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How and when an event

becomes a disaster?
An event, either human-made or
natural, becomes disaster when
it is sudden or progressive,
causing widespread human,
material or environmental

The severity of the impacts of disast
ers and other extreme weather and cl
imate events depends strongly on th
e level of vulnerability and exposu
re to these events.
People are not the only ones who can
be affected by hazards. Familiarizing
yourselves with smaller elements that
are exposed to hazards is no different
from doing it with bigger things expo-
sed to bigger sources of danger.
Elements Exposed to Hazards
01 Human Beings

Dwellings or households or communities
03 Buildings and structures
Exposure refers
to the “elements 04 Public facilities and infrastructures assets
at risk from a
natural or man-
05 Public transport systems
made hazard
06 Agricultural commodities

07 Environmental assets
The characteristics and circumstances
of a community system or asset that
make it susceptible to the damaging
effects of a hazard

United Nations International Strategy

for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR):
02 There are many aspects of vulnerability arising
from various physical, social, economic and
environmental factors

Examples may include poor design and construction

of buildings, inadequate protection of assets, lack of
public information or awareness, limited official
03 recognition of risks and preparedness measures, and

disregard for wise environmental management
Reasons Why Certain Sectors Of Society Are
More Vulnerable To Disaster Than Others

Demographic Socio-economic Community Dealing with the

Factors Factors Preparedness After-effects
• Population Density • Wealth • Building codes • Insurance Cover
• Age of Population • Education • Scientific monitoring and • Emergency personnel
• Distribution of • Nature of Society early warning systems • Aid request
Population •Understanding of the • Communication networks
Area • Emergency planning
Demographic Factors
Population Density
The more dense the population, the more efficient a response should
be, considering the number of people that might be affected.

Age of Population
Very old and very young population are less mobile and able to
respond to hazard events as well; this requires more attention .

Distribution of Population
Regardless of density, populations may be distributed differently
within the hazard area; Elderly people on lower floors; must be
seriously considered
Socio-economic Factors
Low income populations are less likely to be
prepared. Part of preparation is having Survival Kit,
poor families will prioritize necessities.

Highly centralized government structures, efficient
emergency response may be the result of carful
planning and training of personnel EDUCATION
Education programs such as MMDA’s Shake
Drill; Part of school’s regular activities.


Salient factor; Recent migrants are likely to struggle to
cope with hazard effects compared to established
Community Preparedness
Scientific Monitoring and Early
Warning Systems Emergency Planning
Through this we can be prepared for the Preparation is the key element of
onslaught of any kind of disaster. Typhoon prevention; To prepare a person or
Yolanda was forecasted but not storm surges family for such events and take
because of lack of advanced equipments actions based on data.

Building Codes
Community Networks
Rigorous and applied building codes
protect most buildings from collapse Countries with good quality and
during earthquakes; should be seriously widespread communication networks allow
considered in issuance of building messages to be quickly shared;
permits and land development Communication Plan should not be left out.
Dealing with after-effects
Insurance Cover Emergency Personnel
Individuals purchase insurance The availability of such
policies to mitigate their losses, personnel will vary depending
thus preparing them better for on the time of day and
similar future events location of the hazard event

Aid Request
Humanitarian aid is necessary, should be fast and
efficient. Ineffiency and mismanagement of aids,
especially foreign aids will possibly result to further death
and loss of property
To Specific Poor design and construction of buildings and
other infrastructures
Hazards Inadequate protection measures of assets
Lack of public information and awareness
Limited official recognition of risks and
preparedness measures
Disregard for wise environmental management

Physical Economic
Vulnerability Vulnerability

Social to
Vulnerability Environmental
May be determined by aspects such as population
density levels, remoteness of a settlement, the site,
design and materials used for critical infrastructures.

Wooden homes are less likely to collapse in an
earthquake but more vulnerable to fire.
Refers to inability of people, organizations and society
to withstand adverse impacts to hazards due to
characteristics inherent in social interactions, institutions
and systems of cultural values; Includes aspects
related to literacy and education

When flooding, children, elderly and PWDs may be
unable to protect themselves, educated and well-
informed are more likely to survive when disaster strikes
The poor are usually more vulnerable to disasters
because they lack the resources to build sturdy
structures and put engineering measures in place to
protect themselves from being negatively impacted.

In Metro Manila the so called “urban poor” build their
shanties or improvised houses along river banks and
esteros, making them prone to flash floods
Natural resource depletion and resource degradation
are key aspects of environmental vulnerability.
Mitigation measures like reforestation must be undertaken.

Wetlands, such as Agusan Marsh, are sensitive to
increasing salinity from sea water and pollution from
storm water runoff.

Risk signifies the possibility of Floods Engineering

adverse effects in the future. It Cyclones Economic

Bushfires Social
is derived from the interaction


er a
of social and environmental Volcanoes

processes from the

bi l
combination of physical
hazards and the vulnerabilities RISK

it y
of exposed elements
Hazard * Exposure * Vulnerability People

RISK= Capacity
Philippine Exposure
Vulnerabilities to Natural Disaster
8 0f 10 world cities most exposed to natur
al hazarda are in the Philippines

More than half of the 100 cities most expo

sed to earthquakes, storms and other disa
sters are in 4 Asian Nations, according to t
he research. (Philippine Star, 2014)
Verisk Maplecroft a risk analysis firm

Studied, analyzed and published that

the threat posed by storms, flood, earth
quakes, tsunamis, fires, volcanoes and
landslides in more than 1300 cities
Top 10 Cities Most at Risk
1. Port Vila in Vanuatu (country in Oceania, South Pacific Ocean)
2. Tuguegarao in Cagayan
3. Lucena in Quezon Province
4. Manila
5. San Fernando in Pampanga
6. Cabanatuan in Nueva Ecija
7. Batangas
8. Taipei
9. San Carlos (most likely in Pangasinan
10.Naga in Bicol region
The study also found that of the 100
cities with the greatest exposure to
natural hazards are:

 21 in the Philippines
 16 in China
 11 in Japan
 8 in Bangladesh

• The Philippines lies in the Pacific typhoon belt and we are visited by an
average of 20 typhoons every year.
• The rugged nature of our landscape makes our communities very vuln
erable to landslides, mudflows and other disasters.
• The Philippines is an archipelagic country with many small islands.
• Many of our areas are also at or below sea level. and this makes us vu
lnerable to flooding and worst, inundation with rise in sea level.
• With one of the longest coastlines in the world at 32,400 kilometers, w
e have many areas that are vulnerable to storm surges.
• The Philippines is still a primarily agricultural and fishing economy.
• The Philippines is still a primarily agricultural and fishing economy.
• Disruptions in agricultural and fishery production and destruction of our ec
osystems will have devastating effects on our economy and food security.
• Natural hazard risk is compounded in the Philippines by poor institutional
and societal capacity to manage. respond and recover from natural hazard
• The Philippines is considered “high risk" in terms of the country's ability to
manage and mitigate the impacts of natural hazard and in part due to
“entrenched corruption and high levels of poverty” (Happier, 2014)
• Aside from being at risk to typhoons. the Philippines is also at risk to volca
nic eruptions (we have active volcanoes), quakes (several fault lines were
identified) and floods (we have denuded mountains)
Group Activity

Guide Question:
1. Using your cellphone, surf the internet and
conduct a simple research about the different fault
line found here in Taguig.
2. Name some structures found in the said fault line
3. Does it pose hazard?
4. Does this structure post a warning sign?
Most organized work 10
Fastest group 10
Legible penmanship 10
Presentation 10
Total 40
Vulnerability is defined as the characteristics
and circumstances of community, system or asset
that make it susceptible to the damaging effects
of hazards. It can be seen as a result of a process
in which various different things cause a popula-
tion to be more vulnerable. These can be split into
demographic and socio- economic.
While exposure refers to the elements at risk
from a natural or human- made hazard event.
Elements at risk could include human beings,
dwellings or households, buildings and structure,
public structures, transport system, agricultural
commodities, environmental assets, etc.
In your activity notebook:
1. Identify the General Classification of
2. Enumerate the types of hazard
3. Common impact of natural hazard on
Different expose elements
Thank you!

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