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Competitive Advantage

Environmenta Reduced
l Costs
Motivated Better
Employees` Image
Improved Legal
Environmenta Security

Session 2
ISO 14000 Standards
 ISO 14001
 Environmental Management System – requirements
with guidance for use
 ISO 14004
 Environmental Management System – General
Guidance on Principles, Systems and Supporting
 ISO 14004 provides additional guidance for
organisation on the design, development and
maintenance of an EMS
ISO 14000 Standards
 ISO 14020:2000
 Environmental Labels & Declarations – General
 Provides guidelines & principles for self-declaration
environmental claims (environmental labelling) made
by manufacturers, importers distributors & retailers
 ISO 14020:2001
 Environmental Labels & Declarations – Self Declared
Environmental Claims
ISO 14000 Standards
 ISO 14024:1999
 Environmental Labels and Declarations – Type I
 Environmental Labelling – Principles and Procedures
 Guidance for establishing a certification programme
for third-party environmental claims
 ISO 14025:2000
 Environmental Labels and Declarations – Type III
 Environmental Labelling – Principles and Procedures
 Guidance on product environmental effects
ISO 14000 Standards
 ISO 14031:1999
 Environmental Performance Evaluation – Guidelines
 Provides guidelines and principles for determining
environmental performance of an organisation
 ISO 14032:1999
 Examples of Environmental Performance Evaluation
 ISO 14040:1997
 Life Cycle Assessment – Principles of Framework
 ISO 14041:1998
 Life Cycle Assessment - Goals and Scope Definition and
Inventory Analysis
 Methodology for definition of goal and scope, performance of
LCA, interpretation and reporting
ISO 14000 Standards
 ISO 14042:2000
 Life Cycle Assessment –Life Cycle Impact Assessment
 Provides guidelines and principles for determining
environmental impacts arising from production, use and
disposal of a product or provision of a service
 ISO 14043:2000
 Life Cycle Assessment – Life Cycle Assessment
 Life Cycle Interpretation
 ISO 14048:2002
 Life Cycle Assessment – Life Cycle Assessment
 Data Documentation Format
ISO 14000 Standards
 ISO 14050:2002
 Environmental Management-Vocabulary
 Provides terms and definition for the above standards
 ISO 14061:1998
 Information to assist forestry organisations in the use of
EMS standards of 14001 and ISO 14004
 ISO 14062: 2002
 Environmental Management – integrating environmental
aspects into product design and development
ISO 14001
Control and Reduce Impact on Environment
Reasons to go for ISO 14001
 To gain or retain market share via a green corporate
 To attract more ethical investment
 To reduce insurance risk
 To reduce prosecution risk
 To reduce costs
Environmental Impact
 Definition:
 Any change to the environment whether adverse or
beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an
organisation’s activities, products, or services
 Identification & assessment of the significance of
environmental impacts is critical for preparing for
ISO 14001
Requirements of ISO 14001 - EMS
 Development of an environmental policy
 Identification of environmental aspects and
evaluation of associated environmental impact
 Establishment of relevant legal & regulatory
 Development & maintenance of environmental
objectives & targets
Requirements of ISO 14001 - EMS
 Implementation of a documented system, including
elements of training, operational controls and
dealing with emergencies
 Monitoring & measurement of operational
 Environmental internal auditing
 Management reviews of the system to ensure its
continuing effectiveness and suitability
Clauses of ISO 14001
4.1 General Requirements
4.2 Environmental Policy
4.3 Planning
4.4 Implementation & Operation
4.5 Checking & Corrective Action
4.6 Management Review

4.0 Preparatory Environmental Review

ISO 14001 Implementation Cycle for Continuous Improvement
4.0 Preparatory Environmental Review

 It is mandated by the standard, but suggested that

an organisation with no pre-existing environmental
management system should establish its current
position, with regard to the environment, by a
 Can be conducted
 Using internal resources
 External environmental consultants
Checklist for PER
 Legislative and regulatory requirements
 Identification of significant environmental aspects
 Examination of existing environmental practices
and procedures
 Assessment of previous incidents
Legislative and Regulatory Requirements

 Air Emissions
 Solid Waste to Land
 Water
 Other requirements
 Any forthcoming requirements
 Previous incidents of any breach
Identification of Significant Environmental

 Should include an assessment of previous incidents

– both abnormal and under emergency situations
 Abnormal conditions
 Unexpected events
 Start up & shut down of continuous process
 Emergency situations
 Fire, floods, chemical spillage, fugitive emission of
4.1 General Requirements
 Describes the intended purpose of EMS
 EMS is intended to show an improvement in
environmental performance
 This clause of the standard states that the
organisation shall establish, document, implement,
maintain and continually improve an EMS, the
requirements of which are described in whole of
clause 4
4.2 Environmental Policy
 The standard requires that the top management shall
define the organisation’s environment policy and
ensure that it
 Is appropriate to the nature, scale and environmental
impacts of its activities, products or services within the
defined scope of the EMS
 Includes a commitment to continual improvement and
prevention of pollution
 Includes a commitment to comply with applicable
environmental legislation and regulations, and with other
requirements to which the organisation subscribes
4.2 Environmental Policy
 Provides the framework for setting and reviewing
environmental objectives and targets
 Is documented, implemented and maintained, and
communicated to all persons within the organisation
 Is available to public
 The policy should be relevant to significant
impacts of the organisation and should focus on
4.2 Environmental Policy
4.2 Environmental Policy
Environmental Policy
 “We will monitor and minimise the impacts of
current operations on the environment”
 Does this mean that all impacts will be minimised –
not the significant ones initially? The task will be
tremendous and will not be workable. Poor Focus
 “We will ensure that sub-contractors and suppliers
apply environmental standards”
 Are you going to force your sub-contractors to go
for ISO 14001? If so, by when?
 Specific
 Measurable
 Attainable
 Realistic
 Timely
Environmental Policy
 “Through measurement and examination of the
impact of its own activities the company seeks to
eliminate or reduce the production of pollution”

 “We will work with suppliers and customers to

influence them positively in terms of our
environmental policy”
Lighting Company Example
 A lighting company manufacturing light bulbs and
fluorescent tubes
 To consider the environmental aspects of all processes
and/or materials, existing and new and to apply best
available technology, where appropriate, to help
demonstrate our commitment to prevention of pollution
 To fund research into longer life products, thus saving
valuable non-renewable raw materials
 The factory’s objectives to reduce the environmental
aspects on site will be made available to the public and
stakeholders, through the improvement plan and
associated projects. These will be implemented through
individual improvement meetings
Lighting Company Example
 To consider the environmental policies our suppliers
when purchasing raw materials and to encourage the
use of recycled/ or recyclable products where
 To seek out alternatives to the use of rare metals in the
manufacturing process
 To comply with all the relevant environmental laws,
regulations and corporate policies. The plant will work
to achieve whichever sets the highest standard
4.3 Planning
 Addresses all the steps necessary in designing from the
initial identification of environmental aspects to setting
of objectives and targets within the framework of
applicable legislation
 4.3.1Environmental Aspects
 Use of resources such as energy, raw materials
 Accidental releases to the environment such as fires,
leakages etc.
 Development of land, including visual impacts, landscaping,
drainage, pest control, changes to natural habitats
 Products and by products
4.4 Implementation & Operation
 There are 7 sub-clauses
 4.4.1: Resources, roles, responsibility and authority
 4.4.2: Competence, training and awareness
 4.4.3: Communication
 4.4.4: Documentation
 4.4.5: Control of Documents
 4.4.6: Operational control
 4.4.7: Emergency preparedness and response
4.4.1: Resources, roles, responsibility
and authority
 Commitment from all employees in the
 Ensure sufficient finance is available
 Clear cut reporting structure
 Management representative to be appointed, can be
from existing staff – senior member
4.4.2: Competence, Training &
 Ensure training needs are identified
 Ensure planned needs are met
 Verify that the training has achieved its purpose –
increased awareness
 Verify following the training, the individual is
competent at apply into the awareness gained to
their particular job
4.4.3: Communication
 Covers both Internal and External communication
 Internal Communication
 Communicating environmental objectives and targets to the
 Raising awareness of environmental issues to the employees
 Communicating the environmental policy to employees
 Advising of non-conformances to relevant departmental
 Reporting of incidents arising from abnormal or emergency
operation to senior management
4.4.3: Communication
 External Communication
 Dealing with environmental complaints or proactively
inviting such stakeholders, or “green” pressure groups
to the site. They could also involve inviting
schools/colleges to the site for educational purposes
 Responding to media enquires, especially in the event
of an incident
4.4.4: Documentation
 Organisation shall establish and maintain
information, in paper or electronic form, to
 Describe the main elements of the EMS and their
 Include documentation required by ISO 14001
 Documentation determined by organisation itself
 Records required by ISO 14001
 Provide direction (or reference) to related
Hierarchy of Documentation
4.4.5: Control of Documents
 The organisation to establish and maintain procedures
for controlling all documents to ensure that
 They are legible and really identified
 They are periodically reviewed and approved for adequacy
 The relevant versions are available at point of use
 Obsolete documents are removed or if retained, suitably
 Any documents of external origin are suitably identified
4.4.6: Operational Control
 Identification of operations and activities
associated with the identified significant
environmental aspects of organisation
 Areas to look into...
 Waste Management
 Packaging waste
 Contractors coming on site
 Suppliers
 Monitoring for compliance with site licences
 Housekeeping
Waste Management
 Identify who is responsible for ensuring legal
compliance when waste is removed from site
 Put procedures in place how appropriate
documentation is completed correctly and filed away
for the prescribed period of time
 Include provisions for waste skips to be protected from
 Conduct audits on waste carriers and landfill sites
 Ensure all steps to prevent pollution and also avoid
adverse publicity from media and unwanted attention
from regulatory body
Packaging Waste
 Recover certain percentages of waste and recycle
set amounts
 Identify a scrap dealer and ensure proper
documentation as accepted by local municipality
 This has to be done periodically
 Details of the time intervals and method of
recycling should be submitted/endorsed by the
regulatory authority
Contractors Coming on Site
 The procedure should detail the requirement for
contractors working on the site
 Communication in the following form may be
made available to the contractors
 Site contact names and internal phone numbers
 What to do in case of emergency
 List of actions which are considered unacceptable such
as improper waste disposal, etc.
 The objective is to stipulate the grade of material
that have low environmental impacts in production,
use, and disposal
Monitoring for Compliance with Site
 Regulatory bodies periodically check various
 Regular monitoring must be done on the
parameters in order to have a healthy chit
 In ISO 14001 housekeeping means “the visual
appearance of the site”
 Housekeeping inspections should be detailed as to
frequency and measures of compliance
4.4.7 Emergency Preparedness and
 Establish and maintain procedures to identify the
potential for, and the response to, accidents and
emergency situations, in order to prevent and
mitigate the environmental impacts that may
be associated with them
 Review and revise the importance of learning from
 Testing of emergency plans should be planned
4.5 Checking and Corrective
 4.5.1: Monitoring and Measurement
 4.5.2: Evaluation of Compliance
 4.5.3: Non-conformity, corrective and preventive
 4.5.4: Records
 4.5.5: Internal audit
4.5.1 Monitoring and Measurement
 Establish and maintain procedures to monitor and
measure on a regular basis the key characteristics
of its operations and activities that can have a
significant impact on the environment
4.5.1 Monitoring and Measurement

Monitoring Measurement

 It means operating  Here size or magnitude

processes that can check of an event is measure,
whether something is calculated or estimated
happening as intended with a numerical value
or planned assigned
 E.g. Housekeeping audit  E.g. Amount of
to occur twice a week is electricity consumed per
a monitoring process week
4.5.2 Evaluation of Compliance
 This is linked to 4.3.2 Legal and other requirements
to ensure that breaches of such applicable
environment legal requirements do not occur
 This is taken care of by auditing
 Audit checklists should indicate clearly that
compliance is verified
4.5.3 Non-Conformity, Corrective and
Preventive Actions
 The standard requires that the organisation shall
establish and maintain procedures for controlling
non-conformities and for taking corrective and
preventive action to mitigate any impacts caused
 The organisation must have
 Capability of detecting non-conformances
 Set up mechanisms for correcting each non-conformity
 Systems in place to prevent reoccurring of non-
4.5.4: Records
 Standard states that organisation shall establish and
maintain procedures for
 Identification
 Storage
 Protection
 Retrieval
 Retention
 Disposition
of environmental records
4.5.5. Internal Audit
 Determine whether EMS conforms to planned
arrangements and meets the requirements of the
 Provide feedback to management of the results of
such audit, which are performed in a planned and
periodic basis to reflect the environmental
significance of the activities being audited
4.6 Management Review
 Top management shall be at planned intervals
 Review EMS
 Ensure its continuing
 Stability
 Adequacy
 Effectiveness
Kyoto Protocol
 Protocol to the United Nation Framework Convention of Climate
Change (UNFCCC)
 International Environmental treaty produced at Earth Summit held
in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil June 3-14 1992
 To achieve stabilisation of greenhouse gas concentration in
atmosphere to prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with
climatic system
 Reduction of 4 GHGs
 Carbon dioxide
 Methane
 Nitrous oxide
 Sulphur hexafluoride
 And two groups of gases
 Hydro fluorocarbons
 Per fluorocarbons
5 Principles Concepts of Kyoto
 Commitments: The heart of the Protocol lies in establishing
commitments for the reduction of GHG
 Implementation: Countries are required to prepare policies
and measures for the reduction of GHG in their respective
 Minimizing Impacts on Developing Countries by establishing
an adaptation fund for climate change
 Accounting, Reporting and Review in order to ensure the
integrity of the Protocol
 Compliance: Establishing a Compliance Committee to
enforce compliance with the commitments under the Protocol
Kyoto Protocol
 Industrialised nations to reduce collective GHG
emissions by 5.2% compared to 1990
 8% for EU
 7% for USA
 6% for Japan
 0% Russia
 8% increase for Australia
 0% increase for Iceland
Kyoto Protocol
 Cap and trade protocol
 Permits emissions trading
Carbon Footprint
 Total set of GHG emission caused directly and
indirectly by an individual, organisation, event or
 Once size of the footprint is known, only then
strategies can be devised to reduce it

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