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I. Underline the correct preposition.

1. The books fell (to, from) the chair.

2. The Paragas family is going (to, from) Baler this
3. Joselito just arrived home (to, from) Manila.
4. Simeon go (to, from) the hospital to deliver the
5. Richard visited by his cousins (to, from) Quirino.
II. Write True if the statement tells about
the How important the kite flying was in
the other countries and False if not.
_________6. In Japan, It is believed that kite flying makes boys
persistent and successful.
________7. In the Philippines , Kite flying symbolized as war.
________8. Every man , woman, boy and girl flies kite in Korea
and it symbolized as success in life.
________9. Kites also play an important role in China which
used by the emperor to escape from the tower.
________10. In India, kites served as their shields.
________11. In Australia, Kite is a way of being creative
which look like a boat.
________12. In Brazil, It is also important for them to
create an eagle kite.
III. Read the following short stories carefully
and examine if they could really happen in real
life (REALITY) or not (FANTASY).

_____13. Etong is a mountain boy. He lived in a

house near a forest. There were wild pigs in the
forest. When he was ten years old, his father gave
him hunting gadgets as a gift. He used them in
hunting wild animals.

_____14. Mother found hair floating on the water. In the

bottom of the pool of water were soft snails or ginga. These
were the boy’s skin and muscles. She also found hard-
shelled snails or katan, the boy’s former bones. Sadly, she
realized that her son turned into a snail. “My son! My
poor son had become a snail.”

_____15. Peter dove into the ocean with a

spear. Suddenly the king of whales swallowed
him. Inside the mouth, Peter put the spear
between the whale’s jaw so it could not close
its mouth.
_____16. Nowadays, nun wears a more modern habit.
_____17. It’s Henry’s habit to shout with joy in the morning.
_____18. Monks follow strict habits.

a)a regular practice

b)a condition of body or mind
c) the dress of a person belonging to a religious order
_____ 19. The rebels hid in the Sierra Madre ranges.
_____ 20. There’s a wide range of sports shoes to
choose from.

a)a land for grazing

b)a row of mountains
c) a set of different things of the same general type

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