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Belajar Apa Hari Ini ?

Dalam kehidupan sehari hari kita pasti pernah bertemu dengan orang yang
kebingungan dengan letak sebuah bangunan atau lokasi dan kita
menunjukkan arah untuknya. Nah contoh tersebut termasuk ke materi
direction and location ini.
Giving Directions
Asking Direction
Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the nearest post office?
(permisi, bisakah kamu memberitahuku kemana arah kantor pos terdekat?)

Excuse me, can you show me the way to the station, please?
(permisi, bisakah kamu menunjukkan jalan ke stasiun, tolong?)

Where is Mc Donalds can you tell me please?

(mc donalds ada dimana?bisakah kamu memberitahuku?

How can I get to the  local market?

(Kemana arah pasar lokal?)

I’m looking for …

(aku mencari...)
Giving Direction
Go straight on till you see the hospital then turn left.
(lurus terus sampai kamu melihat rumah sakit lalu belok kiri)

Turn left when you see a roundabout.

(belok kiri ketika kamu melihat bunderan)

Cross the junction and keep going for about 1 mile.

(sebrangi persimpangan dan lurus terus sekitar 1 mil)

Take the second road on the left and you will see the house on the left
(ambil jalur kedua di sebelah kiri dan kamu akan melihat rumah di sebelah kiri)

The shop is in between the chemist and KFC.

(tokonya ada di antara ahli kimia dan KFC)
Contoh Dialog

Jack: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the National Anna: Hmmm… Hold on. Let me think... Ah! After that, go past
Bank is? the big church and turn right into Saigon Road. And...
Anna: The National Bank? Oh, I’m afraid that you are Jack: Okay. And?
quite far from that. Anna: Opposite Saigon Road is the Nguyen Street. You will see
Jack: What? I’m lost? I thought I was near! the Vina Mall. It’s huge. National Bank is next to it. You surely
Anna: Oh no. National Bank is in Saigon Road on Nguyen won’t be lost anymore.
Street! Jack: Got it! But is that the quickest way of getting there?
Jack: Could you please tell me how to get there? Anna: Yes, it is.
Anna: Hmmm. Let me see... Go straight on this road, turn Jack: Do you have a map?
right at the traffic lights... Anna: I’m sorry I don’t have.
Jack: Is that all? Jack: Okay. Thanks.
Anna: You are welcome.

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