally, emotionally & physically)
• Clumsiness and coordination
• Physical strengths and sports skills
• Nutrition and weight changes
• Acne and skin problems
• Aggressiveness
• Curiosity
• Early pregnancy
• Consciousness
• Premarital sex
What can an adult can
help us in order to
help teenagers with
respect to the aspect
of physiological
Teenagers like us are adjusting to the
development of our bodies which might
make us to be self-conscious or embarrassed
at times. Here are some list what an adult can
do for us teenagers:

 Providing support, reassurance and matter-

of-fact explanations of physical changes
 Reinforcing that physical changes are
different for every child
 Avoiding words like ‘right’ or ‘wrong’
when it comes to development
 Not comparing your child to others.
 Be a healthy role model
 Treat your child in an age-appropriate
 Encourage healthy living
 Support your child’s physical activity
We also interview someone who also can
give us additional advice on what help can we
get from the adults.

That’s all for today.
Thank you for listening!!!
Hope you learn

Have a good day ahead!


 Maravie Venus
 Andrex Laud
 Jay Mendoza
 Justin Roy Aspila
 Novy Boncales
 Arnold Daguro

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