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Dr. Kaveri
• It is a technique of direct action against injustice with firm
commitment to truth.
• Gandhi used the term for the first time in South Africa to oppose
racial discrimination in a non-violent way.
• Satya means Truth; Aagraha means insistence.
• The idea of Satyagraha is based upon two thoughts:
• (i) Satya or truth and
• (ii) Ahimsa or non-violence.
• He wanted a suitable term to name his new technique of resistance
and gave an advertisement in the magazine “Indian Opinion” for
• Out of different suggestions the word “Sada-graha” signifying
firmness in a good cause appealed to him which after a little
modification he named as Satyagraha.
• A Satyagrahi would never ill-treat or disrespect the opponent but
would show him utmost respect.
• He will only oppose the practice, policy or the law that upholds
injustice in social relationships.
• The theory of Satyagraha has three main purposes:
• A) It purifies the sufferer.
• B) It intensifies favorable public opinion.
• C) Makes a direct appeal to the soul of the oppressor.
Methods and Techniques of Satyagraha

• 1. Non-Cooperation:
• Non-cooperation can be in the form of:
Hartal: Hartal may be voluntary and non-violent.
Social Ostracism: It means social boycott of those who do not extend
their cooperation to the non-cooperation movement of Satyagrahis.
Picketing: Aimed at warning and even putting to shame, those who
do not cooperate with the non-cooperation movement.
• Non Cooperation program comprised of:
Surrender of Titles and honorary offices, resignation from nominated
seats in the local bodies.
Refusal to attend official and non-official functions held by govt.
Gradual withdrawal of children from schools and colleges owned,
aided or controlled by the govt.
Gradual boycott of British Courts by lawyers and litigants and the
establishments of private disputes.
Refusal on the part of the military, clerical and laboring classes to
offer themselves as recruits for service in Mesopotamia.
Boycott of foreign good.
Laying down of arms and the suspensions of taxes.
• 2. Civil Dis-obedience:
• It should be civil and must be sincere, respectful, without hatred or ill
towards others.
• 3. Hijarat:
• It means voluntary exile from the place of permanent residence as
they could not live without self-respect in a particular place.
• 4. Fasting:
• This sort of fasting is considered as the smartest weapon in the
arsenal of the disarmed.  

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