Mob Final

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1) Di d t h e t ea m ev o lv e well ?
2 ) D id t h ese ch a ra ct erist ics imp a ct th e wa y in wh ich th e p ro ject tea m e v o l v ed ?


1) We’ll analyse the characteristics displayed event-by event which hindered

team’s evolution and their impacts, from the next slide.
2) The team did not evolve well. The reason being the various characteristics
displayed by some team-members were polar from the ones that are
expected for working towards a common
Events in team progression Rishi and Siddharth preferred to stay
in their own group and were
reluctant to include others.
Orientation and joined by other members

Stubbornness of the informal Extreme cohesiveness in sub-groups

group, in terms of lack of Groupism (encouraged by Rishi, the team affecting the team bonding
understanding, conflict
resolution and differing views Lack of cooperation on various levels,
affected the objectives of the partiality and clashes Rishi encouraged groupism,
team. personal agenda, and his
Rishi’s motives and purposeful relation- lack of leadership affected
building with Philly
the team. He took
Rishi tried to put down Sara by spoiling
advantage of Philly’s
her reputation and proving his Sara’s encounter with Rishi and Philly weaknesses to promoted
superiority in front of Philly, by
self-growth and ruins team
influencing Philly, as Philly was highly
members’ image.
impressionable person.
Motives of team leader not
Spoiled trust within the team
in sync with team’s motive.
Sara’s final deliverables Rishi and Philly lacked
trustworthiness. Rishi was ill-
intentioned to skip protocol and
defame Sara to establish his
superiority as Damage-controller.
Misleading clients by Rishi and Philly While, Philly, despite being the team
manager was unaware about the
company protocol.
Sara taking action by approaching HR This spoiled the company’s image in
manager front of the clients.

HR manager replaces Philly with a

better Team manager

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