Personal Identification: Prof. Sonny Joe S. Garino

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• The word forensic was derived from the Latin
word “Forum” which means a “market place”,
a place where people gathered for “public
discussion” . When it is used in conjunction
with other sciences it simply connotes the
idea of application to law or for the
administration of justice. Sometimes it is also
referred to as “legal”.

Is the application of the principles of various

sciences in solving problems in connection
with the administration of justice

Also referred to as Forensic Science or Police

• Dr. Hans Gross = An Australian magistrate to
described Search for Truth as the ultimate goal of
all investigative and detective works.

 Father of Modern Criminalistics.

 The creator of the field of Criminalistics
 Father of Criminal Investigation
 He founded Institute of Criminalistics (Institute of
 Res Ipsa Loquitur “the thing speaks for itself”

95% perspiration, 3%
inspiration and 2% luck.
• SOCO Means what?

• Scene of the Crime Operation


• “ Do not touch change or alter

anything until it has been identified,
measured and photographed”
Dr. Edmond locard
• He was a pioneer in forensic science who became known
as the “Sherlock Holmes of France”
• Father of Forensic Science = Crime Laboratory
• First Police Laboratory in 1910
• Locard’s Exchange Principle = The law of mutual
exchange. It is not possible to come in contact with an
environment without changing it.
• He established the use of “ Poroscopy” in personal
indetification in 1912.
• Father of Poroscopy
• A method of personal identification through
the comparison of the impressions of sweat
pores (present on friction ridges of palmar and
plantar surfaces)

• “Law of Multiplicity of Evidence”

The greater number of similarities or
dissimilarities; the greater is the
probability for the conclusion to be
CHINA Emperor Te in Shi

Hua Chi

It was first used before the birth of Christianity

Ki - Loop Lo – Whorl & Arch

Emperor Te in Shi
 The first Chinese ruler who devised a “seal carved
from white jade”.
 One side is the name of owner & the other side is
impression thumb
 They used the said seal as sealing documents as
 But in short the don’t make any system classification
• Alphonse Bertillion = Father of Personal
Identification. The first to devise a
scientific method of identification called
• The father of Mug Shot Photography
• He introduced the Anthropometry or
Human Measurement or Bertillionage.
• The Father of Scientific Detection
• Portrait Parle means “ Speaking likeness”

• A system of identification based on the

measurements of the various bony structure
of the human body came to be known when it
was introduced in the Police Department in
Paris, France in 1882.
• Bertillon Had calculated that the probability of
two people having precisely the same 11
measurements was one in four million. (1:4
 The case of Will West and William West defeats the
Anthropometry System.


Primarily LOOP patterns Primarily Whorl patterns

13/32 30/23

AArrested in Kansas for Murder Not mention

It was reported by Wilder and Wentworth in 1918 on their accounting or


 A German Anatomist
 He was the first to state that fingerprints
are never duplicated in two persons.

• Francis Galton – Developed the
Arch. Loop and Whorl Patterns as
general classification and
identified nine (9) types of
• First to establish a Civil Bureau of
Personal Identification.
• He said that the possibility of
two prints being alike was
• He introduced the Word
Association Test.
Dr. Henry Faulds

• A surgeoon at TsukujiHospital,
Tokyo, Japan, who claimed that
latent prints would provide
positive identification of
offenders once apprehended ( A
Manual of Practical


It state that “The fingerprint is a positive

and reliable means of identification”. It
cannot be easiliy be forged
Herman Welcker
• He was a German
anatomist and
anthropologist who was
born in Giessen.
• He took his own
fingerprints twice with a
lapse of forty-one years
and show the ridges
formation remains the
same. (1856 and 1897)



It states that “the friction ridge once fully

developed its arrangement will remain the same
throughout man’s life.”
 Professor at the University of
Breslau, Germany.
 He was one of these scientist
who advanced the field of
 In 1823 Purkinje named nine
standard types of fingerprint
patterns and outlined a broad
method of classification.
 Ridges (Rugae) and furrows
 He was the first recognize these
pattern and classify them into a
system his system of
classification is not used today.
(Never associated to
JUAN VUCETICH • Juan Vucetich – A Spanish
counterpart of Henry who developed
his own system of classification in
Argentina and was accepted in
almost all Spanish Speaking country.
• 1892 Vucetich made the first positive
identification of a criminal in a case
where Francisca Rojas had killed her
two children and then cut her throat,
trying to put the blame on the
outside attacker.
• Francisca Rojas is believed to be the
first criminal found guilty through
fingerprint evidence in the world.
Francisca Rojas
 On June 19,1892,
 She was 27 – year-old who murdered her two children in Necochea,Buenos Aires Province, in
Argentina. Her son Ponciano Carballo Rojas (6), and Teresa (14) were found brutally murdered
in their home. Francisca tried to simulate an attack by cutting her own throat and then
blaming the murders on her neighbor Pedro Ramon Velasquez.
 Alvarez also learned that Rojas’ other boyfriend had been overheard saying he would marry
her “Except for those two brats”.

Alvarez discovered a brown mark on a bedroom door, which (after careful exam) he determined
To be a bloody fingerprint. Remembering the training he received from Juan Vucetich
• Marcelo Malpighi (1628-1694) – Professor at
the University of Bolognia, Italy, known for his
discovery of the Epidermis and Dermis layer.
Written the book entitled “De
ExternoTactusOrgano” Father of Dactyloscopy.
• William Herschel – the first to advocate the
use of fingerprints as substitute for signature
from among Indian native to avoid
• RajadharKonai = the first person Herschel
printed the palm.
• Edward Richard Henry – Developed the Henry
System of Classification at Scotland Yard which
was accepted by almost all English-speaking
country. Known as Father of Fingerprint.
• Khan BahadurAzizulHaque and Rai Hem
Chandra Bose – the two Hindu police officers
who have help Henry in attaining his goal.

• Gilbert Thompson = a geologist in New

Mexico, adopted the first individual use of
fingerprint in august 8, 1882 as a protection to
prevent tampering with the pay order.
• Isaiah West Tabor = Photographer in San
Francisco who advocated the use of the
system for the registration of the immigrant
• Samuel Langhorne Clemens = An Englishman
who informally introduced Dactyloscopy in the
United States in his book “ Life in the
Mississippi” and “ Pupp n Head Wilson”.
• Dr. Henry p De Forest = Utilized the first
Municipal Civil use of fingerprint for Criminal
Registration on December 1902 (Mun. Civil
Service Comm., New York).
• Capt. James L. Parke = Advocate the first state
and penal use of fingerprint adopted in
SingSing prison on June 5, 1903 later on
Auburn Napanoch and Clinton Penitentiaries.
• Sgt. John Kenneth Ferrier = First fingerprint
instructor at St. Louis Police Dept. Missouri.
• Maj. R. McCloughry = warden of the Federal
Penitentiaries of Leaven Worth. Established
the first official National Government use of
• Mary K. Holand = first American instructress in

• FBI = identification unit herein was officially

established by an act of congress in 1924.
• People vs. Jennings, Dec. 21, 1911 = United
States leading case wherein the first
conviction based on fingerprint was
recognized by the judicial authorities (14
• Institute of Applied Science = First private
school to install laboratories for instruction
purposes in dactyloscopy

• Mr. Jones = one who first taught FP in the

Phils. (1900)
• Bureau of Prison = (1968) CARPETAS
fingerprint was used.
• Generoso Reyes – First Filipino Fingerprint
Technician employed by P.C.
• IsabelaBernales – first Filipina Fingerprint
• Capt. Thomas Dugan, New York Police Dept.
and Flaviano Guerrero, FBI Washington – gave
the first examination in FP in 1927 and Agustin
Patricio of the Phils. Top the Examination
• People of the Phils. Vs. Medina- First
conviction base on Fingerprint and leading
case decision in the Phil. Jurisprudence
• Plaridel Education Institute (PEI) now known
as Phil. College of Criminology, first
government recognized school to teach the
Science of Fingerprint and other Police
• John Dellinger – known U.S. public enemy
number one who attempt to destroy his own
prints using corrosive acids.
• Robert James Pitts – works on Surgery to
forged his own fingerprints and was named
“Man without fingerprint”
• LucilaLalu – the first Filipina Chop-chop lady
who was identified through fingerprint.
• Alphonse Bertillion – known as the Father of
the first scientific method of Identification

• Dactyloscopy – (derived from the Latin words Dactyl =

finger and Skopien – to study or examine) is the practical
application of the science of fingerprints.
• Dactylography – is the scientific study of fingerprint as a
means of identification.
• Dactylomancy – is the scientific study of fingerprint for
purposes of personality interpretation.
• Dermatoglyphics = is the science which deals with the
study of skin pattern. It is derived from two Greek words,
Derma which means Skin and Glype which means Carve.
Basic Principles of Fingerprint

1. Individuality
• No two persons have the same fingerprint (based on
Statistic Probability)
2. Infallibility
• That fingerprint is a positive and reliable means of
identification. It cannot be easily be forged.
3.Constancy or permanency
• That the friction ridge once fully developed its
arrangement will remains the same throughout man’s

• Is an impression design by the first joint of the

fingers and thumb on smooth surface through
the media of ink, sweat or any substance
capable of producing visibility.
Related Sciences to the Study of Fingerprint:

• Chiroscopy– ( Greek word “ Cheir” – a hand,

“Skopien” –to examine) is the science which
deals with the study of the prints of the palms
of the hand.
• Podoscopy – ( Greek word “Podo” – the foot,
and Skopien – to examine)is the science which
deals with the study of the footprints.
• Poroscopy – (Greek word “poros” – a pare,
and “Skopien” – to examine) is the scientific
study of the arrangement of the sweat pores.
(EdmondLocard- Father of Poroscopy)
Friction Skin
• is an epidermal hairless skin found on the
ventral or lower surface of the hands and feet
covered with ridges and furrows.(Also called
as Papillary skin).
• Components of the Friction Skin
Components of the Friction Skin

1. Ridge surface
• Ridge – the elevated or hill like structure/ the black
lines with tiny white dots.
• b.  Furrow – the depressed or canal like structure/
the white space between         ridges.
2. Sweat pores – the tiny opening/ the tiny white
3. Sweat duct – the passage way.
4. Sweat glands – the producers of sweat.
Fundamental Layers of the Friction Skin

• Epidermis – the outermost layer

• Stratum Corneum,
• Stratum mucosum
• Dermis – the inner layer containing the blood
vessel, dermal papillae, various glands and
• Ridge Formation – (Ridges starts to form in
the fingers and thumb during the 3rd to 4th
months of the fetus life.)
• Dermal Papillae = are irregular pegs composed of
delicate connective tissue protruding and forming
the ridges of the skin on the fingers, palms, toes and
soles of the feet.
• Ridge Destruction – destruction of the friction skin
can either be temporary or permanent. Generally
temporary destruction occur when only the
epidermis layer of the friction skin has been damage,
while permanent damage can be injected to the
friction skin due to damage to the dermis layer.
General Rules on Ridge Destruction
• A. Destruction of the Epidermis – temporary,
dermis – permanent damage.
• B. Cut == a depth of more than 1 mm will
constitute permanent scar.
The Fingerprint Patterns
• 1. The Arch (5%)
• A. Plain Arch (A) – is a pattern in which the
ridges flows from one side to the other side
with a slight raise at the center.
• B. Tented Arch (T) – is a type of pattern having
either an angle, uptrust or an incomplete loop
• 2. The Loop (60%)
• Elements of loop
• 1. A core 3. A sufficient Recurve
• 2. A delta 4. At least one Ridge count
• Radial Loop (RH=/. LH=\) is a type of loop pattern in which
the slanting or looping ridge flows towards the thumb
• Ulnar Loop (RH=\, LH=/) is a type of loop pattern in which
the slanting or looping ridge flows towards the little
• 3. The Whorl (35%)
• Basic Elements of Whorl
• 1. Two or more Deltas
• 2. At least one complete circuiting ridge
• Plain Whorl (W)
• At least one circuiting ridge is touched or crossed by the imaginary line traversing
between the two deltas.
• Central Pocket Loop Whorl
• No circuiting ridge within the pattern area is touched or cross by an imaginary
line drawn between the two deltas.
• Double Loop Whorl
• 1. Two separate loop formation
• 2. Two Separate and distinct shoulder
• 3. Two deltas
• Accidental Whorl
• 1. A combination of two different patterns with the exception of the plain arch.
• 2. Two deltas
Ridge Characteristics (Galton Details)

• 1. Ridge Dot (island ridge) – refers to a ridge

formation in a form of a dot or period.

• 2. Bifurcation – a ridge formation in which a

single ridge splits or divides into two or more
ridges. It resembles a fork shape.
• 3. Converging Ridge – two ridges that meets at
a certain point

• 4. Diverging Ridge – two ridges that spread

• 5. Enclosure or Lakeridge – a single ridge that
divides into two but does not remain open
and meet at a certain point to form the
original single ridge.

• 6. Ending ridge – it refers to an abrupt end of a

• 7. Type lines – is a diverging ridge that tends to
surround the pattern area and serves as a basic
boundary of fingerprint impression.

• 8. Pattern Area – is a part of a loop of whorl

pattern surrounded by the type lines and
consisting of the delta, the core and other ridges.
• 9. Recurving ridge – a single ridges that curves
back to the direction where it started.

• 10. Sufficient Recurve – a recurving ridge

which is complete with its should and free
from any appendage.
• 11. Appendage – is a short ridge found at the
top or summit of a recurve

• 12. Rod or Bar – is a short of long ridge found

inside the recurve and directed towards the
• 13. Obstruction ridge – is a short ridge found
inside the recurve which blocks the inner line
of flow towards the core.
The (8) Eight types of fingerprint patterns

• 1. Loops
• The terms “radial” and “ulnar” are derived from the
radius bones and ulna bone of the forearm. Loops
which flow in the direction of the ulna bone (towards
the little finger) are called ulnar loops and those
which flow in the direction of the radius bone are
called radial loops.
• To differentiate an ulnar loop in the plain or rolled
impression it important to know from what hand it
was taken
• Note: the classification of loops is base on the
way the loops flow on the hand (not the card),
so that on the fingerprint card for the left
hand, loops flowing towards the thumb
impression are ulnar, and loops flowing
towards the little finger impression are radial.
• 2. Arches
• The Plain arch is the simplest of all fingerprint
patterns, and it is easily distinguished.
• Is a pattern in which the ridges flows from one
side to other or flows towards the, without
recurving, usually having a slight upward
curved in the pattern, making the pattern like
an arch. It has no core and no delta.
• 3. Whorls
• A. Plain Whorl is a pattern consisting of two
delta and which at least one ridge makes a
turn through one complete circuit. And if an
imaginary line was drawn between two deltas,
it must touch or cross any circuiting ridge. It
consist of the simplest form of whorl
construction and is most common of the whorl
• B. Central pocket loop – is a pattern which
possesses two deltas with one or more ridges
forming a complete circuit, which maybe oval,
spiral or circular: or it is a pattern consisting of
two deltas, with one or more recurving ridges
with an obstruction at right angle to the inner
line of flow, and when an imaginary line was
drawn between two deltas, it should not
touch or cross any circuiting ridge.
• C. Double loop Whorl – this pattern consisting
of two separate and distinct loop formations,
with sets of shoulders and two deltas.
– Elements:
– Two separate loop formation
– Two separate and distinct sets of shoulder
- Two deltas
• D. Accidental whorl – this is a pattern
consisting of a combination of two different
types of pattern such as a loop and a whorl, a
loop and a central pocket loop, or any
combination of two different loop and whorl
type pattern, but it cannot be a combination
of a plain arch with any pattern. It can have
two or more deltas.
The Two Fingerprint Terminus (Focal Points)

• 1. The Delta (also called the outer terminus) is

a point along a ridge formation found at the
center or near the center of the diverging
type lines.
• 2. The Core (also known as the heart or the
inner terminus) usually found at the center or
innermost recurve.
Types of fingerprint impression
• 1. Rolled Impression – are fingerprint
impression taken individually by rolling each
finger from one side to the other side and
from the tip to the end of the first joint.
• 2. Plain Impression – are impression made by
simultaneously pressing the finger to the card,
use as a reference to classification.
Basic Instrument in taking prints:

• 1. Ink Slab – is a metallic or glass plate where

the ink is spread for purpose
• 2. Ink Roller – is a rubber made roller designed
to spread the fingeprint ink to the slab.
• 3. Fingerprint Ink – is a special form of ink
designed for taking fingerprint impression
sometimes submitted with a printer’s ink.
• 4. Fingerprint card – is an 8” x 8” card
designed for recording fingerprint impression
• 5. Card holder – usually a fixed card holder
placed in a flat table designed to prevent the
movement of the card in the course of the
taking of the fingerprint.
• Basic Rule in taking Fingerprints:
• 1. Subject should be instructed to stand
straight but relax facing the slab.
• 2. The subject hand should be completely dry
• 3. Thumb fingers are rolled towards the body
while other fingers are rolled away from the
Latent Prints
• prints found at the crime scene of the crime.
Types of latent prints

• - Visible prints = are those prints which are

readily visible to the naked eye. It can either be:
Molded prints or Prints made by contamination
with colored substance.

• - Invisible prints = prints that are generally made

by sweat or perspiration that requires developing
for visibility.
Methods of Developing Prints:
• 1. Dusting Method = considered as the
simplest and traditional methods used in
developing prints at the scene of the crime.
(Use of Powder and Brush)
• 2. Rolling Method = basically used in
developing prints in paper done by simply
rolling the paper with powder spreading in its
• 3. Fuming Methods = done by using chemical
fumes such as Iodine and Ammonium Fumes.
• 4. Silver Nitrate method – done by spraying a 5
percent solution of silver nitrate to the surface
of the paper.
• 5. Ninhydrin Method = is considered as one of
the best method used in developing prints in
• 6. Laser Method = is a modern method of
tracing and developing prints.
Post Mortem Fingerprints

• are prints taken from a diseased person.

Ridge counting
• is the process of counting the ridges that
touch or cross an imaginary line drawn
between the delta and core of a loop. Is that
point on a ridge at in front of and nearest the
center of the divergence of the type lines.
Ridge tracing
• is the process of counting the ridges intervining
between the tracing ridge and the right delta. This
process were used to determine the three
subdivisions of whorls into inner, outer, and meeting
which is represented by capital I,M,O.; Also means
tracking or trailing the ridge commencing from left
delta going across the right delta or nearest in
distance to the right delta with the number of ridges
intervening between the ridge being traced and the
right delta counted for.
Classification line
• it refers to a long line usually placed on the
right upper corner of the fingerprint chart
where the classification formula of the given
10 rolled fingerprints is exhibited.
• is the process of writing below each pattern
the corresponding symbols of the fingerprints
in the space provided for each pattern.

• The Henry – Galton System with the FBI modification

and extension as adopted by almost all English
Speaking countries of the world. The Philippines as
one is using this system.
fingerprints into file groups so that a file may be set
upon the basis of fingerprints alone. Fingerprints are
classified by General shape (arch, loop, or whorl),
position in the finger, and relative size.
Fingerprint Classification Formula:

• 1. Checking
• 2. Blocking-out – is the process if placing
under each pattern the letter symbols
representing their pattern interpretation prior
to the actual classification formula.

• Primary Division. Always represented by a numerical value assigned to whorl

patterns depending on what finger they appear.
• Arch and Loop are non-numerical patterns.
• A, T, / \ = Zero (0)
• Whorl patterns.(WCDX)
• Finger 1 and 2 Right Thumb and Right Index (16)
• Finger 3 and 4 Right middle and Right Ring(8)
• Finger 5 and 6 Right little and Left Thumb (4)
• Finger 7 and 8 Left Index and Left middle (2)
• Finger 9 and 10 Left Ring and Left Little (1)
• The sum of the numerical value assigned to even number of finger represent the
numerator and the sum of the assigned value to odd number represent the
denominator Plus the pre-established fraction of l/1 to complete the primary.
• Secondary – Represented by Capital and small letter
combination based on interpretation made during the
• Capital letter – derived from the index fingers which
can be
• (A, T, U, R, W, C, D or X).
• Small letter – derived from the thumb, middle, ring
and little                              fingers.
• It only includes the radial loop (r), plain arch (a) and
tented arch (t).
• Sub-secondary Division – derived by ridge counting of loop and ridge
• Tracing of whorl found at the index, middle ring fingers only.
• c.1 Ridge Counting of Loop
• Index Finger 1 to 9 Ridge Count = I
• 10 or more = 0
• Middle Finger 1 to 10 Ridge Count = I
• 11 or more = 0
• Ring Finger 1 to 13 Ridge Count = I
• 14 or more =0
• c.2 Ridge Tracing of Whorl
• Inner Whorl (I) When the tracing goes above or inside the right delta and there are three (3) or
more intervening ridges.
• Outer Whorl (O) when the tracing ridge goes below or outside the right delta and there are
three (3) or more intervening ridges.
• Meeting Whorl (M) when there are only two orless intervening ridge/s
• c.3 Plain Arch and Tented Arch are always dash (-)
• Major Division (Taken from Thumb fingers only)
• d.1 Whorl = Ridge tracing = I, O, or M.
• d.2 Loop = Ridge Counting = S, M or L
• Table 1 Table 2
• 1 to 11 = S         1 to 17 = S
• 12 to 16 = M 18 to 22 = M
• 17 or more = L 23 or more = L
• d.3 Arch = dash (-)
• Final Division (derived from the little fingers only).
• e.1 Loop and Whorl are both subject to ridge counting.
• Radial or Ulnar
• Plain or Central pocket loop Whorl = will be treated
as an ulnar loop.
• Double loop Whorl – get the ridge count of the top
• Accidental Whorl = get the least ridge count.
• e.2 Arch = dash (-)
• Key Division = derived by getting the ridge
count of the first (l) loop except the little
fingers. In the absence of the loop, the first
whorl will be ridge counted for the purpose.
• Reference Classification Formula = is an
additional formula serve as a reference in case
of doubtful prints. Place the bottom of the
classification formula.

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