Claim of Value: Rivera Advincula Yumul

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Watching Miracle in Cell No. 7 is just a

waste of money.
Claim of Value

• Expresses the preference of a person (likes, dislikes, tastes, etc.).

• Makes judgements and argues the rightness or wrongness, beauty or
ugliness, and usefulness or uselessness of a belief.
Person A Person B

Own Criteria/Standards Own Criteria/Standards

≠ Judgments
Claim of
Claim of Claim of
Cause and
Definition Policy

Claim of Claim of
Fact Value
Claim of Definition Claim of Cause and Effect Claim of Policy

 These are claims that

particularly show the causes  These are claims that
 These are claims that and effects. command an action
particularly defines a term  It generally answers “How (Robertson, 2018)
(Sanders, 2016) did this happen?” and “Why  What should be done (jazq,
did this happen?” (Ross, 1425, 2012)
Claim of Fact Claim of Value
• Statements that report, describe, predict, or make • Statements that advance judgments (Robertson,
casual claims (Robertson, 2018) 2018)
• Asserts that some action, belief, or condition is
• Asserts that a condition has existed, exists, or will
right or wrong, good or bad, desirable or
undesirable, etc.
• Relies on providing reasonable standards of
• Relies on factual information for support
judgment for support
• Judgments that express approval or disapproval of
• Opinions drawn by inference
standards, taste, and/or morality
• Can be objectively proven • Subjective in nature; cannot be objectively proven
• Proving a claim of value involves arriving at
• Proving a claim of fact involves proving the
reasonable standards of judgment that readers
inference you have made is reasonable
will accept
• Often phrased with action verbs • Often phrased with linking verbs.

1 Soccer is a boring sport.


Smoking is unhealthy for
someone like you.

Cellphones are valuable and
perhaps even necessary.

4 Your new house is beautiful.


5 Stealing is wrong and unlawful.


6 Pornography is dehumanizing.

The rights of an individual are

7 more important than the rights

of the community.

Military boot camp is a

8 degrading and humiliating


Cats are the best pets for

Global warming will impact

future generations and
eventually ruin the environment.

Cheating men are undesirable
for women.

The hunting of animals is a

1 barbaric practice.

Public schools are better than

1 private schools.

Heartland relies less on state

taxpayer funding than ISU.

Science Fiction novels are more

1 interesting to read than romance


1 Dogs make the best pets.


1 Mercy killing is immoral.


Death Penalty does not deter


Computers are a valuable

1 addition to modern society.


Viewing television is a wasteful

1 activity.

Sororities and fraternities are the

1 best extracurricular organizations

for college students to join.

Illegal immigrants are

ruining the American

Students who listen to rap

music are more likely to
commit violent acts.

Harry Potter is a positive role

1 model for children.


Drunk driving is one of the most

20 selfish things a person can do.


Schools are doing everything

21 they can to prepare graduating

seniors for college.

Prayer in public schools has

created much debate in the
field of education.

Movements will be best in

integration in long term
because of moral

The poor is vulnerable, they

do not have the power to
challenge the system.

Poverty alleviation is
damaging the treatment of
the poor.

It is unjust to put the burden

to marginalized people when
the system favors the elite.

No matter how hard you

work, there is no word that
you will be the best.

Hardworker without
diploma has low success.

If you don’t work hard, you

are lazy.

People will only give you

what you deserve when you
start working for it.

Support systems are not

sustainable when there is no
effort from the people.

Hard work is needed to get


It’s disempowering if you

tell them that “this is how
high you can get”

Being poor carry a burden of

having unrealistic

Philippines is politically
volatile hence people must
learn to be independent.

Hard work does not solve


“Success depends on the

benevolence of the rich”

You are still poor even if

you work hard.

If you will not rally, the

government will think there
is nothing wrong.

If the only hope you have is

hard work and government,
then it’s no good.

No matter how hard you

work, you will not succeed.

The only way to succeed it

through the state.

Your hard work will not

always be appreciated.

Hard work is irrelevant if

the elites won’t recognize

Hard work equals poverty

alleviation is damaging the
ability to change the system.

You can’t reward hard work

w/o reform.

You can’t appreciate and

reward hard work without
structural change.

Hard work cannot transcend

structural barriers.

It is not hard work that leads

you to success but the pity
of the rich.

Thank you!

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