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The spread of COVID-19 and large-scale travel
restrictions continue to wreak havoc on the global
tourism and hospitality industry as the travel and
tourism sector is already facing collapse and is in a
fight for survival due to the COVID-19 global health With the reduced tourism activity brought about by the
crisis (Guevara, 2020). economic downturn, hotelier’s worldwide experienced reduced
tourism and travel as events across the globe were cancelled
and the hotel occupancy rates dropped (Hoisington, 2020).

Various precautionary measures

were adopted in the hotel industry,
worldwide to take measures to tackle Thus, it is essential for hoteliers to set strategic
various challenges caused by the actions to mitigate the effects brought about
crises (Chan and Lam, 2013; Kim et by this pandemic to help the hotel industry
al., 2005). cope with the new normal operations,
especially in the Philippine setting thus this
This study aims determine the strategic
actions of the selected hotels in Tagaytay city Specifically the objectives of this study are focused to: 1.
amidst to COVID-19 pandemic. Identify and analyse the current status of the selected
hotels in Tagaytay. 2. Determine the strategic plans and
direction of the selected hotel in Tagaytay in the middle
of the pandemic in terms of operational aspect. 3.
Determine the strategic plans and direction of the
selected hotel in Tagaytay in the middle of the pandemic
in terms of sales and marketing aspect.

The study would provide information about the amidst

pandemic. The plans, protocols and directions
implemented in the selected hotels in Tagaytay, Cavite
that would be beneficial to the following stakeholders
like: Guest and hotel staff, Hotel and Restaurant
Management Students, Researchers and Future

 Generally, this study is intended to identify the strategic actions of the selected hotels in
Tagaytay city amidst to COVID-19 pandemic
 The study will specifically try to obtain answers for the following questions:

2. What are the strategic actions

of the selected hotel in Tagaytay
1. What is the current status of the in the middle of the pandemic in
selected hotels in Tagaytay? terms of operational aspects?
a. Number of years operating;
b. Number of Employees;
c. Target number of guests;
d. Number of guests; and 3. What are the strategic actions of the
e. Income of the hotel? selected hotel in Tagaytay in the middle of
the pandemic in terms of sales and
marketing aspect?
Objectives of the Study
1.Identify and analyze the current status of the selected
 This study aimed determine the strategic
hotels in Tagaytay.
actions of the selected hotels in Tagaytay city
a. Number of years operating
amidst to COVID-19 pandemic
b. Number of Employees
 Specifically, it aimed to: c. Target number of guests
d. Number of guests
E. Income of the hotel

2. To determine the strategic

actions of the selected hotel in 3. To determine the strategic
Tagaytay in the middle of the actions of the selected hotel
pandemic in terms of operational in Tagaytay in the middle of
aspect? the pandemic in terms of
sales and marketing aspect?
Significance of the Study
The study provided information amidst the pandemic. The strategic actions
implemented in the selected hotels in Tagaytay, Cavite.
The result of the study was significant to the following.

Guest and Hotel staff. This study would provide

Hotel and Restaurant Management Students. This study
information to the people that there is a way to be safe
is significant to HRM students because this provides
inside hotels by implementing protocols and following it
important information which will develop their knowledge
in strategic actions of hotels in this pandemic.

Researchers. This study would help the

researchers enhance their skills and knowledge Future Researchers. This study would serve as reference
especially by doing hands-on surveying and material for further research amidst of pandemic and viable
asking different hotels what their plans are. data for researchers who want to conduct the same study
Scope and Limitations of the Study

 This study “Strategic actions of the

selected hotels in Tagaytay City amidst
to COVID-19 pandemic” focused on
creating actions and determining how
the hotels make some alternative
actions in this time of pandemic and
also the study focused on the
improvement of hotels on how they are
handling their guest safety awareness.
Research Design

This study used a descriptive type of research. Descriptive

research involves gathering data that described the condition
of the hotel before and during the pandemic. In carrying out
this study the researchers utilized survey questionnaires in
gathering the necessary information. The researcher analyzed
the ability of a hotel in terms of marketing, operation and
financial aspects to survive a crisis.
Source of Data


For the study purpose, the study used primary sources of data,
The research participants are Country Chateau where data were collected using Google form questionnaires.
Hotel Corporation, Hortz Hotels and Resorts Primary sources included the business owners, managers and
formerly Bali Village Hotel, Hotel Kimberly employees in order to identify the strategic actions of hotel and
Tagaytay, Royale Tagaytay Country Club and business profile. The study used secondary sources of data, where
Tagaytay Highland International Golf Club Inc.. data was collected from the internet. Researchers gathered
information from the online journals, articles of establishments.
Sampling techniques
Research Instrument
• the first part contained the current
status of the selected hotels in Tagaytay
The sampling technique such as the number of guests,
used in this study is the employees and income/revenue.
Convenience sampling, the
easiest method of • Second part were strategic actions of
sampling, because the selected hotels in Tagaytay in
participants were selected operation.
based on availability and
willingness to take part. • Third part were the strategic actions of the
selected hotels in Tagaytay in marketing and
Data Gathering Procedure

The data in this study was Data Analysis

gathered through a Google
form questionnaires
distributed to respondents via • The first part used
messenger and email. percentage value and
frequency count.
• The second part used five-
point Likert scale
Demographic Profile of the Participants

Table 3. Number of operating years of the hotel.

Number of Years Frequency Percentage (%)

1 to 5 years 1 20
6 to10 years 1 20
11 to15 years 2 40
16 to 20 years 1 20
21 to 25 years 0 0
26 to 30 years 0 0
TOTAL 5 100
Table 4. Number of employees.

Number of Employees Frequency Percentage (%)

1 to 5 employees 0 0
6 to10 employees 0 0
11 to15 employees 0 0
16 to 20 employees 2 40
21 to 25 employees 1 20
26 to 30 employees 1 20
More than 30 employees 1  
TOTAL 5 100

Demographic Profile of the Participants

Table 5. Number of target guests.

Number of Guest Frequency Percentage (%)

1 to 5 guest 0 0
6 to10 guest 0 0
11 to15 guest 0 0
16 to 20 guest 2 40
21 to 25 guest 0 0
26 to 30 guest 0 0
More than 30 guest 3 60
TOTAL 5 100

Demographic Profile of the Participants

Table 6. Number of guests visiting.

Number of Guest Frequency Percentage (%)

1 to 5 guest 0 0
6 to10 guest 2 40
11 to15 guest 0 0
16 to 20 guest 0 0
21 to 25 guest 0 0
26 to 30 guest 0 0
More than 30 guest 3 60
TOTAL 5 100

Demographic Profile of the Participants

Table 7. Income per day.

Amount of income Frequency Percentage (%)

5,000 to 10,000 pesos 1 20
11,000 to 15,000 pesos 0 0
16,000 to 20,000 pesos 0 0
21,000 to 25,000 pesos 1 20
26,000 to 30,000 pesos 1 20
31,000 to 50,000 pesos 1 20
More than 50,000 1 20
TOTAL 5 100

Demographic Profile of the Participants

Strategic actions in terms of operational aspect

Table 8. Implement Safety Protocols to ensure guest’s safety.

Implement Safety Protocols
Frequency Percentage (%)
for Guest

Strongly Agree 4 80
Agree 0 0
Moderately Agree 1 20
Disagree 0 0
Strongly Disagree 0 0
Total 5 100
Table 9. Implement Safety Protocols to ensure that staff were safe.

Implement Safety Protocols

Frequency Percentage (%)
for Staff
Strongly Agree 4 80
Agree 1 20
Moderately Agree 0 0
Disagree 0 0
Strongly Disagree 0 0
Total 5 100

Strategic actions in terms of operational aspect

Table 10. Required to wear masks and face shields within hotel premises.

Wearing of masks and face shields within hotel

Frequency Percentage (%)
Strongly Agree 4 80
Agree 1 20
Moderately Agree 0 0
Disagree 0 0
Strongly Disagree 0 0
Total 5 100

Strategic actions in terms of operational aspect

Table 11. Implemented contract tracing system
for all guests.
Implement Contract Tracing Frequency Percentage (%)
Strongly Agree 4 80

Agree 1 20

Moderately Agree 0 0

Disagree 0 0

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 5 100

Strategic actions in terms of operational aspect

Table 12. Hotel Implemented 1-meter social distancing

Implement Social Distancing Frequency Percentage (%)

Strongly Agree 4 80

Agree 0 0

Moderately Agree 1 20

Disagree 0 0

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 5 100

Strategic actions in terms of operational aspect

Table 13. Hotel staff must wear face masks all the time.

Staff Must Wear Face Mask Frequency Percentage (%)

Strongly Agree 3 60
Agree 0 0
Moderately Agree 2 40
Disagree 0 0
Strongly Disagree 0 0
Total 5 100

Strategic actions in terms of operational aspect

Table 14. Ensuring lot time allowance before
check-in to disinfect rooms.
Disinfecting Rooms Before
Frequency Percentage (%)
Strongly Agree 4 80
Agree 0 0
Moderately Agree 1 20
Disagree 0 0
Strongly Disagree 0 0
Total 5 100

Strategic actions in terms of operational aspect

Table 15. Ensuring lot time allowance after
check-out to disinfect rooms.
Disinfecting Rooms After
Frequency Percentage (%)
Strongly Agree 4 80
Agree 0 0
Moderately Agree 1 20
Disagree 0 0
Strongly Disagree 0 0
Total 5 100

Strategic actions in terms of operational aspect

Strategic actions in terms of sales and marketing aspect

Table 16. Hotels accept online booking to avoid direct

Accept Online Booking Frequency Percentage (%)
Strongly Agree 4 80
Agree 1 20
Moderately Agree 0 0
Disagree 0 0
Strongly Disagree 0 0
Total 5 100
Table 17. Promote advertising via social
media to reach people.

Advertised via Social Media Frequency Percentage (%)

Strongly Agree 3 60

Agree 2 40

Moderately Agree 0 0

Disagree 0 0

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 5 100

Strategic actions in terms of sales and marketing aspect

Table 18. Hotels used technology to avoid
human contact.

Used Technology to Avoid Human Contact Frequency Percentage (%)

Strongly Agree 3 60

Agree 1 20

Moderately Agree 1 20

Disagree 0 0

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 5 100
Table 19. Receive reservation payment
through online banking.

Online Banking to Receive Reservation Payments Frequency Percentage (%)

Strongly Agree 3 60

Agree 2 40

Moderately Agree 0 0

Disagree 0 0

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 5 100
Table 20. Giving promo sales to encourage customers.

Giving Promo Sale Frequency Percentage (%)

Strongly Agree 3 60

Agree 0 0

Moderately Agree 2 40

Disagree 0 0

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 5 100
Table 21. Hotels accepted advance booking to
avoid overload of rooms.

Advance Booking to Avoid Overload of Rooms Frequency Percentage (%)

Strongly Agree 4 80

Agree 0 0

Moderately Agree 1 20

Disagree 0 0

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 5 100
Table 22. Hotel walk-Ins are strictly
Hotel Walk-Ins are Strictly Prohibited Frequency Percentage (%)

Strongly Agree 2 40

Agree 0 0

Moderately Agree 2 40

Disagree 1 20

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 5 100
Table 23. Hotels that accept limited guests were allowed inside the hotel

Accept Limited Guest Inside the Hotel Premises Frequency Percentage (%)

Strongly Agree 3 60

Agree 0 0

Moderately Agree 2 40

Disagree 0 0

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 5 100
 Based on the study conducted, the following conclusions are drawn:
 1. Amidst pandemic, most of the surveyed selected hotels in Tagaytay have been reaching their target number
of guests per day which is more than 30 guests/day. However it was seen that the income varies for each hotel
due to different coping strategies.
 2. Hotels were into the implementation of safety protocols of both guests and staff by wearing face masks and
face shields while inside the hotel premises. Therefore, hotels strictly maintained and followed their existing
safety protocols.
 3. Majority of the selected hotels in Tagaytay are maximizing the use of an online platform to promote and
sell hotel bookings and gather reservations. This has become their important strategic tool at this pandemic to
cope with the damage it has brought to this industry.
 The following recommendations are suggested by the researchers based on the findings and conclusion of the study.
1. UV-C Sanitation. The UV-C radiation has effectively been used for decades for purifying air and for inactivating microbes. It
may be a key component in preventing the spread of COVID-19 virus.
2. Personal protective equipment for hotel staff, including masks and gloves, to safeguard guests and employees. Daily health
screening, including temperature checks for staff, as well as frequent sanitization of all common areas, thorough re-training on
proper hygiene, and best practices including Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Strict Implementation of Health Protocols.
3. Since the hotel can reach their target guest per day, they should aim to accommodate more guests to be able for them to gain
greater profit without disregarding the safety protocols and overcrowding.
Thank you and God bless!

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