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Chorar é bom?
Compreensão textual
Aula 14

⮚ Ampliar o repertório lexical por meio de textos.

Warm up!
1. Look at this drawing and answer.
a) What is the woman doing?

b) Do you like this drawing?

c) When you look at this drawing

how does it make you feel?
1. Look at this drawing and answer.
a) What is the woman doing?
She is crying.
b) Do you like this drawing?
Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.
c) When you look at this drawing
how does it make you feel?
It makes me feel sad.
Warm up!
2. If you don’t know the answers, try
to guess:
I) The name of the drawing is:
a) Weeping Woman.
b) Lamentation Woman.
II) It was drawn in
a) 1882.
b) 1883.
Warm up!
2. If you don’t know the answers, try
to guess:
I) The name of the drawing is:
a) Weeping Woman.
b) Lamentation Woman.
II) It was drawn in
a) 1882.
b) 1883.
Before reading
3. In your opinion, what makes people cry? Is it possible to
cry for positive reasons?

4. How often do you cry?

( ) Very often. ( ) Once in a while.
( ) Frequently. ( ) Never.
Before reading
3. In your opinion, what makes people cry? Is it possible to
cry for positive reasons?
Possible answer: People cry because they are sad/happy;
suffer; conquest; hard images; etc.

4. How often do you cry? (Possible answer)

( ) Very often. ( ) Once in a while.
( ) Frequently. ( ) Never.
Before reading

5. On what occasions do you cry? I cry every time I...

( ) watch a sad movie.
( ) cut up an onion.
( ) have a bad headache.
( ) listen to a love song.
( ) argue with my friends or parents.
( ) go to a funeral.
Before reading

5. On what occasions do you cry? I cry every time I...

( X ) watch a sad movie.
( X ) cut up an onion.
( X ) have a bad headache.
( X ) listen to a love song.
( X ) argue with my friends or parents.
( X ) go to a funeral.
Before reading
6. Are the headings clear? Match the headings to the
contents expected in each section.
a. Why we cry
b. Why it feels good
c. Why women cry more
d. Tears of joy a –myth?
( ) possible gender differences.
( ) possibility of crying for positive reasons.
( ) possible reasons for crying.
( ) possible benefits of crying.
Before reading
6. Are the headings clear? Match the headings to the
contents expected in each section.
a. Why we cry
b. Why it feels good
c. Why women cry more
d. Tears of joy a –myth?
( c ) possible gender differences.
( d ) possibility of crying for positive reasons.
( a ) possible reasons for crying.
( b ) possible benefits of crying.
Reading Is crying good for you?

Why we cry Humans most likely cry to solicit help and

comfort, and sometimes to ward off aggression from
Why it feels good It’s possible that there is some
physiological benefit to crying, such as stimulation of
the parasympathetic nervous system,
which is important for relaxation.
Reading Is crying good for you?
Shedding tears may also release opioids, natural
chemicals that affect our feelings of pleasure, and
oxytocin, a hormone linked to bonding, feelings of trust
and stress reduction. The largest benefit, however, comes
from the comfort and support others offer in reaction to
our tears.
Why women cry more The male sex
hormone testosterone seems to inhibit
crying, while the female hormone prolactin
may lower the emotional threshold.
Reading Is crying good for you?

Tears of joy – a myth? Some experts doubt whether we

ever cry for positive reasons. Very often, during a happy
moment we allow ourselves to reflect on less joyful
Kim Schworm Acosta
Reading for general comprehension

7. Does the author answer the question in the title (“Is

crying good for you?”)?

8. What is the main idea of the text?

a) Crying has different functions as people get older.
b) Crying has some advantages to humans.
c) Men cry as much as women.
d) Humans don’t cry for positive reasons.
Reading for general comprehension

7. Does the author answer the question in the title (“Is

crying good for you?”)?
Yes, he does.
8. What is the main idea of the text?
a) Crying has different functions as people get older.
b) Crying has some advantages to humans.
c) Men cry as much as women.
d) Humans don’t cry for positive reasons.
✔ Check the correct alternative.

(…) It’s possible that there is some physiological benefit to

crying, such as stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous
system, which is important for relaxation. (…)
1. In the fragment the main idea is:
a) There are scientific explanation about happiness.
b) There are scientific benefits to cry.

2. The system which helps to relax is:

c) Nervous system
d) Breath system
✔ Check the correct alternative.

(…) It’s possible that there is some physiological benefit to

crying, such as stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous
system, which is important for relaxation. (…)
1. In the fragment the main idea is:
a) There are scientific explanation about happiness.
b) There are scientific benefits to cry.

2. The system which helps to relax is:

c) Nervous system
d) Breath system
Nessa aula:
⮚ Ampliamos o repertório lexical por meio de textos e

⮚ Verificamos sobre os benefícios para a saúde em chorar.


AMOS, Eduardo; PRESCHER, Elisabeth. Simplified Grammar Book. Ed. Moderna, 2001.
FRANCO, Claudio; TAVARES, Kátia. Way to Go. 1ª Ed. Ática, SP 2ªEd. 2016.

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