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Introduction to

Management and
What is Management?
Management involves coordinating and
overseeing the work activities of others so
that their activities are completed efficiently
and effectively.
Or Management is the art of getting work
done through others
The Science and the Art of
Management as science

Management as an art
Good management is the art of making
problems so interesting and their solutions xo
constructive that everyone wants to get to work
with them .
-Paul Hawken
2 Important Words for
Efficiency and
Efficiency and Effectiveness

Efficiency = getting the most Effectiveness = do those work

output from the least amount of activities that will help the
inputs organization reach its goals
“doing things right” “doing the right things”
concern with means(ways) of concern with ends(result) of
getting things done organizational goal achievement
Efficiency and Effectiveness
in Management
Efficiency (Means) Effectiveness (Ends)

Resource Goal
Usage Attainment

Low Waste High Attainment

Management Strives for:

Low Resource Waste (high efficiency)
High Goal Attainment (high effectiveness)
Manager = ?
Who managers are?
 Someone who coordinates and oversees the work of
other people in order to accomplish organizational goals.
 A manager is one who plans, organize, leads and control
other individuals in the process of pursuing organizational
How many level
of managers can
we classify?
How to classify managers in
Traditional Pyramid Form of Management Level


Middle Managers

First-Line Managers
Functional R&D Marketing Finance Production HR
I. Lowest Level of Management
First-line managers: manage the work of nonmanagerial
employees who typically are involve with producing the
organization’s products or servicing the organization’s

They are often called: supervisor, shift manager, district

manager, department manager, office manager, group
II. Middle Level of Management
Middle managers: manage work of first-line managers

They are often called: regional manager, project leader,

store manager, division manager, dean of school
III. Upper Level of Management
Top managers: are responsible for making organization
wide decisions and establishing the plans and goals that
affect the entire organization.

They are often called: executive vice president, president,

managing director, chief operating officer, chief executive
Types of Managers
 Line managers

 Staff managers

 Administrators
Management Skills
Technical skills

Human skills

Conceptual skills
Factors Influencing
 Globalization

 Technology

 Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility

 Psychology

 Ecosystem
Management Functions


Define goals
Establish strategies for achieving those goals
Develop plans to integrate and coordinate activities

Setting goals and plans (how to achieve them)

◦ What tasks are to be done ?
◦ Who is to do them ?
◦ How tasks are to be grouped ?
◦ Who reports to whom ?
◦ Where decisions are to be made ?

Arrange tasks and other resources to accomplish

organization’s goals
Motivate subordinates(lower positions)
Help resolve group conflicts
Influence individuals or teams as they work
Select the most effective communication channel
Deal with employee behavior issues

Hire, train, motivate(lead) people

Monitor activities’ performance
Compare actual performance with the set goals
Evaluate activities’ performance whether things are going as planed
Correct any disturbance to get work back on track and achieve the set

Ensure all activities are accomplished as planned

Areas of Management
 Human Resource Managers. These managers hire and train employees,
evaluate performance, and determine compensation.
 Operations Managers. These managers are responsible for the
production system in which a firm produces goods and/or services,
inventory and inventory control, and quality control.
 Marketing Managers. These managers are responsible for the
development, pricing, promotion, and distribution of goods and services.
 Information Managers. These managers design and implement systems
to gather, organize, and distribute information.
 Financial Managers. These managers are responsible for the firm’s
accounting functions and financial resources.
 Other Managers. Some firms employ various types of specialized
managers, such as public relations managers
Quiz 1
Briefly discuss following requirements with maximum of 5
number of sentences for each question. Good luck!
1. What important role does management play in organization?
2. Should one effective first before being efficient or it is the other
way around? Justify answer.
3. Discuss why it’s important to study management.
4. Describe the rewards and challenges of being a manager.
5. Which among the factors have most impact on the business
here in the country? Why do you think so?

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