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PHYS331 Electromagnetism I

Introduction to Electrodynamics by D. J. Griffiths, 4th Edition.

Prentics-Hall, (2012).
Chapter 2 Electrostatics Part IV
Conductor and Capacitor
Induced Charges
Electrostatic Boundary Conditions
Surface Charge and the Force on a Conductor

10/10/21 Dr. M. T. Khan Islamic University 1

Insulators and Conductors
 Both insulators and conductors can be charged.
 The difference is that Insulator
 On an insulator charges are not able to move from
place to place. If you charge an insulator, you are
typically depositing (or removing) charges only from
the surface, and they will stay where you put them.
 On a conductor, charges can freely move. If you try
to place charge on a conductor, it will quickly spread
over the entire conductor.

September 5, 2007
Charging Objects By Induction
Charging an object by induction
requires no contact with the object
inducing the charge. This is in contrast
to charging an object by rubbing (that
is, by conduction), which does require
contact between the two objects.

Figure 23.4 Charging a metallic object by induction (that is, the two objects never touch each
other). (a) A neutral metallic sphere, with equal numbers of positive and negative charges. (b)
The electrons on the neutral sphere are redistributed when a charged rubber rod is placed
near the sphere. (c) When the sphere is grounded, some of its electrons leave through the
wire. (d) When the ground connection is removed, the sphere has excess positive charge that is
September 5, 2007
nonuniformly distributed. (e) When the rod is removed, the remaining electrons redistribute
uniformly and there is a net uniform distribution of positive charge on the sphere.
Induced Charges
 If you hold a charge +q near an
uncharged conductor (Fig.), the two will
attract one another.
 The reason for this is that q Will pull
minus charges over to the near side and
repel plus charges to the far side.
Since the negative induced charge is closer to q, there is a net force
of attraction.

if there is some cavity in the

conductor, and within that
cavity there is some charge,
then the field in the cavity
will not be zero. September 5, 2007
What happens when a charged insulator is placed near
an uncharged metallic object?
(a) They repel each other. (b) They attract each other. (c) They may attract
or repel each other, depending on whether the charge
on the insulator is positive or negative. (d) They exert
no electrostatic force on each other. (e) The charged
insulator always spontaneously discharges.

September 5, 2007
q q q
(a). R  a  b 
4R 2 4a 2 4b 2
0 b a R 0
  1 q 1 q
(b). V(0)    E  d l    ( )dr   (0)dr   ( )dr   (0)dr
 
40 r 2
b a
40 r 2

1 q q q
 (   )
40 b R a
a R 0
1 q
(c). b  0 V(0)    (0)dr   ( )dr   (0)dr
 a
40 r 2

1 q q
 (  )
4 0 R a
 The electric field always undergoes a discontinuity when you cross a surface
charge σ.
 In fact, it is a simple matter to find the amount by which E changes at such a
 Suppose we draw a wafer-thin Gaussian pillbox, extending just barely over the
edge in each direction (Fig.) Gauss's law states that

where A is the area of the pillbox lid. (If σ

varies from point to point or the surface is
curved, we must pick A to be extremely
small.) Now, the sides of the pillbox
contribute nothing to the flux, in the limit E 

below  
as the thickness ε goes to zero, so we are 0
left with
Conclusion: The normal component of E is discontinuous by an amount σ / ε0 at any boundary.
The tangential component of E, by contrast, is always continuous. For
if we apply

to the thin rectangular loop of Fig. the ends give nothing (as ε→0), and the sides
Give . ( Eabove
l  Ebelow
l ) So

  
Eabove  Ebelow  n̂

September 5, 2007
The potential, meanwhile, is continuous across any boundary (Fig), since

Vabove  Vbelow  0

September 5, 2007
Surface Charge and the Force on a Conductor
Because the field inside a conductor is zero, boundary condition 1
requires that the field immediately outside is

consistent with our earlier conclusion that the field is normal to the
surface. In terms of potential,
These equations enable you to calculate the surface charge on a conductor, if you can
determine E or V; we shall use them frequently in the next chapter.

In the presence of an electric field, a surface charge will, naturally, experience a force; the
force per unit area, f, is σ E. But there's a problem here, for the electric field is discontinuous
at a surface charge, so which value are we supposed to use: E above, Ebelow, or something in
between? The answer is that we should use the average of the two:

in the particular case of a conductor, the field is zero inside and

(σ/ε0) outside, so the average is (σ/2ε0), and the force per unit area is

This amounts to an outward electrostatic pressure on the

surface, tending to draw the conductor into the field, regardless 1
of the sign of σ. Expressing the pressure in terms of the field P   0 Eout
September 5, 20072

just outside the surface, 2


Eout 
Ein  0

1 1  2
1 Q 2
P   0 Eout
 0 2 
2 2  0 2 A2 0

September 5, 2007
What is Capacitance?
 From the word “capacity,” it describes
how much charge an arrangement of
conductors can hold for a given voltage
applied. V=1.5 V
 Charges will flow until the right conductor’s +
potential is the same as the + side of the
battery, and the left conductor’s potential is
the same as the – side of the battery. +electrons

 How much charge is needed to +

produce an electric field whose
potential difference is 1.5 V? 1.5 V
 Depends on capacitance: “Charging” battery
the capacitor
q  CV _
definition of capacitance

The SI unit of capacitance is the coulomb per volt. +electrons

This unit occurs so often that it is given a special name, the farad (F):
1 farad = 1 F = 1 coulomb per volt = 1 C/V.
the farad is a very large unit.
October 10, 2007
Submultiples of the farad, such as the microfarad (1 µF 10 -6 F) and the
picofarad (1 pF = 10-12F), are more convenient units in practice.
Capacitance Depends on Geometry
 What happens when the two
conductors are moved closer V=1.5
together? _ _ +
 They are still connected to the
battery, so the potential + charges
difference cannot change.
 
 But recall that V    E.  ds +
1.5 V
 Since the distance between them battery
decreases, the E field has to increase. increases
 Charges have to flow to make
that happen, so now these two + charges
conductors can hold more q  CV
charge. I.e. the capacitance
increases. increases
October 10, 2007
Capacitance Depends on Geometry
V=1.5 V
_ +
 What happens if we replace
the small conducting spheres
with large conducting plates?
 The plates can hold a lot more
charge, so the capacitance Circular plates
goes way up. + charges

 Here is a capacitor that you +

can use in an electronic circuit.
 We will discuss several ways in 1.5 V
which capacitors are useful. battery
 But first, let’s look in more _
detail at what capacitance is.
+ charges

October 10, 2007


Charge Without Battery

1. Say that we charge a parallel plate capacitor to 20 V,
then disconnect the battery. What happens to the
charge and voltage?

A. The charge stays on the plates indefinitely, and the voltage stays
constant at 20 V.
B. The charge leaks out the bottom quickly, and the voltage goes to 0
C. The charge jumps quickly across the air gap, and the voltage goes
to 0 V.
D. The charge stays on the plates, but the voltage drops to 0 V.
E. The charge instantly disappears, but the voltage stays constant at
20 V. October 10, 2007
Units of Capacitance
2. Given these expressions, and 0 = 8.85 x 1012 C2/N∙m2,
what are the units of capacitance?
0 A L ab
C C  2 0 C  4 0 C  4 0 R
d ln(b / a) ba
A. The units are different in the different expressions.
B. The units are C2/N∙m2.
C. The units are C2/N∙m.
D. The units are C2/N.
E. The units are C/V.

 Units: length = C2/N∙m = F (farad), named after Michael Faraday. [note:

 = 8.85 pF/m]

October 10, 2007

Checkpoint 1
Does the capacitance C of a capacitor increase, decrease,
or remain the same
(a)when the charge q on it is doubled and
(b) when the potential difference V across it is tripled?

October 10, 2007


q  CV
Calculating the Electric Field

Calculating the Potential Difference

October 10, 2007

Capacitance for Parallel Plates
 Parallel plates make a great example for d
calculating capacitance, because
 The E field is constant, so easy to calculate.
 The geometry is simple, only the area and E and dA
plate separation are important. area A parallel
 To calculate capacitance, we first need to line of
determine the E field between the plates. integration
We use Gauss’ Law, with one end of our
V V
gaussian surface closed inside one plate,
and the other closed in the region between
the plates (neglect fringing at ends):
  Total charge q
 0  E  dA  q so q   0 EA on inside of plate
 
 Need to find potential difference V  V  V    E  ds
 EA  0 A
 Since E=constant, we have V  Ed , so the capacitance is C  q / V  0 
Ed d

October 10, 2007

Capacitance for Other Configurations
 Cylindrical capacitor
 The E field falls off as 1/r.
 The geometry is fairly simple, but the V
integration is slightly more difficult.
 To calculate capacitance, we first need to
determine the E field between the plates.
We use Gauss’ Law, with a cylindrical
gaussian surface closed in the region
between the plates (neglect fringing at
 
 0  E  dA  q So q   0 EA   0 E (2rL) or E  q /(2 0 rL)
 
 Need to find potential difference V  V  V    E  ds
 Since E~1/r, we have q a dr q  b  , so the capacitance is
2 0 L b r 2 0 L  a 
V  ln   L
C  q / V  2 0
ln(b / a )
October 10, 2007
Capacitance for Other Configurations
 Spherical capacitor
 The E field falls off as 1/r2.
 The geometry is fairly simple, and the V
integration is similar to the cylindrical case.
 To calculate capacitance, we first need to
determine the E field between the spheres.
We use Gauss’ Law, with a spherical
gaussian surface closed in the region
between the spheres:
 
 0  E  dA  q So q   0 EA   0 E (4r 2 ) or E  q /( 4 0 r 2 )

 
 Need to find potential difference V  V  V    E  ds
 Since E~1/r2, we have q a dr q  1 1  , so the capacitance is
V 
4 0 r
b 2
   
4 0  a b  C  q / V  4 0
October 10, 2007
Capacitance Summary
0 A
 Parallel Plate Capacitor C
 Cylindrical (nested cylinder) Capacitor C  2 0
ln(b / a)
 Spherical (nested sphere) Capacitor C  4 0

 Capacitance for isolated Sphere C  4 0 R

 Units: length = C2/Nm = F (farad), named after

Michael Faraday. [note:  = 8.85 pF/m]
October 10, 2007
Checkpoint 2
For capacitors charged by the same battery, does the charge stored by
the capacitor increase, decrease, or remain the same in each of the
following situations?
(a)The plate separation of a parallel-plate capacitor is increased.
(b)The radius of the inner cylinder of a cylindrical capacitor is
(c)The radius of the outer spherical shell of a spherical capacitor is

(a) Decrease

(b) Increase

(c) Decrease

October 10, 2007


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