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J Dent Res 74(8): 1459-1467, August, 1995

Full- vs. Partial-mouth Disinfection in the

Treatment of Periodontal Infections: Short-
term Clinical and Microbiological
M. Quirynen, C.M.L. Bollen, B.N.A. Vandekerckhove, C. Dekeyser, W. Papaioannou, and H.
Catholic University of Leuven, Faculty of Medicine; Department of Periodontology and 'Rega Institute, Laboratory of Microbiology, Capucijnenvoer
7, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium

Abstract. In a standard periodontal treatment strategy with Introduction

consecutive root planings (per quadrant at a one- to two-week
interval), re-infection of a disinfected area might occur before The concept of bacterial specificity in periodontal infections has
completion of the treatment. This study examines, both clinically and become largely accepted (Slots and Rams, 1991; Socransky and
microbiologically, whether a full-mouth disinfection within 24 hours Haffajee, 1992). Three factors are currently considered for the
significantly improves the outcome of periodontal treatment. Ten establishment of an active periodontal infection: (1) a susceptible host,
patients with advanced chronic periodontitis were randomly allocated (2) the presence of periodontopathogens, and (3) the absence of
to a test and a control group. The patients from the control group beneficial species (Socransky and ITaffajee, 1992; Wolff et al., 1994).
received scalings and root planings as well as oral hygiene instructions Whereas Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Bacteroides
per quadrant at two-week intervals. Full-mouth disinfection in the test forsythus, Eikenella corrodens, Fusobacterium nucleatum,
group was sought by the removal of all plaque and calculus (in two Peptostreptococcus micros, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella
visits within 24 hours). In addition, at each of these visits, the tongue intermedia, Campylobacter rectus, and spirochetes are frequently
was brushed with a 1% chlorhexidine gel for one min and the mouth associated with periodontal destruction, Actinomyces species,
rinsed with a 0.2% chlorhexidine solution for two min. Furthermore, Streptococcus mitis and sanguis, Veillonella parvula, and
subgingival chlorhexidine (1%) irrigation was performed in all Capnocytophaga ochracea are considered beneficial, although their
pockets. The recolonization of the pockets was retarded by oral role is not always well-understood (Socransky and Haffajee, 1992;
hygiene and 0.2% chlorhexidine rinses during two weeks. The clinical Wolff et al., 1994). Some of these periodontopathogens should be
parameters were recorded, and plaque samples were taken from the considered as exogenous (P. gingivalis, A. actinomycetemcomitans),
right upper quadrant at baseline and after one and two months. The whereas others are endogenous (Slots, 1986; Van Winkelhoff, 1994).
test group patients showed a significantly higher reduction in probing This has been confirmed by the observed transmission of identical
depth for deep pockets at both follow-up visits (p < 0.05). At the one- bacteria between spouses or family members (Alaluusua et al., 1991;
month visit, differential phase-contrast microscopy revealed Petit et al., 1994). The degree of elimination of the exogenous
significantly lower proportions of spirochetes and motile rods in the periodontopathogens, e.g., by antibiotic therapy, was found to have a
test group (p = 0.01). Culturing showed that the test group harbored major impact on the treatment outcome (Slots and Rams, 1990; Pavicic
significantly fewer pathogenic organisms at one month (p = 0.005). At et al., 1994). Therefore, the target organisms during periodontal
two months, the same sites harbored singificantly more "beneficial" therapy are the exogenous species.
bacteria (p = 0.02). Moreover, all sites of the test group initially Several pathogenic micro-organisms have been found to spread
harboring P. gingivalis (6/10) became negative after treatment. These subgingivally, including at sites without clinical loss of periodontal
findings suggest that it is possible to achieve a significant attachment (Van Winkelhoff et al., 1994). Moreover, they can also
improvement of the treatment outcome (both microbiologically and colonize other intra-oral niches such as the tonsils, the tongue, and
clinically) with a one-stage full-mouth disinfection. other mucous membranes (Van Winkelhoff et al., 1986,1988a;
Asikainen et al., 1991; Danser et al., 1994). Studies on artificial
Key words: bacterial infection, chlorhexidine, dental plaque, dental
transgingival abutments have also illustrated the possibility of an
calculus, periodontal disease, periodontal therapy, root planing.
intra-oral transmission of periodontopathogens (Papaioannou, 1994;
Received September 21,1994; Accepted April 13,1995 Quirynen et al., 1995).

1460 Quirynen et al. / Dent Res 74(8) 1995

Table 1. Descriptive statistics of examined population and dental status in 1st quadrant
Gender Age Smoker % of Sites with Probing Depth3 > 7 % of Sites with Angular % of Sites with Calculusa-C
mm Defectsa-b

Test group
#1 F 57 - 18.8 0 57.1
#2 F 46 26.3 33.3 16.7
#3 F 42 31.8 42.9 28.6
#4 M 56 +/- 45.5 42.9 14.3
#5 F 61 - 48.7 33.3 0

Control group

#1 F 60 - 32.3 90.0 70.0

#2 M 40 + 68.0 50.0 0
#3 F 38 + 25.0 42.9 28.6
#4 F 41 6.5 10.0 20.0
#5 F 45 - 5.3 25.0 33.3
Observation for the first quadrant only. Estimated on intra-oral long-cone

Supra- and/or subgingival estimated on intra-oral long-cone radiographs.

Taking all these aspects into consideration, one might hypothesize antiseptics. Just prior to the first session of scaling and root planing
that, in a normal periodontal treatment strategy (with consecutive root (baseline), and one and two months later, clinical parameters and
planings per quadrant or sextant at one- to two-week intervals), a re- plaque samples were taken from the right upper quadrant, chosen for
infection of a disinfected area might well occur before the completion of its accessibility. This study reports the short-term results; the patients
the treatment. This study aims to examine, both clinically and will be followed up to eight months after therapy.
microbiologically, the result of a full-mouth disinfection within a 24- Mechanical plaque and calculus removal
hour period combined with a prolonged supra-and subgingival
After gingival infiltration with a local anaesthetic, scalings and root
application of chlorhexidine.
planings were performed by one investigator (BV) with an assortment
Materials and methods of periodontal curettes (Hu-Friedy, Chicago, IL). The time spent per
quadrant was approximately one hour. The treated quadrants were
Patient selection
polished with 3 pastes with a decreasing order of abrasiveness: Zircate
Ten patients were included in this double-blind (for microbiological Prophy Paste® (Dentsply International Inc., Milford, DE), and Clean
data), randomized, parallel study on the basis of volunteership. The Polish® and Super Polish® (Hawe-Neos Dental, Bioggio, Switzerland).
patients were referred to the Department of Periodontology of the In the test group, the lower jaw was treated prior to the upper.
Catholic University of Leuven for treatment of advanced chronic
Local application of antiseptic (test group)
periodontitis. All subjects were medically healthy, and none of them
had used any antibiotics or antimicrobial product within the four Immediately after instrumentation of each jaw, an optimal disinfection
months before or during the study. The descriptive statistics of these was sought by (in chronologic order): (1) brushing the dorsum of the
patients together with their disease status are summarized in Table 1. tongue (by the patients) for 60 s with a chlorhexidine 1% gel (Hibigel®,
Each patient had at least 2 multi-rooted teeth and 3 single-rooted teeth SmithKline Beecham Consumer Brands SA, Genval, Belgium); (2)
in each quadrant, with, per quadrant, at least 4 sites having a probing rinsing twice with chlorhexidine 0.2% solution (Hibident®, SmithKline
depth of 7 mm or greater which also bled when probed. Radiographic Beecham Consumer Brands SA, Genval, Belgium) during one min (for
evidence of severe bone loss (> 1/2 the root length) was also present. the last 10 s the patients had to gargle, in an attempt for the Hibident®
After informed consent was obtained, the participants were randomly to reach the tonsils); (3) subgingival irrigation 3x within 10 min with
distributed between two treatment groups. The project protocol had chlorhexidine 1% gel (Hibigel®) of all the pockets by means of a syringe
previously received permission from the Ethical Committee of the with a needle on which marks had been put at 6 and 8 mm (a blunt
University Hospital. needle was introduced into the pocket until some resistance was met);
and (4) repeating the subgingival application at day 8. Additionally, the
Experimental design
subjects of the test group were instructed to rinse twice daily for one
The patients of the test group (five subjects) received a full-mouth min with a 0.2% solution of chlorhexidine (Hibident®) during 14 days.
scaling and root planing within 24 hours. In the control group (five
Oral hygiene
subjects), the scaling and root planing were performed quadrant by
Standard oral hygiene instructions were given in both groups,
quadrant with a time interval of 14 days (starting with the right upper
quadrant) and without the use of
J Dent Res 74(8) 1995 Full-mouth Disinfection for Periodontitis 1461

including interdental plaque control (toothpicks and/or interdental Ireland) and placed onto a microscope slide (Listgarten and Hellden,
brushes) and brushing of the dorsum of the tongue twice a day. Plaque 1978). The samples were then analyzed with a differential phase-
control and oral hygiene re-instruction were repeated at each visit (days contrast microscope (Laborlux S®, Wild Leitz, Heerbrugg, Switzerland)
2, 8, and 29 for the test group, days at a magnification of 480x, according to Listgarten and Hellden (1978).
1,15, and 29 for the control group). One hundred microorganisms, from fields selected at random, were
Questionnaire classified into four morphological categories (Mousques et ah, 1980):
coccoid cells, motile rods other than spirochetes, spirochetes, and the
The participants were asked to complete a questionnaire at each visit.
others (fusiforms, rods, and filaments). The samples were transferred
Besides mentioning any adverse effects, they were asked to estimate the
to the laboratory, where they were processed in less than 24 hours. All
degree of pain after treatment, on a numerical scale from 0 to 10, and to
microbiological procedures were performed by an investigator who
indicate the number of painkillers taken. They were also asked to
did not know the history of the sample.
measure their temperature. The use of antimicrobial products or
Culture techniques and identification
antibiotics was particularly questioned. From the initial 12 patients, two
had to be withdrawn because of the use of a wide-spectrum antibiotic Serial 10-fold dilutions were prepared in RTF. A volume of 0.1 mL of
for reasons not related to this study. the first three dilutions was plated on a selective TSBV plate
Clinical examination (Trypticase-soy-agar [BBL Microbiology Systems, Cockeysville, MD,
USA], supplemented with 75 pg/mL of bacitracin and 5 mg/mL
The clinical parameters were recorded by one investigator (BV) prior to
vancomycin) for the selection of A. actinomycetemcomitans (Slots,
scaling and root planing and at one and two months, in the right upper 1982). These plates were incubated in air with 5% C02 for three days. A.
quadrant only: (1) gingivitis index (Miihlemann and Son, 1971); (2)
actinomycetemcomitans was identified mainly on the basis of colonial
plaque index (Quigley and Hein, 1962); (3) probing depth measured to
morphology (small colonies with dark border and star-shaped inner
the nearest mm at each approximal site (buccally as well as palatally)
structure) and a positive catalase reaction. Representative isolates were
and in the middle of each root (buccally as well as palatally) by means
subjected to lactose and sucrose fermentation (Slots, 1981).
of a Merrit B® probe (Hu-Friedy, Chicago, IL); (4) gingival recession (in
For the identification and quantification of the other organisms, the
the middle of each root, only buccally and palatally), i.e., the distance
dilutions, 10'3 to 10'6, were plated in triplicate onto blood agar plates
from the cemento-enamel junction to the gingival margin measured to
(Blood Agar Base II, Oxoid, Basingstoke, UK) supplemented with
the nearest mm by the same probe; and (5) bleeding tendency up to 20 s
hemin (5 mg/mL), menadione (1 mg/mL), and 5% sterile horse blood.
after the pocket was probed until a slight resistance was felt. The mean Two series of the blood agar plates were incubated in 85% N2,10% COz,
plaque and gingivitis index and the mean percentage of pockets that and 5% H2 and another series in air for five days at 37°C. After this
bled after being probed were calculated for each tooth type (single- or
period, the total number of colony-forming units (CFU/mL) was
counted in both the aerobic and anaerobic cultures. For each colony
Plaque samples type (characterized by color, morphology, size, translucency, and
At baseline, and at one and two months, two pooled samples (from hemolysis) of the representative anaerobic plate, a typical colony was
three approximal sites) of the subgingival plaque were taken from both subcultured by streaking onto a blood agar plate (Columbia Agar,
single- and multi-rooted teeth (all located in the upper right quadrant). Oxoid, Basingstoke, UK) supplemented only with 5% sterile horse
For each tooth type (single- or multirooted), the three deepest pockets blood. After 24 to 48 hours of anaerobic incubation, the purified
were selected. All samples were taken from an undisturbed subgingival colonies were identified by means of Gram-staining, phase-contrast
flora and after removal of the supragingival plaque (Wikstrom et al., microscopy, and a series of biochemical tests. For the latter, the Rapid
1991). Prior to being sampled, the sites were isolated from saliva by the ID 32A® and the Strep 32® tests of the API System® (Biomerieux S.A.,
application of cotton rolls and were then gently dried with compressed Montalieu-Vercieu, France) were used for anaerobic organisms and
air to prevent contamination, since large differences in plaque streptococci species, respectively (Van Winkelhoff et al., 1988b). The
composition exist between different niches (Van der Velden et al., original plates were re-examined after 14 days of anaerobic incubation
1986). Four sterile medium paper points (Maillefer®, Ballaigues, to verify the number of CFU and the colony types.
Switzerland) were inserted into the selected pockets (two buccal and The major aim of this analysis was to identify the proportions of
two palatal) and kept in place for at least 10 s. Following removal, the predominant pathogenic organisms besides spirochetes (A.
paper points were transferred into a screw-capped vial containing 1 mL actinomycetemcomitans, B. forsythus, F. nucleatum, P. micros, P.
of transport medium RTF (Syed and Loesche, 1972). The two pooled gingivalis, P. intermedia, Eubacteria spp.) and benificial micro-
samples were homogenized by being vortexed for 30 s (Dahlen et al., organisms (Actinomyces spp., S. mitis and sanguis, Veillonella spp.),
1992). as suggested by Socransky and Haffajee (1992), and Wolff and co-
Differential phase-contrast microscopy workers (1994).
Statistical analysis
Phase-contrast microscopy was performed less than 15 min after
sampling to ensure the motility of the micro-organisms (Petit et al., Probing depth. Changes in probing depth over time were compared
1991). A small aliquot of fluid was aspirated into a sterile tuberculine between both treatment groups (only for pockets initially 7 or 8 mm)
syringe (Plastipak®, Becton Dickinson, Dublin, by means of a mixed procedure of the SAS statistical system (SAS
Institute Inc., 1992). A mixed model was
1462 Quirynen et al. / Dent Res 74(8) 1995

Table 2. Clinical parameters for sampled sites in the upper right quadrant per treatment modality and per tooth type at baseline and the one-and two-
month follow-up visits (means ± SD)
Tooth Treatment Plaque Gingivitis Baseline Probing Bleeding Plaque Gingivitis Probing Bleeding
Type Index Index Depth Index Index Index 1 Depth Index


Single- Full 3.7 ± 0.9 2.6 ± 0.4 0.7 ± 0.2 6.7 ± 1.4 100 1.5 ±1.2 0.7 ± 0.4 0.7 ± 0.6 4.3 ± 1.7 80 ±10
rooted Partial 3.5 ± 0.9 2.3 ±1.0 0.6 ± 0.2 5.9 ±1.3 100 2.0 ±1.7 1.2 ±0.4 1.8 ±2.1 3.8 ± 1.3 90 ±10
Multi¬ Full 4.2 ± 0.6 2.8 ± 0.3 0.7 ±0.1 6.6 ±1.1 100 2.5 ±1.4 0.6 ± 0.5 0.3 ± 0.3 4.8 ± 0.6 70 ±30
rooted Partial 4.2 ± 0.5 2.2 ± 0.4 0.5 ± 0.1 6.7 ±1.4 100 3.4 ± 0.6 0.7 ±0.6 0.2 ± 0.2 5.0 ±1.2 90 ±10
(Continued on next page.)

fitted to the data, with treatment, time, and the interaction between transformed by an arcsin \/p transformation before statistical analysis.
treatment and time as a fixed effect, and patient as a random effect. A mixed model was fitted in which the treatment modality was a fixed
The different tooth types nested in a patient were modeled as a random effect, and the patient a random effect. The two measurements within a
factor. Within each tooth type, measurements of probing depth at patient (2 samples per patient) were modeled as repeated measures
baseline and one month, and at baseline and two months, were with a compound symmetry structure within a patient. Furthermore,
modeled as repeated measures with a compound symmetry structure. the measured variable at time 0 was used as a co-variable. The
The slopes of the two treatment modalities were compared, again treatment outcome after one and two months was tested against the
with the error stratum of the patient as background variability. error stratum of the patient, leading to an F-statistic with 8 df for the
Microbiology. Differences between test and control group concerning
the microbiological data were also sought by means of a mixed- Results
procedure of the SAS statistical system (SAS Institute Inc., 1992). The
Clinical parameters
variables (proportion of spirochetes and motile rods together,
proportion of pathogenic organisms, and proportion of beneficial The mean plaque and gingivitis indices, probing depth, and bleeding
species), expressed in percentages, were tendency for the sampled sites are depicted per treatment modality and
per tooth type (single- vs. multirooted teeth) in Table 2. At baseline,
comparable recordings

§ Test single-rooted H Control H Test multi-rooted H

single-rooted Control multi-rooted

Figure 1. Changes in probing depth per treatment modality for deep (7 to
8 mm) and medium (5 to 6 mm) initial pockets, respectively. (For each Figure 2. Changes in the relative proportion of bacterial morphotypes
patient, all pockets in the upper right quadrant were considered.) Test (differential phase-contrast microscopy) over time, by tooth type and
group (full-mouth disinfection, both tooth types) =■ . Control group treatment modality. The proportion of coccoid cells (cocci), spirochetes,
(partial disinfection, both tooth types) = X. The changes in probing depth motile organisms excluding spirochetes (motile), and the remaining
with time were analyzed by means of a mixed procedure (vertical lines organisms (others) are shown as percentages. The proportion of
indicate SD, and numbers in brackets indicate the number of spirochetes and motile rods together was analyzed by means of a
observations). mixed-procedure test of the S.A.S. statistical package.
J Dent Res 74(8) 1995 Full-mouth Disinfection for Periodontitis 1463

showed a significantly higher reduction in the proportion of potentially

pathogenic micro-organisms (sum of spirochetes and motiles) in the
Plaque Gingivitis Probing Bleeding pockets of the test group (p = 0.01) at one month. At two months, the
Index Index 2 Depth Index differences were no longer statistically significant (p > 0.05).
Culture data
Months The relative proportion of CFU between the blood agar plates which
were incubated under aerobic and those incubated under anaerobic
GI/PI conditions are illustrated in Fig. 3. For both treatment modalities and
2.1 0.3 ± 0.3 0.3 ± 0.4 4.2 ± 1.5 60 ±30 tooth types, an increase in the relative proportion of CFUs on aerobic
±1.6 0.6 ± 0.4 0.9 ±1.4 3.8 ±1.1 60 ±30 plates was found at one month, but at two months they showed a
1.0 tendency to return to the baseline value. The differences between the
±0.9 treatment modalities and tooth types were negligible.
2.8 0.5 ± 0.5 0.2 ± 0.2 4.7 ±1.1 70 ±30 However, when the relative proportions of potentially pathogenic
±1.3 0.7 ± 0.4 0.3 ±0.1 4.7 ± 1.7 80 ±30 and beneficial species were compared (Figs. 4, 5, and 6), the differences
2.7 ± between both treatment modalities became apparent. Samples from the
0.4 made. In comparison with the initial scores, clinically significant test group harbored significantly fewer pathogenic organisms (Fig. 5) at
improvements for both treatment modalities were observed at the
one month (p = 0.005), and significantly more beneficial bacteria at two
follow-up visits. When the two were compared, however, the
months (p = 0.02). None of the sites from the test group initially
improvements in the full-mouth-disinfection group were always
positive for P. gingivalis (6/10) remained positive after full-mouth
greater. When the gingivitis index/plaque index ratio was considered,
disinfection in one stage. At baseline, A. actinomycetemcomitans was
a more significant decrease was observed for the test group, with a
detected in only one patient from the test group (around both multi-
mean change from 0.69 to 0.16, whereas for the control group only a
and singlerooted teeth). These sample sites remained positive at both
minor change was recorded (from 0.59 to 0.43).
follow-up visits, and the relative proportion of A.
The reduction in probing depth for deep (7 to 8 mm) and medium (5
actinomycetemcomitans even increased by a factor of 100.
to 6 mm) pockets, over time and per treatment modality, is shown in
Fig. 1. The group with a full-mouth disinfection showed a significantly
higher reduction in probing depth (especially when deep pockets were The major adverse effects are summarized in Table 3. The pain
considered), after both one (p = 0.02) and two months (p = 0.03), with experienced seemed similar in both treatment groups. A greater
mean slope differences (calculated by regression analysis) of 1.01 and frequency of post-treatment rise in body temperature and labial herpes
0.81 mm, respectively. was noted in the test group.
Differential phase-contrast microscopy Discussion
The differential phase-contrast microscopic analysis (Fig. 2)
Since most periodontopathogens colonize several niches in the oral
cavity (Van Winkelhoff et al., 1986,1988a; Asikainen et al., 1991; Danser
et al., 1994) and can be transmitted from one site to another (Quirynen
et al., 1995), a full-mouth disinfection in one session seems logical when
compared with the standard strategy (of quadrant-wise disinfection at
several time intervals). In the latter approach, a re-infection is probable.
For maximal disinfection, the new protocol combined: (1) the scaling
and root planing of all teeth within 24 hours to disrupt and reduce the
number of subgingival pathogenic organisms (Mousques et al., 1980;
Walsh et al., 1986; Loos et al., 1988); (2) brushing the dorsum of the
tongue with a 1% chlorhexidine gel; (3) rinsing the mouth twice for one
min with a 0.2% chlorhexidine solution to reduce the number of
bacteria in the saliva and on the tonsils (Rindom et al., 1976); (4)
irrigating all pockets with a 1% chlorhexidine gel (3x in 10 min to
increase the contact time) to reduce (up to 99%) the number of
remaining bacteria (Oosterwaal et al., 1991); and (5) twice-daily rinsing
with chlorhexidine for two weeks to retard the subgingival re-
establishment of pathogenic species (Magnusson et al., 1984).


Figure 3. The effect over time of partial and full-mouth disinfection on

the number of CFU after aerobic and anaerobic incubation of samples
from single- and multi-rooted teeth. The formula used was: log
(anaerobic CFU/aerobic CFU) in which score 0 = equal amount, and
score 1 = lOx higher number of CFUs on anaerobic plate.
1464 Quirynen et al. } Dent Res 74(8) 1995

35 0
o 60



0 1 2 MONTHS I


3 Test Control
0 single¬ single-

# rooted

Figure 5. Changes over time in the total proportions of potentially

pathogenic organisms, by tooth type and treatment modality (n = 5).
changes were analyzed by means of a mixed-procedure test of
the S.A.S. statistical package.

0 result in clinically detectable changes (Listgarten et al.,
1978), more significant differences might be expected at further
follow-up visits.
The differences in treatment outcome can be explained by the
differences in the microbiological data. The change in the
gingivitis/plaque ratio after two months (Table 2) already indicates a
greater reduction in the pathogenicity of the plaque in the test group.
Moreover, the culture data showed, after the one-stage full-mouth
disinfection, a more significant decrease in the proportion of
pathogenic organisms (Fig. 5) paralleling a more important increase
in beneficial species (Fig. 6).
One can only speculate on the relative importance of each of the
five abovementioned steps in the test protocol, since all of them are
known to reduce the pathogenicity of the subgingival flora.
§ Test single-rooted ■ Test multi-rooted
However, some have only a short-(one week) to medium-term (two
HI Control single-rooted □ Control multi-rooted months) effect. Indeed, several reports have illustrated that, after a
single session of scaling and root planing, the subgingival flora
Figure 4. Changes over time in the relative proportion of potentially returns to baseline values, "qualitatively and quantitatively', within a
pathogenic organisms, by tooth type and treatment modality. These two- month period, at least when oral hygiene is not optimal, as was
changes were analyzed by means of a mixed-procedure test of the the case in this study (Mousques et al., 1980; Van Winkelhoff et al.
S.A.S. statistical package. Because spirochetes are considered
1988c; Sbordone et al., 1990). Moreover, several studies have
pathogenic (Socransky and Haffajee, 1992; Wolff et al., 1994) but
could not be cultured, they were included based on the phase- illustrated that an irrigation of the pockets with a chlorhexidine
contrast microscopic observations, and the proportion of the other solution (even if repeated weekly) failed to improve the effect of
micro-organisms was recalculated by the formula: new proportion = mechanical debridement at either a microscopic or clinical level over
old proportion x [(100 - % spirochetes) / 100]. (A. a six-month observation period (Braatz et al., 1985; MacAlpine et al.,
actinomycetemcomitans was observed only once in a very low
1985; Lander et al., 1986; Wennstrom et al., 1987). The supragingival
density, and B. forsythus and C. rectus were not detected at all.)
plaque growth inhibition by chlorhexidine mouthrinses (Hull, 1980)
might be responsible for the lower plaque and gingivitis scores for
The probing depth reduction noted in the control group falls the subjects in the test group at month 1. The effect of oral rinsing on
within the range of previous observations (Badersten et al., 1984), the subgingival flora, however, is negligible (Flotra et al., 1972).
while the test group achieved greater improvement. The differences The advantage of a one-stage full-mouth disinfection is the
between test and control groups (Fig. 1) were significant for pockets reduced probability of an intra-oral transmission of periodon-
with an initial depth of 7 and 8 mm. While the one-stage full-mouth topathogens from one of their niches to the
disinfection resulted in a mean pocket reduction from 7.3 to 4.0 mm
(SD ±1.2 mm), in the control group a reduction of only from 7.4 to 4.9
mm (SD ±1.4 mm) could be achieved. Since it takes several months
before microbiological
/ Dent Res 74(8) 1995 Full-mouth Disinfection for Periodontitis 1465

subgingival envi-ronment of treated

teeth. Indeed, several possible ways
have been shown by which such a
transmission might occur. Saliva can
be considered a major vehicle of
transmission (Van Winkelhoff et al,
1988a). Additionally, dental
instruments, such as explorers, probes,
and syringe tips, as well as oral
hygiene material (toothbrushes and
dental floss) have the capability of
retaining pathogenic micro-organisms
(Caufield and Gibbons, 1979;
Loesche et al., 1979; Barnett et al.,
1982; Christersson et al., 1985;
Müller et al., 1989; Preus et al.,
1993). The hypothesis that a
transmission of micro-organisms is
possible has been confirmed in a recent
study utilizing titanium abutments as
"virgin soil" for the colonization of oral
bacteria (Quirynen et al., 1995).
Whether a full-mouth approach can
ever achieve the complete elimination
of some exogenous micro-organisms
from the oral cavity has to be proven
over a longer observation period.
However, for all test sites initially
positive for P. gingivalis (6/10), no § Test single-rooted H M Test multi-rooted il
recurrence of this microorganism could
Control single-rooted Control multi-rooted
be detected
Figure 6. Changes over time in the relative proportion of potentially beneficial species (in relation to the
total anaerobically cultured flora) by tooth type and treatment modality. Differences in the total
proportions of these organisms were analyzed by means of a mixed-procedure test of the S.A.S. statistical
package. (Since the subspecies of the Capnocytophaga genus were not identified, no information on
Capnocytophaga ochracea is available.)

(Fig. 4). This is in contrast to the observations of Van Winkelhoff without further oral disinfection, a subgingival recolonization by P.
and co-workers (1988c), who reported, two months after a single course gingivalis in 58% of the examined pockets. The outcome of the present
of scaling and root planing therapy for A.

Table 3. Major complaints after full-mouth disinfection (test group) or after first-quadrant scaling and root planing (control group)
Pain Pain-killers (number of Fever (°C) Herpes Labialis
(numerical score3) tablets)

Test group
#1 0 0 37.8 -
- -
#2 6 6
#3 3 1 39.0 +
#4 7 2 38.5 +
#5 10 2 - -

Control group
- -
#1 8 1
- -
#2 0 0
- -
#3 5 1
- -
#4 7 2
#5 6 2 - -
a Scores from 0 to 10: 0 = no pain, 10 = extremely painful.
1466 Quirynen et al. ] Dent Res 74(8) 1995

actinomycetemcomitans-positive patients should be further assessed. periodontopathogens in "diseased" and "non-diseased" persons
The only patient (test group) with two sites positive for A. exhibiting poor oral hygiene. J Clin Periodontol 19:35-42.
actinomycetemcomitans showed an initial increase in concentration of Danser MM, Van Winkelhoff AJ, de Graaff J, Loos BG, Van der Velden
this organism, but at eight months, this organism disappeared. A U (1994). Short-term effect of full-mouth extraction on periodontal
possible explanation for this is the capacity for tissue invasion which pathogens colonizing the oral mucous membranes. J Clin
has been described for this organism (Christersson et al., 1987). Periodontol 21:484-489.
The increase in body temperature (Table 3), reported in the test Ellen RP (1978). The dental practitioner and systemic infections of oral
group (3/5), probably illustrates the important bacteremia during origin. Int Dent ] 28:295-308.
scaling and root planing (Ellen, 1978). Perhaps the increased amount of Flötra L, Gjermo P, Rölla G, Waerhaug J (1972). A 4-month study on the
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In conclusion, the one-stage full-mouth disinfection showed antimicrobial and clinical effects of a single subgingival irrigation
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a more beneficial flora) advantages on a short-term basis. Periodontol 13:74-80.
Listgarten MA, Hellden L (1978). Relative distribution of bacteria at
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The authors wish to thank G. Depauw for his help with the Clin Periodontol 5:115-132.
microbiological procedures and L. Duchateau for the statistical analysis. Listgarten MA, Lindhe J, Hellden L (1978). Effect of tetracycline and/or
The financial support for this project was provided by the Faculty of scaling on human periodontal disease. Clinical, microbiological,
Medicine, Catholic University of Leuven. and histological observations. J Clin Periodontol 5:246-271.
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