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Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality

Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA
Guests will arrive with a new desire for a touch less hotel experience.

Guests will prefer to check-in on their mobile device, receive a digital key on their
mobile device and proceed directly to their room. They will want to check-in for their
spa treatments or fitness classes on their phone and complete any intake questions on
their own device—with brand new questions added now, “would you like your therapist
to wear a mask”. They will want to self-serve all of their experiences in the hotel by
curating their own wellness itinerary themselves--self-exploring on their own mobile
device and booking spa treatments, classes and activities, dining reservations and golf
tee times directly. They will use their mobile device as mobile ID to present and access
their privileges and facilities as a guest or member. Touch less mobile payments will be
the preferred method of payment instead of “chip-and-pin” transactions on perceived
“dirty” pin-pads. Guests will avoid the crowds at the bar and order from their pool
chair, table or room service via their own device. Check-out will forever change as
guests review their room folios on their device, bypass the front desk and settle from

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

So, although guests will have a pent-up desire to
receive human touch again in the safe, clean and
controlled environment of a spa, they will also
increasingly desire a “high tech, high touch” aspect to
their hospitality experience where they can control it.
Hotel marketing may change forever as brands focus on
their cleaning processes, sanitized environments and a
touch less experience enabled by mobile technology
that a guest already has in their own (washed) hands.

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

As the hospitality industry begins to reopen, enhancing the digital guest experience
becomes more significant today as guests seek a more touch less and seamless guest
experience in the future using their own (self-cleaned) mobile devices. Here are the top
features to consider in delivering a mobile app-enabled touch less hospitality experience
for your guests:

 Mobile Check-in (with registration card completion)

 Mobile Digital Keys
 Mobile Payments
 Mobile ID (barcode ID, charge to room/member account)
 Mobile Spa Check-in (intake forms)
 Mobile Facility access (NFC/Bluetooth)
 Mobile Messaging
 Mobile Guest Requests
 Mobile Guest Issues (PM)
 Mobile F&B Ordering
 Mobile Check-out

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Online Table Bookings

Fed up with table bookings jotted down on scraps of

paper that are forever getting lost?
The cloud restaurant POS by Clock offers you a
better way to do it. You set the rules, clients book
what suits them best, the system shows all table
bookings on a calendar or in a list, whichever you
prefer. All neat and tidy.

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Clients book tables online

When clients try to book a table, they are

presented with the initial screen, where they
select the meal they want. Then they choose
the exact time, leave contact details and book.
Finally, they receive an email confirmation of
their booking.

With the special Note field clients can also ask

for a specific table location, or some other
special treatment they would like to receive.

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

You get a clear list of table bookings

Check the table bookings for the

day table by table for each meal, or
all together grouped by meals.
Both monitors let you create, edit
or cancel bookings, too, even
breaking the rules you have set
(see below).

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

It takes just a moment to get it going

All you need to do is specify the

types of your tables depending
on the number of diners they
seat, the meals that can be
booked, and the time slots for
those meals.
Your restaurant software will
select the best table for each
guest party automatically based
on the information provided in
the booking.

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Mobile Check-in (with registration card completion)

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Credit card pre-authorization* & guarantee
Step 1: An automated email prompts guests to guarantee their booking.
Collect credit card details for payment pre-authorization. The PCI DSS
environment of Clock PMS+ hotel app ensures financial peace of mind for
both hotel and traveler.

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Select or Assign room
Step 2: Guests select their rooms or - if you’d rather they didn’t - they have
one auto assigned. Additionally, here they can make their special

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Fill registration card & e-Sign
Step 3: Registration cards filled by guests while they are still preparing their
trip, so when they arrive all that is left is to check and sign them at
Reception, and get their key. Or, they can skip Reception and do all that at
the hotel kiosk.

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Favorite rooms & special requirements
Self check-in

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Special Requirements
In the digital guest portal guests can choose their rooms and select the extra items they want to find in them, like
flowers, welcome drinks, etc. Everything they choose is displayed in the booking details and generates a
notification on the desktop of your Clock PMS.

Ask about your guests’ preferences

It’s always easier to make guests happy when you
know what they want. An automated email to your
guests sent a few days before their arrival and offering
they choose their room and let you know of any other
specific requirements can do the trick.
They choose their (favorite) room
In the ‘Select your room’ section, guests can choose the
room they would like to stay in.
If they have been in the hotel before, their profile will
have been stored in the system and it will know to offer
them their previous room first.
and make their special requests
Guests can choose from the variety of special
treatments you have specified in the self service
portal settings: flowers, chocolates, champagne in the
room, etc.
Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA
Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA
Self Check-In
Guests checking in on their own save time and effort, yours and theirs.
The My Booking Portal of Clock PMS+, together with the automated mailing system and real time status updates
make this not just possible, but easy. No extra apps, no installations.

Send check-in invitations

Shortly before the arrival of your guests is due,
send an automated email inviting them to check
in online in advance. The message will provide
all they need to access the self service portal.

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Guests fill & sign registration cards
Using the PIN in the invitation message, guests
log in My Booking Portal and fill in their
registration cards. With the special e-signature
function they can even sign them online.
The information required for the online checkin
can be selected specifically for the MyBooking
Portal registration cards.

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

You are duly notified
When guests complete their registration cards, the cards can be seen in the respective booking and
in the hotel registry.
All that is left to do when they arrive is give them their key and show them to their room.

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Hotel Transfers

The perfect integration between hotel and restaurant is one of the

cutting edges of the systems provided by Clock Software. Saying
nothing of the digital room service where hotel guests order
straight from the restaurant eMenu and have their food charged on
their rooms, bills from the restaurant POS can be transferred to the
hotel PMS with just a click and an e-signature. For a complete
picture, such transfers can be identified, modified, or included in
the consolidated reports of your organization just as easily.

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Link bills to destination folios
at any stage

Restaurant bills can be linked to the

folio they will be transferred to at
any stage. Whether it is an event bill
linked to the event folio at the start of
the event, a business lunch linked to
the company hotel folio at its end, or
just a hotel guest dinner linked to the
room folio some time during the
meal - it all works regardless.

A folio must be set to accept transfers

A room can be locked for transfers.

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Get bills e-signed before transfer

Having bills signed is not a system requirement

as such, but it is a standard procedure that
saves potential problems. The electronic
signature makes things a lot easier, since no
paper slips need to be passed around and

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

All charges are transferred
and tracked easily

If not closed in a different way,

restaurant bills are transferred in
their entirety, tips and all. In the
destination folio they are
marked as POS bills. The items in
them can be listed in detail or
they can be sorted by food and
drink, so you can always find
them and check what the bill
contained. Even charges have
been transferred around
between folios.

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Edit or cancel transfers simply
As it’s easy to check the contents of a transfer,
it’s also easy to see if a mistake has been made:
wrong bill, wrong folio, changes needed in the
bill, or something else. Then all you have to do
is cancel the transfer, make what changes you
must, and transfer the bill again. The charges in
the hotel sort themselves out.

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Consolidated reports give
you the complete picture

The shared database ensures

that revenue reports can be
drawn across accounts without
any additional transfers or
transactions. Just select the
hotels and restaurants you want
to include in the Charge
Summary or in the Accounts
Receivable reports and get full
information about what has to
be paid and by whom.

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Guest Mailer

If you like to enhance guest communication with your

hotel and stay as close as possible to guests’ email
accounts and mobile devices during their entire
holiday, the guest mailer will help you send
personalized content

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Design beautiful templates,
personalized with guest and
booking details

Design your own layouts for each email

message you’d like to automatically send
your guests. Use the WYSIWYG Rich
text editor to insert images, format texts,
change alignments, add colors - do
anything without any coding. Or, create
unique and responsive designs with an
HTML editor.
Insert any of the predefined parameters,
such as guest name, booking period, etc.
to personalize the messages.
Tip: Use an HTML editor to create
mobile responsive emails.

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Set rules to automate
sending and adapt to the
Choose when the types of email
messages to be automatically sent
in relation to the time of booking
creation or guests’ arrivals and
departures, etc. Have the guest
mailer send emails with different
content depending on the context
- if it is an OTA or direct booking,
for example.

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Don’t just inform: include links for
self service interaction

Include links in the automated email

messages to introduce your guests to the
Self Service Portal and its features. Don’t
just send messages adapted to the context
of each particular moment of their holiday,
but let today’s tech savvy guests take

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Even send manually

Keep your options open. You

can always stop the automatic
email sending for a given
booking. Edit the content of
any automatically generated
email and send it manually to
address a specific case at a
moment of your choosing.

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Tablet e-Menu
Increase sales and revenue
The e-Menus of the online restaurant system Clock POS let you
interact with your clients on a whole new level, without adding to
your workload. They help you give a better presentation of your
menu and promote your specials and offers. They contact the
kitchen directly and make service significantly faster. And they
are set with minimum effort.

Entice and tempt. Tease all the senses.

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Full HD pictures to showcase Chef's
The full HD pictures in the tablet menu of Clock POS
let you show the dishes on your menu in the best
possible way. See, like, want, right? After all, who
can resist the picture of a crispy crust?

Mouthwatering descriptions to tickle

their imagination.
If you have a way with words, describe your fresh
salads, fragrant herbs, hearty soups, spicy dips, heart-
warming stews, juicy roasts, creamy sauces, or
feather-light soufflés in a way that no one can resist.
If you don't, find someone who does. Nothing can
beat an appeal to the imagination.

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

First page promotions to sell
more of what you want.
All your promotions, happy hours,
day specials can be displayed on
the first page of the e-menu so
clients see and find them easily. It
goes both ways – you sell more of
what you want and your clients
benefit from the better prices.

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Let clients do it themselves.

There is nothing like the feeling of control.

Being able to browse and order on their
own gives that to your restaurant guests.
It's like a direct communication with the
Chef. Several taps on the tablet e-menu, a
change of mind before sending the order
to the kitchen perhaps, a final tap to
confirm, and that's it. Later, when they are
done, they can even check their bill on that
same tablet.

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Serve fast and stress-free.
No waiting to order.
It's all automated.
Think of being hungry. Think of
being in a restaurant, everybody
around you enjoying their meals.
Think of waiting for your order to be
taken. Well, with the electronic
menus there is no such thing. Orders
are sent directly to the kitchen, where
they are automatically seen on the
kitchen monitor or printed out.

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

No waiters rushing.
It's all about quality service.

Forget about the rush at the POS

computer. With the e-menu you
won't see waiters falling over
each other to tap in their clients'
orders first. All orders are sent
directly from the tablets to the
kitchen and your staff, apart
from not being that numerous,
mainly advise or recommend,
serve and collect bill payments.
With pleasure.

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

No misunderstandings.

And since clients do all the

ordering, there is less possibility
of misunderstanding or mistaken
orders. Everything is duly
received, prepared, and
delivered. What more do you
need for a happy client?

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA
Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA
First page promos changed as
often as needed.

The special offers you publish on the

first page of your e-menu are the first
thing a client sees. Changing them
every day, or at least every week, is
not uncommon practice. We have
made sure that doing it is as easy as
possible so you don't waste any time
or effort.

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Any smart device for a
minimal initial investment.
The e-menu comes with no initial
costs apart from the devices it is
going to be used on. Usually these
are tablets, for their larger screens,
but any smart device with a browser
and internet connection will do,
really. A tablet per guest or a tablet
per table, it's your choice. Simply
link each device to the table it is
used at at the moment so you know
where which order comes from.
Once the bill is closed, you can link
the device to another table.

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Digital room service
Your restaurant e-menu in every hotel room

The smooth integration between all the different products of Clock Software takes high-
end service one step further. The digital room service of the hotel system Clock PMS lets
your hotel guests use the smart TVs in their rooms or their smartphones to order directly
from your restaurant system Clock POS.

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Sell more
Full HD pictures.

We all eat with our eyes first.

Traditionally, room service menus
do not stand out for their
aesthetic appeal. With the e-
menu it doesn't have to be so.
Upload full HD pictures of the
offered dishes to give them a
proper presentation and increase

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Customizable first page.

Bring out the day's specials.

Let your hotel guests benefit from the special

offers and happy hours at the restaurant. It's
easy to do with the e-menu. Set its first page to
display the promotions you like. Bring them
into the spotlight and change them in a blink,
as often as you need, to keep your menu up-

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Convenience of payment.

Charge to folio or pay on the spot.

Since the orders are made through the

self service portal, the system already
knows which room they are for. Charging
them to the folio takes one single click.
Paying on the spot is just as simple, in
cash or with a credit card reader on your
waiter's tablet or smartphone.

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Manage easily

Orders received on kitchen monitor.

No extra network requirements.

The orders from the digital room

service are displayed on the kitchen
monitor. Unlike printers, the kitchen
monitor does not have to be in the
same local network as the ordering
device, so there is nothing additional
you need to provide. Just a basic tablet
with an internet connection in the

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Set with a few clicks.
If you already have your e-menu.

Setting up the mobile room service takes

about no time at all. Just specify the
restaurants** you want to provide it in the
settings of the self service portal. Once a
booking is checked in, the links to them
will be activated and guests will be able to
access their e-menus.
**These restaurants need to be using
Clock PMS e-menu.

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Self Checkout & Guest Feedback
The digital guest self service portal integrated in Clock PMS lets
guests handle the financial side of their stay online, through
credit card (PayPal,, etc.) or bank (SEPA, Sofort,
Giropay, etc.) online payments. It lets them handle the
emotional one, too, through the special feedback section.

Paying their hotel bill, downloading their invoice, or voicing their

opinion can be done at any time, from any place, from any
device. No extra apps.

And everything they do is recorded in the booking details,

generates a desktop notification, and/or is included in reports.
Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA
Paying Their Hotel Bill and
Checking Out

Late checkout is easier

to arrange when guests
can sort payment
formalities on their
own. During their stay
they can use the self
service portal to check
their charges and pay
their bill.

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Getting an Invoice

Invoices are just as easy

to get. All your guests
need to do is enter the
billing details in the
digital portal. Then they
can download their pdf
invoice at any point after
payment, even after they
have left the hotel.

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Rating and Feedback

Invite guests to rate their

experience with you or leave a
comment in the special section in
the online portal. The designated
report will show all guest feedback,
so you can solve any issues on the
spot, before they can be blown out
of proportion on social networks
and traveler forums.

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Sleek design, digitally guest-friendly, part of the PMS

Today’s travelers' preferences are dominated by mixing

the best of traditional and digital experiences. Give them
what they expect and make their first, or last,
impressions last.

Improves guest Extremely Not just Beautifully

experience guest friendly integrated, part crafted
of your PMS hardware
Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA
Seamless self-directed check-in/out process
First impressions can be crucial to a relationship. Clock
Kiosk, an integral part of Clock PMS+, ensures a
complete, self-directed, seamless check-in/out
experience so you can meet your tech savvy guests on
the right foot or leave a lasting impression.
Explore the possibilities:

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Room upgrades / Special offers E-Registration cards, policies &
Guest identification
Show personalized offers for room Clock Kiosk will let your guests
To check in, your guests will be
type or package upgrades to your review hotel check-in and stay
prompted to select their preferred
guests. The offers are policies, fill in their personal
language and identify themselves
automatically synchronized with details in e-registration cards and
with their Booking confirmation
your actual availability and the finger sign on the touchscreen. If
number and the PIN they use for
booking parameters. You can apply registration details have been
the guest self-service app. It
custom restrictions or upgrade entered in advance in the self
comes with their booking
policies. The selected upgrade rate service app, guests will only need
confirmation or with a dedicated
is applied immediately and updates to confirm them. Registration
automated pre-arrival message
the charges in the booking folio. card fields and stay policies are
completely customizable to
reflect your requirements.
Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA
Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA
Use the check-in/out kiosk with the reception desk.
Or instead.
Traditional hotels: Self service hotels:
The self service option on a hotel kiosk is Clock Kiosk offers a completely automated
an alternative to traditional front desk replacement of the standard check-in/out
service service
full-service hotel kiosk check-in illustration of kiosk check-in in self-service
illustration hotels

For full service properties, Clock Kiosk For self-service properties, Clock Kiosk will
can let hotels automate the check-in enable a practically human less reception. It
formalities so that staff has more time will guide guests through a secure, yet fast
for real human communication with check-in - from collecting the required advance
guests. It can also give guests a way to payment through filling in the registration
skip the reception altogether. cards and issuing room keys.
Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA
Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA
Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA
Part of the greater picture of digital guest engagement

Designed to work together with the guest mailer, the hotel self-
service app, and the hotel PMS itself

Clock Kiosk is a part of the entire guest engagement ecosystem in

Clock PMS+ that also includes the automated guest mailer, the hotel
self-service app, and the hotel PMS itself. They are all gateways which
help you establish multiple touch points throughout your guests'
journey - long before their arrival or after their stay. As they are
literally one and the same system, they share the same data and all
contribute to a really seamless, uniform, personalized guest servicing.

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Everything you need for successful MICE: presentable offer templates,
bookable meeting rooms calendar, staff informative function sheets,
organized group bookings with mass management options, master folios,
clear detailed reports

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Event and Meeting Management

Fully customizable offers and templates. Show

your best
Often it’s not just what you can offer. It’s how
you present it. Our quote templates give you
full freedom of content and styling so you can
present your meeting rooms, catering menus,
accommodation options and everything else in
the best possible way.

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA
Room blocks and bookings, too.
Events that take place in your hotel and include overnight accommodation are organized
without unnecessary complications. A room block will ensure you have enough
availability and don’t overbook. Bookings linked to the event will take up its rooms and
the special pickup report will keep you informed of the progress.

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Group Folios, Routing, Pro-Forma

The financial part of working with groups could

be daunting. Small groups are easy - each pays
their own. For big groups or events ClockPMS
arranges the process neatly: pro-forma
invoices, advance payments or deposits, mass
posting of charges on booking folios, transfer
of room charges to arranger folio for later
Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA
Pro-forma invoices

In Clock PMS, folios

double as pro-forma
invoices. Simply create a
folio in the arranger
profile, enter an
approximate amount and
print out or export it.

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Group deposits & advance payments

Any deposit received for

the group/event is shown
in the master folio and can
be consumed for the
charges in it. It can be
invoiced as an advance
payment, too. More on

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Routing charges to company accounts

In the agent profile,

select the bookings you
need to process and
transfer their room or
other charges to a
master folio which is
then billed to the
company/arranger of
the group.

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Routing charges to personal accounts

You can also transfer

charges between
bookings. In the
booking search
screen, select the
bookings and send the
desired charges to the
folio of one of these

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

Check out groups with unpaid group folio
(send to accounts receivables)

Bill companies at agreed

intervals. Close group
master folios with
outstanding balances. On
billing time, check the
company profile or the
special Accounts
receivable report to see all
outstanding invoices and
collect your dues.

Hotel Management SPHM Hospitality Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM CHA

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