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Aula 01

⮚ Ampliação do repertório lexical por meio de textos.

⮚ Aprenderemos sobre expressões idiomáticas.
Idioms (idiomatic expressions) são expressões que não são
entendidas ao pé da letra. E desde quando letra tem pé?
Concluímos que são compreendidas ao todo e não palavra
por palavra. Existem várias expressões idiomáticas no
Brasil, como por exemplo “pimenta nos olhos dos outros é
refresco”. Em outros países este fenômeno cultural
também ocorre. Vamos aprender algumas para
podermos compreender melhor os filmes e
1. Match the columns:
a. I’m going to hit the sack. ( a ) Eu estou indo dormir.
b. Hold your horses! ( g ) Nunca!
c. Get off on the wrong foot. ( f ) É segredo!
d. Cat got your tongue? ( d ) O gato comeu sua língua?
e. Raining cats and dogs . ( )Vai com calma!
f. Mum’s the word . Controle-se!
g. When pigs fly.

( c) Nós começamos com o pé errado.

( e) Está chovendo muito forte.
2. Complete these sentences. Use the proper
raining cats and dogs
a. No, I can’t go to your house. It’s _________________
and I don't have an umbrella.
b. Why are you so quiet? Hey, what happened? talk to me.
Cat got your tongue
c. Enough is enough! It’s too late to have an argument.
I’m going to hit the sack
Hold your horses Janny! You shouldn't
d. _______________
jump into a new relationship fast like that.
3. Read the text, then match the idioms to the
John is having a bad time. He has just started at a new
school and it is not his cup of tea - he feels like a fish out of
water because he keeps getting lost. Last week, he told
Debbie, a girl in his class, that his father was a famous
gardener because he has a green thumb. Debbie was all
ears and green with envy, but she stopped talking to him
when she found out that he was only
pulling her leg.
a. not his cup of tea ( d ) Listening hard
b. fish out of water ( e ) Very jealous
c. has a green thumb ( a ) Not what I want
d. all ears ( c ) To be very good at gardening
e. green with envy ( f ) To tell a lie to somebody
f. pulling her leg ( b ) To be lost in a new place
John is sad because Debbie has put him in the doghouse for
telling lies; he wants them to bury the hatchet and be
friends again. The icing on the cake is that the boys in
John's class call him a tub of lard because he is a bit fat. The
teacher tells them to stop, but she is barking up the wrong
tree because the boys aren't scared of a slap on the wrist.
a. in the doghouse ( f ) A small punishment.
b. bury the hatchet ( a ) In trouble.
c. icing on the cake (d ) A very fat person.
d. a tub of lard ( c ) A bossy person
e. barking up the wrong tree ( b ) The finishing touch
f. a slap on the wrist ( e ) Talking for no reason
John tried to tell his mother, but he had a frog in his
throat, and she couldn't hear him – she told him to stop
beating around the bush and sent him outside even
though it was raining cats and dogs. John is usually out
like a light when he goes to bed, but now he can't sleep.
a. a frog in his throat ( d ) Fast asleep.
b. beating around the bush ( c ) Very wet weather.
c. raining cats and dogs ( b) To have the wrong answer.
d. out like a light ( a ) To have a cough.
REFERENCES - Fund. e Med. book 2.pdf
Nessa aula:

⮚ Ampliamos o repertório lexical por meio de textos.

⮚ Aprendemos sobre expressões idiomáticas.

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