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Assessment of Fresh Properties of Different Brands of Ordinary Portland Cement Concretes.

Project Members:

Muhammad Adnan Hakeem (NSR/18/CT/39)

Sohrab Ali ((NSR/18/CT/33)

Sohrab Khan ((NSR/18/CT/34)

Umar Akbar ((NSR/18/CT/36)

Usman Yousaf ((NSR/18/CT/37)

Engr. Shah Room
Lecturer CETD
o Introduction
o Problem Statement
o Objective
o Literature Crux
o Material Procurement
o Testing
o Results
o Conclusion and Recommendations
o References
 Cement:
A cement is a binder, a substance used for construction that sets,
hardens, and adheres to other materials to bind them together. Cement is
seldom used on its own, but rather to bind sand and Crush (Coarse aggregate)
together. Cement mixed with fine aggregate produces mortar for masonry, or
with sand and gravel, produces concrete. Concrete is the most widely used
material in existence and is behind only water as the planet's most-consumed
Cements used in construction are usually inorganic, often lime or calcium
silicate based, which can be characterized as non-
hydraulic or hydraulic respectively, depending on the ability of the cement to
set in the presence of water.
Non-hydraulic cement does not set in wet conditions or under water.
Rather, it sets as it dries and reacts with carbon dioxide in the air. It is
resistant to attack by chemicals after setting.
Hydraulic cements (e.g., Portland cement) set and become adhesive due
to a chemical reaction between the dry ingredients and water. The
chemical reaction results in mineral hydrates that are not water-soluble
and are quite durable in water and safe from chemical attack. This
allows setting in wet conditions or under water and further protects the
hardened material from chemical attack. The chemical process for
hydraulic cement was found by ancient Romans who used volcanic
ash (pozzolana) with added lime (calcium oxide).
 Ordinary Portland Cement:
Ordinary Portland cement is one of the most widely used
type of Cement.
In 1824 Joseph Aspdin gave the name as Portland cement as
it has similarity in color and quality found in Portland stone,
which is a white grey limestone in island of Portland, Dorset

Concrete is a composite material composed of fine and

coarse aggregate bonded together with a fluid cement (cement

paste) that hardens (cures) over time. In the past, lime based

cement binders, such as lime grout, were often used but sometimes

with other hydraulic cements, such as a calcium aluminate

cement or with Portland cement to form Portland cement concrete

(named for its visual resemblance to Portland stone).  


 Fresh concrete:

It is the concrete phase from time of mixing to end of time

concrete surface finished in its final location in the structure.
 Concrete Operations:
They comprise batching, mixing, transporting, placing,
compacting, surface finishing . Then curing of in-placed concrete
starts 6-10 hours after casting (placing) and during first few days of
hardening is important.
It is known that fresh state properties enormously affect hardened

 Properties due to the following reasons:

The potential strength and durability of concrete of a given
mix proportion is very dependent on the degree of its
The first 48 hours are very important for the performance of
the concrete structure.
 Main properties of fresh concrete during mixing,
transporting, placing and compacting are:
Fluidity or consistency: capability of being handled and of
flowing into formwork and around any reinforcement, with
assistance of compacting equipment.

Compact ability:
Air entrapped during mixing and handling should
be easily removed by compaction equipment, such as vibrators.
Stability or cohesiveness:
Fresh concrete should remain homogenous and
uniform. No segregation of cement paste from aggregates (especially
coarse ones).
Fluidity & compact-ability known as workability
Higher workability concretes are easier to place and
handle but obtaining higher workability by increasing water content
decreases strength and durability.

• Exhausting wellspring of characteristic Use of OPC Concrete

has step by step moved the consideration of the solid business
towards an appropriate fine total option that can make Difficult
the Selection of OPC brand as 30-35 different brands are
available in market. In this research we are going to distinguish
between different feature characteristics of OPC concrete to
make easy for the consumer to select that brand which is good
to his use and cost.

This research study dealt with the manufacture OPC of Different

Industries and brands. The primary aim of this research study was
to explore the qualities of different cement industries by testing
their fresh properties.
The specific objectives of this research study were as follows:
• 1. To develop a suitable difference in different Brands
• 2. To establish the effect of salient synthesis parameters on fresh
properties OPC Concrete.
• 3. To determine the Fresh properties of Different OPC and OPC
Concrete and compare with other type of Concretes
o From previous literature review it can be concluded that in different research work
it is studied that Cement has been used in the construction of monuments as a
Binding Material from decades. Because cement is best in binding than any other
binding material. Cement has many chemicals some of them have positive effects
on concrete but some have bad effect on concrete like gypsum if its quantity
increases from desire quantity it adversely effects the concrete. During the
manufacturing of cement huge amount of heat is released which is harmful to
environment and pollute the clean air. In concrete mixes certain researches have
been done on cement quantity and proportion of cement in concrete resulted in good
quality and strength of concrete. In this research we would try to Differentiate
Between Different brands of OPC Concrete through their Fresh Properties.
o In Pakistan Construction Gets the Status of Industry. And
Cement is the most Important component of construction.
o In Pakistan OPC are available on different names in the
o So its Difficult to select a brand in 25-35 brands available at
market of desire and good qualities..

o So that’s why its impotent to assist these brands

experimentally and make it easy to select a good brand of
desire qualities.
o We Visit the Nowshera, Peshawar and Mardan
different cement shops and buy 9 brands of
Cement. Which are as follows
1. Kohat 2. Ceherat 3. Lucky 4. Maple Leaf
4. Askari 5. Fauji 6. Attock or Falcon
7. Bestway 8. Dewan 9. Pioneer.
And have done different test on them and their
concrete. To assist their fresh properties.
• All tests are performed according to ASTM standards as listed below
I. Sieve analysis of course and fine aggregate- ASTM (C 136)
II. Finness Modulus of Cement ASTM (C 897)
III. Moisture Content of Coarse Aggregate (ASTM C1761-13b)

IV. Slump test for workability of concrete ASTM (C 143)

V. Flow Test for Workability of Concrete ASTM (C 1611)
VI. Penetration Test or Standard Consistency Test ASTM (D 445)
VII. Compaction Factor Test ASTM (C 1849)
Testing On Materials
Sieve Analysis of Coarse Aggregate (ASTM C136 / C136M

Sieve SieveSizes MassRetained %Retained Cumulative % Cumulative%

#(Inch) (mm) (gram) Retained Passing

3 75 0 0 0 100
2 50 0 0 0 100
1 25 0 0 0 100
3/4. 18.75 1780 35.6 35.6 64.4
1/2. 12.5 3220 64.4 100 0
3/8. 9.375 0 0 100 0
Pan Pan 0 0 100 0

Fineness Modulus = Sum of Cumulative % age weight retained on sieve


F. M =7.85
Sieve Analysis of fine Aggregate
Table 4.4: Observations and Calculations Table
Sieve # Sieve Diameter Retained (gm) %Retained Cumulative %Passing

4 4.75 mm 5.60 0.56 0.56 99.44

8 2.63 mm 26.80 2.69 3.25 96.75
16 1.18 mm 85.30 8.58 11.83 88.17
30 600 µm174.50 15.75 20.85 79.15
50 300 µm370.50 32.97 60.55 39.45
100 150 µm240.90 20.83 88.38 11.62
200 200 µm 53.80 5.41 97.79 2.21
0 Pan 21.60 2.17 99.96 0.04

Obserations and Calculations Table of Coarse Aggregate (W = 1000gram)

Fineness Modulus: sum of commulative %tage reatained/100

F.M = 38.3.17/100
F.M = 3.83

Sieve Analysis of different brand cements:
Observations and Calculations Table of Cements (W1 = 100gram)

Fineness of cement = Weight retained (W2)/

Sample weight (W1)
= 100-weight retained
Cements Sieve Weight retained Fineness of
(W2) cement
1) Lucky cement #200 7.66 92.34%
1) Dewan cement #200 4.3 95.7%
1) Cherat cement #200 5.06 94.94%
1) Attock cement #200 7.16 92.84%
1) Bestway cement #200 3.46 96.76%
1) Maple leaf cement #200 4.53 95.47%
1) Kohat cement #200 4.93 95.07%
1) Pioneer cement #200 5.56 94.44%
1) Fuji cement #200 7.33 92.67%
Slump test is to choose the
workability or consistency of
strong mix orchestrated at the
examination office or the
improvement site in the midst
of the progress of the work.
Slump test is finished from
bunch to cluster to check the
uniform idea of concrete in the
midst of improvement.
Cements Slump value Workablity Compaction
(mm) Factor

1) Lucky cement 136mm high 0.95

2) Dewan cement 117mm High 0.95
3) Cherat cement 78mm medium 0.92
4) Attock cement 86mm medium 0.92
5) Bestway cement 125mm high 0.95
6) Maple leaf cement 63mm medium 0.92

7) Kohat cement 58mm medium 0.92

8) Pioneer cement 127mm high 0.95
9) Fuji cement 78mm medium 0.92

  observation values of slump test

Through slump test, we find a workability of different brands ordinary portland
cement concrete. To check the workability of different brands cement, to observe the
workability to check which ones has good workability and can be used for good

The compaction factor is defined as the ratio of

the mass of compacted concrete in
the compaction factor apparatus to the mass of
fully compacted concrete.

The compaction factor test is carried out

to measure the degree of workability of fresh
concrete with regard to the internal energy
required for compacting concrete thoroughly.

•The compacting factor test is used to find out the low workability

of concrete. it is a fact that the slump cone test of concrete is not
given accurate results for the low workability of concrete when
the slump is <50mm.

• This test is more precise than the slump test but it is less

common. The size of the apparatus makes it difficult to conduct
the test in the field. The compaction factor test was developed
by Road Research Laboratory in the United States
Compaction factor = Partially compacted concrete/fully Compacted concrete
= 12.185/13.52
= 0.90
Cements Compaction factor Workability

1) Lucky cement 0.90 Medium

1) Dewan cement 0.91 Medium

1) Cherat cement 0.91 Medium

1) Attock cement 0.88 Low

1) Bestway cement 0.90 Medium

1) Maple leaf cement 0.85 Low

1) Kohat cement 0.96 High

1) Pioneer cement 0.82 Very low

1) Fuji cement 0.77 Very low

Table#4.5: Calculations of compaction factor test

Through this test we find out the workability of different brands cement concrete.
To check which one has high, low and medium workability. To know the
workability before used in construction works.

• As the name suggests, in this test the workability of concrete is

determined by examining the flowing property of concrete.
• Flow table test of concrete also determines the Quality of
Concrete concerning its and the proneness to segregation.
As there are two methods to find the flow value of concrete which
one is outdated. Here we are explaining the new method of flow
table test. This new flow table test is covered with ASTM C1437
•Formula for Flow value of concrete:
• Flow (%) = Spread Dia of concrete in cm-25/25 ×100

: Flow table test apparatus)

S# Cement Brands Flow Percentage Consistency

1 Lucky cement 67.64% Plastic

2 Dewan cement: 47.32% Stiff

3 Cherat cement 62.56% Plastic

4 Attock cement 47.32% Stiff

5 Bestway cement 42.24% Stiff

6 Maple leaf cement 27% Stiff

7 Kohat cement 32.08% Stiff

8 Pioneer cement 42.24% Stiff

9 Fuji cement 82.88% Plastic

(ASTM C-187)
•The standard consistency of security stick is described as that consistency which will allow
a vicat plunger having 10 mm dia and 50 mm length to enter to a significance of 33-35 mm from
best of the shape.
• Take 400 g of bond and place it in the enameled plate. Mix around 25% water by weight of dry
bond by and large to get a solid paste. Indicate time taken to get totally mixed water solid paste
• i.e. "Gaging time" should not be more than 3 to 5 minutes. Fill the vicat shape, resting upon a
glass plate, with this bond stick. In the wake of filling the frame absolutely, smoothen the surface
of the paste, affecting it to level with the most noteworthy purpose of the shape.

• Place the whole party (i.e. shape + solid paste + glass plate) under the bar bearing plunger.
Lower the plunger gently so as to touch the surface of the test square and quickly release the
plunger empowering it to sink into the paste. Measure the significance of passageway and
record it. Prepare trial pastes with changing rates of water substance and take after the methods
as portrayed above, until the point that the significance of penetration advances toward getting
to be 33 to 35 mm
S. No Cement Brand Plunger Penetrated up
1 Lucky 5mm
2 Dewan 7mm
3 Cherat 6mm
4 Attock 7mm
5 Bestway 6mm
6 Maple Leaf 5mm
7 Kohat 6mm
8 Pioneer 7mm
9 Fauji 5mm

Though consistency Of Cement test if the plunger Penetrate according to

consistency result all brands are in the range of Normal From 5-7mm its
consider normal
Dry Mix Fresh Concrete
• Conclusions

• The Experimental study concluded to check the fresh properties

of concrete and Cement different brands. And also, to check that
which one brand of cement have good quality than another. Find out
that properties are change from another, which are finding by
different tests which are given in chapter 4. Through them we also
find which one cement are best for construction high quality works.

 Firstly, we select 9 different brands of cement according to our

proposal and applying different test on them.
 Through penetration test we see that the plunger penetrates 5-7mm from
bottom in different brands cement. Some are penetrating 5mm from
bottom like Lucky, Maple leaf and Fuji cement they show that they need
less amount of water for preparing a cement paste. We take 400gram
cement for this test. Firstly, we add 26% and then 32% water added.

 We find a sieve analysis for course, fine and different brands cement and
its fineness. Coarse aggregates have fineness as required in criteria like
partially course, medium course etc. So, coarse aggregate is according to
the criteria. And same that for fine aggregates which are also according to
criteria. And different brands cement has different finesses. Some are high
fine like Dewan, Bestway, Maple leaf. We take 1000 grams aggregates for
fine and course, and 100 grams of cement weight for sieve analysis.
 After that we check out the workability of different brands
cement. Through slump, compaction factor and flow table test.

 According to slump test, the workability of some cement is

better like Bestway, lucky, Dewan and pioneer cement hve good
workability than other ones.

 According to compaction factor test, the workability of cements

are in categories of very low,low, medium and high like in high
is Kohat cement,in very low fauji and pioneer, in low is attock
and maple leaf, in medium is lucky, Bestway, Dewan, Cherat
Cements. This test show that which one cement is best for
construction according to workability required.
 According to flow table test, the workability is to be seen in dry,
stiff, plastic, wet and sloppy. In our tests cements are in stiff is
dewan, attock, Bestway, maple leaf, Kohat, pioneer cements. In
plastic are lucky, Cherat, Fuji cements.

 Through different test we find out the Fresh properties of

Cement brands and their concretes. Which include workability,
consistency etc. Through that test we get the exact and accurate
values of results, which are need according to specification of
We need to find out the properties of fresh concrete before using it in
construction and materials using like cement, course and fine
aggregates, water and sometimes an admixture. Sometimes we need a
cement of a brands which has good workability, consistency and
strength. For that purpose, we need to test it according to our
requirement. For that purpose, we do the following.
 To collect the cement of different brands and apply the different
test on them to check the result according to requirement and
select the brands which match the requirement and fulfil the
 After This Research we Conclude that .
•  According to sieve analysis of coarse aggregate sizes are 7.85 which is
considerable to normal coarse aggregate size.
• The fine aggregate size is 3.83mm which is also considerable to normal.
• According to finness modulus of Cement test deewan, bestway, Cherat, maple
leaf are highly considerable.
• According to compaction factor test for workability , bestway., Lucky,
Deewan,, Cherat and Pioneer ae highly considerable in these 9 brands.
• According to slump test, Flowtable test and penetration test for consistancy,
Kohat, Bestway, Cherat and Deewan are highly considerable.
• From all these test its also concluded that the storage of Cement also effect its
• According to all the tests we performed Deewan, bestway, Cherat are best
in these 9 considered Cement brands.


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