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Unit 1:


Week 7 –
Improving our feature article
Magazine Feature Article

Learning Objective: To demonstrate understanding of the codes

and conventions of feature articles in magazines.

List three synonyms of demonstrate:

My success criteria Growth Mindset

I will be able to identify and explain what a

feature article is.
I will be able to show my understanding of a
good feature article through my writing
I will be able to peer assess students work and
give constructive feedback using the rubric
What is a feature article?

A feature article is the

main story in a
magazine. It provides an
opportunity for the reader
to gain more information
about a person or a
Let’s see if you can identify what the
feature article is based on the front
cover of these magazines
Task: Circle the feature article on the front cover of these magazines
Feature article

1. Related to main image

2. Eye catching headline

3. Engaging topic that

makes the reader want
to look inside
How are we able to identify the feature
article of a Magazine by the front cover?
What makes the following
feature articles engaging
Main Image An image to match the main
character or topic of the

Heading A title summerising the main

topic of the article

Subheading/Pull A bold quote/statement used

for drawing attention to an
quote important part of the article

Text – The main article of the

Engaging article magazine
Emotive lanaguge
Example of Structure

Main image

Pull Quote
Content Example of content

• Paragraphs
• Catchy headline
• Indepth story
• Quotes from article
presented in bold
• Relevant images
Big write
Now go to your feature article, read the feedback and use the success
critieria to improve it.
Structure Content
Main Image An image to match the main
character or topic of the
• Paragraphs
Heading A title summerising the main
topic of the article
• Catchy headline
• Indepth story
Subheading/Pull A bold quote/statement used
quote for drawing attention to an • Quotes from
important part of the article article
Text – The main article of the
Engaging article magazine presented in bold
Emotive lanaguge
• Relevant images
My success criteria
Circle how confident you feel
By the end of this lesson I will be able to: about the tasks below

I am able to identify and explain what a feature

article is
I am be able to show my understanding of the codes
and conventions of a feature article by writing my
own following the success criteria
I am able to peer assess students work and give
constructive feedback based on the feature article
success criteria

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