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Who is a Customer?

A person, company, or other entity which buys goods or

services produced by another person, company, or
other entity.

 In CA Profession we use the term Client for Customer

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Is a person who comes to us with their needs and wants.

A customer is not just money in the cash register.

They are human beings with feelings and deserve
to be treated with respect.
Deserves the most courteous attention we can
give them. They are the lifeblood of every
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Although your customers won’t love you if you give bad
service, your competitors will.

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What is Customer Service?

It is the ability to provide a service or product in the

way it has been promised.

 Any or all interactions which the customer has with

your organization while conducting business

 It is also about treating customers with respect,

individuality, and personal attention

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Rules for good Customer Service

 Listen to your customer

 Appreciate the power of “YES”
 Don’t make promises unless you will keep them
 Deal with complaints, take responsiblity
 Be helpful – even if there’s no immediate profit in it
 Always be courteous and knowledgeable
 Take care of your internal customers

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Good Customer Service

Good service is when the customer gets a treatment

that meets his/her expectations.

Customer What customer

Expectation receives

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Bad Customer Service

Bad Service is when customer gets treatment.

which is less than his/her expectations.

Customer Expectation What Customer receives

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Excellent Customer Service

When the customer gets a little more than what.

he/she expected, Good Service becomes Excellent
From Customer Satisfaction to Customer Delight!

Customer What
+ Customer

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Examples of Poor customer Service

 Reaching to checkout in the supermarket and the

cashier refusing to serve you as he is "just closing the

 Phoning a call centre and getting lost in an endless

loop of voicemail recordings.

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A customer driven organization

 Hire Right
 Constantly train
 Continually praise good behavior
 Public Recognition
 Treat your employees the way you want them to
treat your customers
 Open to feedback from customer

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Activity 1

 Form a group. Discuss when you have received

bad/good service and list down top five reasons for
feeling the same

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Why do Customers leave

 1% die.
 3% move away.
 5% develop other relationships.
 9% leave for competitive reasons.
 14% are dissatisfied with product or service.
 68% leave because of rude or discourteous service.

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Some known facts

 Only 4% of unhappy customers complain, the 96% of

other unhappy customers just go elsewhere.

 Of the customers who leave, 68% do so because of

an attitude indifference by the company or

 Dissatisfied customers will tell 9-12 others. Happy

Customers tell 4 to 5 others of their positive

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 Minimal customers leave due to product

dissatisfaction or price - most leave due to rudeness
or poor service.

 9/10 complainers will continue dealing with you if

you can resolve the situation right away.

 You could not afford enough advertising to overcome

this negative word of mouth!

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More Facts

 It costs between five and six times more to attract

new customers than to keep existing one

 According to research done by Bain and Company,

Companies can boost profits anywhere from 25 to
125 percent by retaining merely 5% more existing

 A 2% increase in Customer retention has the same

effect on profits as cutting cost by 10%
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Why do Customers come back?

..they will come back, if you give them

 What was promised
 Knowledgeable help
 Prompt, willing attention
 Good treatment

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Organizations that take customer service seriously,
and approach it with passion and zeal, are the
organizations that will prosper and continue to stand
out among their competitors.

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Thank You

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