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What is the purpose of sharing the

The purpose of sharing the information is to promote the new technology Zentrofoam,
which is environment friendly and cost efficient. Further, the article alarms everyone
towards looking out for a sustainable future and saving the environment as well as their
money, thereby improving their financial situation while effectively reducing the
greenhouse emissions.

Do you think the information present in

current time is relevant? What has changed?
Yes, it’s relevant to the current time as we are drawing closer to the catastrophe and
the greenhouse emissions are increasing at a rapid rate. Additionally, over the years,
the pollution and contamination of the environment has upsurged. Therefore, this
information is valid and prevalent in today’s time.
The information is backed by scientific evidence as the article cites that 20
years have been dedicated for research, in order to create an effective and
impactful product which can contribute to saving the environment.
Furthermore, the content has also been backed by the evidence through the
statement “This revolutionary foam traps the excess carbo-emissions and
A ofPoint
varietythem Of View?
to ensure your car burns
Persuasive Techniques all the
have been possible
used in this fuel
text available”
to compel the
audience into believing that the product "Zentrofoam" is worth purchasing with
regards to it's several benefits in terms of the environment and cost efficiency.
Firstly, the use of the technique "Rhetorical Question" has been identified through
the statement "Do you spend too much money on gasoline?", where in a question
has been asked to the audience, that does not expect a straightforward answer.
Metaphor has also been used in the phrase " Are you burning a hole in your wallet
and the atmosphere?" since one's wallet is being compared to the atmosphere to
create a powerful effect upon the audience, in terms of how the 2 concepts are
related to one and another. Use of logos has been identified through the phrase
The target audience for this information is any individual that owns or utilizes a vehicle
that runs on fuel. The information presented promotes the product "Zentrofoam" which
is a cost-efficient alternative to fuel which also aids in improving engine power, while
saving the environment. Furthermore, all these features mentioned in the advertisement
appeal to the target audience and compels them into purchasing the product. 
Formal language has also been used in the advertisement in order to present
scientific reasoning and justify the relevance of the product in order to ensure that
the message is put out and conveyed in a structured and clear manner. Objective
language has been used, as the product isn't biased towards any specific idea or
concept, but instead just simply discusses the several advantages of the product
without displaying an inclination for or against any other idea. 
What are the strengths and limitations of
arguments expressed here
The strengths of the arguments expressed here are:
1. Text mentions the information regarding the importance of saving environments.
2. Credits the developer and contributor along with their long-term effort in research.
3. Explaining the features of Zentrofoam.

Limitations of the text:

4. More scope of compelling the audience regarding the need to save the environment.
5. Furthermore, a few testimonials for Zentrofoam can be mentioned.
6. Cite a slogan explaining the features/motive of the product.
To what extent does interdisciplinary synthesis of English &
science allow you to understand the purpose of the text

Both Science & English portray their own aim in their own
ways. However, the integration of both makes the text
more powerful through different ways. For example, in
this case, the author has cited the scientific evidence
backed by the literary devices such as persuasion, logos,
pathos etc. Hence, using science to mention facts
comprising literary devices can persuade the audience to
buy the product and the author’s words.
Source 2
1) The text is not completely backed up with a proper scientific explanation but, there were few paragraphs on which gave
out information. Example in para 3, the writer talked about how the seasons could have an affect or e rate of diseases,
attendance, diet etc. could Varey with the season. He also mentioned more factors in this paragraph, but overall, this
section of the article was backed with a coherent amount of scientific data which helped aware the audience about this new
research and its impact
2) The language used in this is article is very text heavy and informative. There might not be to, much explanation
provided by the reader, but he/she has stated every point that is necessary. The audience for the same would probably be
different researchers or general public because, they need to know about these new discoveries that are coming up.  
3) I think the strengths of the article was that the writer was able to state the different points. For example, he said,
Suicidality (which closely tracks mental illness) appears to be strongest for April through June birthdays.  
Though he was not being able to explain the reason or give evidence upon why mental illness appears in people who’s
birthday is in the month of April or June so that becomes the limitation.  
4) English and science both helped me understand the purpose of the article as with the use of   different properties of
article writing example, with the help of rhetorical questions or catchy statements I was able to get an idea about what the
article will talk about. Whatever scientific information that was used also helped   me in understanding the reason the the
particular cause

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