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Life Cycle Of a

Life Cycle Of a Cockroach and more

By: Aryan Mohachkar

Life cycle of a Cockroach
 The cockroach lifecycle actually has
three developmental stages. These stages
are known as the egg, the nymph, and the
adult stages.
 Cockroach typically go through three
stages of development during their life
cycle therefore they are known as to have
in incomplete metamorphosis. During this
time period, the egg of the insect
transforms into a form called a nymph it
does not have been the name Shades its
outer covering number of times and
changes into an adult this is known as
Egg Case. Female
cockroaches produce
egg cases, known as
oothecae. Oothecae
contain many eggs and
are enveloped by a
protein substance that
gradually hardens into
a strong, protective
casing. Some cockroach
species drop the egg
case, while other species
carry it until the eggs
are ready to hatch.
 Upon emerging from
the egg case, or ootheca,
this immature form
of cockroach is known
as a nymph or baby
cockroach. ... Cockroach
nymphs undergo a series
of molts. They emerge as
full adults from their
final molt. German
cockroach nymphs are
often less than 3
millimeters long when
they hatch.
Adult Cockroach
 The average adult cockroach
will be 1-1/2 to 3 in. long with
three pairs of legs, two pairs of
wings and a long pair of
antennae on the front of their
 Most cockroaches are brown.
The average lifespan for a
cockroach is one to two years,
with some species living as long
as a decade. One of oldest
surviving insects on the planet, it
is estimated that cockroaches
have existed for 200 million
Facts of Cockroaches

 The word cockroach comes from

the Spanish word "cucaracha"
which means "crazy bug".
 There are about 4,000 different
species of cockroaches in the world.
 Cockroaches generally prefer
warm, humid, dark areas.
 The cockroach can live without its
head for an entire week.
 The number of young that one roach can
bear also varies considerably. A German
cockroach and her young can produce
300,000 more roaches in one year. An
American cockroach and her young can
produce a comparatively small 800 new
roaches per year.
 In some species, this process takes only a
few weeks. In others, like the oriental
cockroach, it takes between one and two
years. The overall life span of cockroaches
differs as well -- some live only a few months
while others live for more than two years.
Quiz Time
Q 1. The word cockroach comes from the
__________ word "cucaracha"

A. German
B. American
C. Spanish
D. Latin
Ans. Spanish
Q. 2 Insects such as cockroach typically go through three
stages of development during their life cycle therefore they
are known as to have in __________ metamorphosis.

A. Complete

B. Incomplete
C. Half complete
D. None of above
Ans. Incomplete
Q. 3. A German cockroach and her young can
produce _________more roaches in one year.

A. 200,000
B. 300,000
C. 900,000
D. 600.000

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